define('./workbox-ea903bce.js', ['exports'], function (t) { 'use strict' try { self['workbox:core:6.1.5'] && _() } catch (t) {} const e = (t, ...e) => { let s = t return e.length > 0 && (s += ` :: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`), s } class s extends Error { constructor(t, s) { super(e(t, s)), ( = t), (this.details = s) } } try { self['workbox:routing:6.1.5'] && _() } catch (t) {} const n = (t) => (t && 'object' == typeof t ? t : { handle: t }) class i { constructor(t, e, s = 'GET') { ;(this.handler = n(e)), (this.match = t), (this.method = s) } setCatchHandler(t) { this.catchHandler = n(t) } } class r extends i { constructor(t, e, s) { super( ({ url: e }) => { const s = t.exec(e.href) if (s && (e.origin === location.origin || 0 === s.index)) return s.slice(1) }, e, s ) } } class a { constructor() { ;(this.t = new Map()), (this.i = new Map()) } get routes() { return this.t } addFetchListener() { self.addEventListener('fetch', (t) => { const { request: e } = t, s = this.handleRequest({ request: e, event: t }) s && t.respondWith(s) }) } addCacheListener() { self.addEventListener('message', (t) => { if ( && 'CACHE_URLS' === { const { payload: e } =, s = Promise.all( => { 'string' == typeof e && (e = [e]) const s = new Request(...e) return this.handleRequest({ request: s, event: t }) }) ) t.waitUntil(s), t.ports && t.ports[0] && s.then(() => t.ports[0].postMessage(!0)) } }) } handleRequest({ request: t, event: e }) { const s = new URL(t.url, location.href) if (!s.protocol.startsWith('http')) return const n = s.origin === location.origin, { params: i, route: r } = this.findMatchingRoute({ event: e, request: t, sameOrigin: n, url: s, }) let a = r && r.handler const c = t.method if ((!a && this.i.has(c) && (a = this.i.get(c)), !a)) return let o try { o = a.handle({ url: s, request: t, event: e, params: i }) } catch (t) { o = Promise.reject(t) } const h = r && r.catchHandler return ( o instanceof Promise && (this.o || h) && (o = o.catch(async (n) => { if (h) try { return await h.handle({ url: s, request: t, event: e, params: i, }) } catch (t) { n = t } if (this.o) return this.o.handle({ url: s, request: t, event: e }) throw n })), o ) } findMatchingRoute({ url: t, sameOrigin: e, request: s, event: n }) { const i = this.t.get(s.method) || [] for (const r of i) { let i const a = r.match({ url: t, sameOrigin: e, request: s, event: n }) if (a) return ( (i = a), ((Array.isArray(a) && 0 === a.length) || (a.constructor === Object && 0 === Object.keys(a).length) || 'boolean' == typeof a) && (i = void 0), { route: r, params: i } ) } return {} } setDefaultHandler(t, e = 'GET') { this.i.set(e, n(t)) } setCatchHandler(t) { this.o = n(t) } registerRoute(t) { this.t.has(t.method) || this.t.set(t.method, []), this.t.get(t.method).push(t) } unregisterRoute(t) { if (!this.t.has(t.method)) throw new s('unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method', { method: t.method, }) const e = this.t.get(t.method).indexOf(t) if (!(e > -1)) throw new s('unregister-route-route-not-registered') this.t.get(t.method).splice(e, 1) } } let c const o = () => ( c || ((c = new a()), c.addFetchListener(), c.addCacheListener()), c ) function h(t, e, n) { let a if ('string' == typeof t) { const s = new URL(t, location.href) a = new i(({ url: t }) => t.href === s.href, e, n) } else if (t instanceof RegExp) a = new r(t, e, n) else if ('function' == typeof t) a = new i(t, e, n) else { if (!(t instanceof i)) throw new s('unsupported-route-type', { moduleName: 'workbox-routing', funcName: 'registerRoute', paramName: 'capture', }) a = t } return o().registerRoute(a), a } try { self['workbox:strategies:6.1.5'] && _() } catch (t) {} const u = { cacheWillUpdate: async ({ response: t }) => 200 === t.status || 0 === t.status ? t : null, }, l = { googleAnalytics: 'googleAnalytics', precache: 'precache-v2', prefix: 'workbox', runtime: 'runtime', suffix: 'undefined' != typeof registration ? registration.scope : '', }, f = (t) => [l.prefix, t, l.suffix].filter((t) => t && t.length > 0).join('-'), w = (t) => t || f(l.precache), d = (t) => t || f(l.runtime) function p() { return (p = Object.assign || function (t) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var s = arguments[e] for (var n in s), n) && (t[n] = s[n]) } return t }).apply(this, arguments) } function y(t, e) { const s = new URL(t) for (const t of e) s.searchParams.delete(t) return s.href } class m { constructor() { this.promise = new Promise((t, e) => { ;(this.resolve = t), (this.reject = e) }) } } const g = new Set() function R(t) { return 'string' == typeof t ? new Request(t) : t } class v { constructor(t, e) { ;(this.h = {}), Object.assign(this, e), (this.event = e.event), (this.u = t), (this.l = new m()), (this.p = []), (this.m = [...t.plugins]), (this.g = new Map()) for (const t of this.m) this.g.set(t, {}) this.event.waitUntil(this.l.promise) } async fetch(t) { const { event: e } = this let n = R(t) if ( 'navigate' === n.mode && e instanceof FetchEvent && e.preloadResponse ) { const t = await e.preloadResponse if (t) return t } const i = this.hasCallback('fetchDidFail') ? n.clone() : null try { for (const t of this.iterateCallbacks('requestWillFetch')) n = await t({ request: n.clone(), event: e }) } catch (t) { throw new s('plugin-error-request-will-fetch', { thrownError: t }) } const r = n.clone() try { let t t = await fetch(n, 'navigate' === n.mode ? void 0 : this.u.fetchOptions) for (const s of this.iterateCallbacks('fetchDidSucceed')) t = await s({ event: e, request: r, response: t }) return t } catch (t) { throw ( (i && (await this.runCallbacks('fetchDidFail', { error: t, event: e, originalRequest: i.clone(), request: r.clone(), })), t) ) } } async fetchAndCachePut(t) { const e = await this.fetch(t), s = e.clone() return this.waitUntil(this.cachePut(t, s)), e } async cacheMatch(t) { const e = R(t) let s const { cacheName: n, matchOptions: i } = this.u, r = await this.getCacheKey(e, 'read'), a = p({}, i, { cacheName: n }) s = await caches.match(r, a) for (const t of this.iterateCallbacks('cachedResponseWillBeUsed')) s = (await t({ cacheName: n, matchOptions: i, cachedResponse: s, request: r, event: this.event, })) || void 0 return s } async cachePut(t, e) { const n = R(t) var i await ((i = 0), new Promise((t) => setTimeout(t, i))) const r = await this.getCacheKey(n, 'write') if (!e) throw new s('cache-put-with-no-response', { url: ((a = r.url), new URL(String(a), location.href).href.replace( new RegExp(`^${location.origin}`), '' )), }) var a const c = await this.R(e) if (!c) return !1 const { cacheName: o, matchOptions: h } = this.u, u = await, l = this.hasCallback('cacheDidUpdate'), f = l ? await (async function (t, e, s, n) { const i = y(e.url, s) if (e.url === i) return t.match(e, n) const r = p({}, n, { ignoreSearch: !0 }), a = await t.keys(e, r) for (const e of a) if (i === y(e.url, s)) return t.match(e, n) })(u, r.clone(), ['__WB_REVISION__'], h) : null try { await u.put(r, l ? c.clone() : c) } catch (t) { throw ( ('QuotaExceededError' === && (await (async function () { for (const t of g) await t() })()), t) ) } for (const t of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheDidUpdate')) await t({ cacheName: o, oldResponse: f, newResponse: c.clone(), request: r, event: this.event, }) return !0 } async getCacheKey(t, e) { if (!this.h[e]) { let s = t for (const t of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheKeyWillBeUsed')) s = R( await t({ mode: e, request: s, event: this.event, params: this.params, }) ) this.h[e] = s } return this.h[e] } hasCallback(t) { for (const e of this.u.plugins) if (t in e) return !0 return !1 } async runCallbacks(t, e) { for (const s of this.iterateCallbacks(t)) await s(e) } *iterateCallbacks(t) { for (const e of this.u.plugins) if ('function' == typeof e[t]) { const s = this.g.get(e), n = (n) => { const i = p({}, n, { state: s }) return e[t](i) } yield n } } waitUntil(t) { return this.p.push(t), t } async doneWaiting() { let t for (; (t = this.p.shift()); ) await t } destroy() { this.l.resolve() } async R(t) { let e = t, s = !1 for (const t of this.iterateCallbacks('cacheWillUpdate')) if ( ((e = (await t({ request: this.request, response: e, event: this.event, })) || void 0), (s = !0), !e) ) break return s || (e && 200 !== e.status && (e = void 0)), e } } class q { constructor(t = {}) { ;(this.cacheName = d(t.cacheName)), (this.plugins = t.plugins || []), (this.fetchOptions = t.fetchOptions), (this.matchOptions = t.matchOptions) } handle(t) { const [e] = this.handleAll(t) return e } handleAll(t) { t instanceof FetchEvent && (t = { event: t, request: t.request }) const e = t.event, s = 'string' == typeof t.request ? new Request(t.request) : t.request, n = 'params' in t ? t.params : void 0, i = new v(this, { event: e, request: s, params: n }), r = this.v(i, s, e) return [r, this.q(r, i, s, e)] } async v(t, e, n) { let i await t.runCallbacks('handlerWillStart', { event: n, request: e }) try { if (((i = await this.U(e, t)), !i || 'error' === i.type)) throw new s('no-response', { url: e.url }) } catch (s) { for (const r of t.iterateCallbacks('handlerDidError')) if (((i = await r({ error: s, event: n, request: e })), i)) break if (!i) throw s } for (const s of t.iterateCallbacks('handlerWillRespond')) i = await s({ event: n, request: e, response: i }) return i } async q(t, e, s, n) { let i, r try { i = await t } catch (r) {} try { await e.runCallbacks('handlerDidRespond', { event: n, request: s, response: i, }), await e.doneWaiting() } catch (t) { r = t } if ( (await e.runCallbacks('handlerDidComplete', { event: n, request: s, response: i, error: r, }), e.destroy(), r) ) throw r } } function U(t) { t.then(() => {}) } class x { constructor(t, e, { onupgradeneeded: s, onversionchange: n } = {}) { ;(this._ = null), (this.L = t), (this.N = e), (this.C = s), (this.D = n || (() => this.close())) } get db() { return this._ } async open() { if (!this._) return ( (this._ = await new Promise((t, e) => { let s = !1 setTimeout(() => { ;(s = !0), e(new Error('The open request was blocked and timed out')) }, this.OPEN_TIMEOUT) const n =, this.N) ;(n.onerror = () => e(n.error)), (n.onupgradeneeded = (t) => { s ? (n.transaction.abort(), n.result.close()) : 'function' == typeof this.C && this.C(t) }), (n.onsuccess = () => { const e = n.result s ? e.close() : ((e.onversionchange = this.D.bind(this)), t(e)) }) })), this ) } async getKey(t, e) { return (await this.getAllKeys(t, e, 1))[0] } async getAll(t, e, s) { return await this.getAllMatching(t, { query: e, count: s }) } async getAllKeys(t, e, s) { return ( await this.getAllMatching(t, { query: e, count: s, includeKeys: !0 }) ).map((t) => t.key) } async getAllMatching( t, { index: e, query: s = null, direction: n = 'next', count: i, includeKeys: r = !1, } = {} ) { return await this.transaction([t], 'readonly', (a, c) => { const o = a.objectStore(t), h = e ? o.index(e) : o, u = [], l = h.openCursor(s, n) l.onsuccess = () => { const t = l.result t ? (u.push(r ? t : t.value), i && u.length >= i ? c(u) : t.continue()) : c(u) } }) } async transaction(t, e, s) { return ( await, await new Promise((n, i) => { const r = this._.transaction(t, e) ;(r.onabort = () => i(r.error)), (r.oncomplete = () => n()), s(r, (t) => n(t)) }) ) } async T(t, e, s, ...n) { return await this.transaction([e], s, (s, i) => { const r = s.objectStore(e), a = r[t].apply(r, n) a.onsuccess = () => i(a.result) }) } close() { this._ && (this._.close(), (this._ = null)) } } x.prototype.OPEN_TIMEOUT = 2e3 const b = { readonly: ['get', 'count', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys'], readwrite: ['add', 'put', 'clear', 'delete'], } for (const [t, e] of Object.entries(b)) for (const s of e) s in IDBObjectStore.prototype && (x.prototype[s] = async function (e, ...n) { return await this.T(s, e, t, ...n) }) try { self['workbox:expiration:6.1.5'] && _() } catch (t) {} const L = 'cache-entries', N = (t) => { const e = new URL(t, location.href) return (e.hash = ''), e.href } class C { constructor(t) { ;(this.P = t), (this._ = new x('workbox-expiration', 1, { onupgradeneeded: (t) => this.k(t), })) } k(t) { const e =, { keyPath: 'id' }) e.createIndex('cacheName', 'cacheName', { unique: !1 }), e.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp', { unique: !1 }), (async (t) => { await new Promise((e, s) => { const n = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(t) ;(n.onerror = () => { s(n.error) }), (n.onblocked = () => { s(new Error('Delete blocked')) }), (n.onsuccess = () => { e() }) }) })(this.P) } async setTimestamp(t, e) { const s = { url: (t = N(t)), timestamp: e, cacheName: this.P, id: this.K(t), } await this._.put(L, s) } async getTimestamp(t) { return (await this._.get(L, this.K(t))).timestamp } async expireEntries(t, e) { const s = await this._.transaction(L, 'readwrite', (s, n) => { const i = s .objectStore(L) .index('timestamp') .openCursor(null, 'prev'), r = [] let a = 0 i.onsuccess = () => { const s = i.result if (s) { const n = s.value n.cacheName === this.P && ((t && n.timestamp < t) || (e && a >= e) ? r.push(s.value) : a++), s.continue() } else n(r) } }), n = [] for (const t of s) await this._.delete(L,, n.push(t.url) return n } K(t) { return this.P + '|' + N(t) } } class E { constructor(t, e = {}) { ;(this.O = !1), (this.W = !1), (this.M = e.maxEntries), (this.A = e.maxAgeSeconds), (this.S = e.matchOptions), (this.P = t), (this.I = new C(t)) } async expireEntries() { if (this.O) return void (this.W = !0) this.O = !0 const t = this.A ? - 1e3 * this.A : 0, e = await this.I.expireEntries(t, this.M), s = await for (const t of e) await s.delete(t, this.S) ;(this.O = !1), this.W && ((this.W = !1), U(this.expireEntries())) } async updateTimestamp(t) { await this.I.setTimestamp(t, } async isURLExpired(t) { if (this.A) { return (await this.I.getTimestamp(t)) < - 1e3 * this.A } return !1 } async delete() { ;(this.W = !1), await this.I.expireEntries(1 / 0) } } function D(t, e) { const s = e() return t.waitUntil(s), s } try { self['workbox:precaching:6.1.5'] && _() } catch (t) {} function T(t) { if (!t) throw new s('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', { entry: t }) if ('string' == typeof t) { const e = new URL(t, location.href) return { cacheKey: e.href, url: e.href } } const { revision: e, url: n } = t if (!n) throw new s('add-to-cache-list-unexpected-type', { entry: t }) if (!e) { const t = new URL(n, location.href) return { cacheKey: t.href, url: t.href } } const i = new URL(n, location.href), r = new URL(n, location.href) return ( i.searchParams.set('__WB_REVISION__', e), { cacheKey: i.href, url: r.href } ) } class P { constructor() { ;(this.updatedURLs = []), (this.notUpdatedURLs = []), (this.handlerWillStart = async ({ request: t, state: e }) => { e && (e.originalRequest = t) }), (this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed = async ({ event: t, state: e, cachedResponse: s, }) => { if ('install' === t.type) { const t = e.originalRequest.url s ? this.notUpdatedURLs.push(t) : this.updatedURLs.push(t) } return s }) } } class k { constructor({ precacheController: t }) { ;(this.cacheKeyWillBeUsed = async ({ request: t, params: e }) => { const s = (e && e.cacheKey) || this.j.getCacheKeyForURL(t.url) return s ? new Request(s) : t }), (this.j = t) } } let K, O async function W(t, e) { let n = null if (t.url) { n = new URL(t.url).origin } if (n !== self.location.origin) throw new s('cross-origin-copy-response', { origin: n }) const i = t.clone(), r = { headers: new Headers(i.headers), status: i.status, statusText: i.statusText, }, a = e ? e(r) : r, c = (function () { if (void 0 === K) { const t = new Response('') if ('body' in t) try { new Response(t.body), (K = !0) } catch (t) { K = !1 } K = !1 } return K })() ? i.body : await i.blob() return new Response(c, a) } class M extends q { constructor(t = {}) { ;(t.cacheName = w(t.cacheName)), super(t), (this.F = !1 !== t.fallbackToNetwork), this.plugins.push(M.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin) } async U(t, e) { const s = await e.cacheMatch(t) return ( s || (e.event && 'install' === e.event.type ? await this.B(t, e) : await this.H(t, e)) ) } async H(t, e) { let n if (!this.F) throw new s('missing-precache-entry', { cacheName: this.cacheName, url: t.url, }) return (n = await e.fetch(t)), n } async B(t, e) { this.$() const n = await e.fetch(t) if (!(await e.cachePut(t, n.clone()))) throw new s('bad-precaching-response', { url: t.url, status: n.status }) return n } $() { let t = null, e = 0 for (const [s, n] of this.plugins.entries()) n !== M.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin && (n === M.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin && (t = s), n.cacheWillUpdate && e++) 0 === e ? this.plugins.push(M.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin) : e > 1 && null !== t && this.plugins.splice(t, 1) } } ;(M.defaultPrecacheCacheabilityPlugin = { cacheWillUpdate: async ({ response: t }) => !t || t.status >= 400 ? null : t, }), (M.copyRedirectedCacheableResponsesPlugin = { cacheWillUpdate: async ({ response: t }) => t.redirected ? await W(t) : t, }) class A { constructor({ cacheName: t, plugins: e = [], fallbackToNetwork: s = !0, } = {}) { ;(this.G = new Map()), (this.V = new Map()), (this.J = new Map()), (this.u = new M({ cacheName: w(t), plugins: [...e, new k({ precacheController: this })], fallbackToNetwork: s, })), (this.install = this.install.bind(this)), (this.activate = this.activate.bind(this)) } get strategy() { return this.u } precache(t) { this.addToCacheList(t), this.X || (self.addEventListener('install', this.install), self.addEventListener('activate', this.activate), (this.X = !0)) } addToCacheList(t) { const e = [] for (const n of t) { 'string' == typeof n ? e.push(n) : n && void 0 === n.revision && e.push(n.url) const { cacheKey: t, url: i } = T(n), r = 'string' != typeof n && n.revision ? 'reload' : 'default' if (this.G.has(i) && this.G.get(i) !== t) throw new s('add-to-cache-list-conflicting-entries', { firstEntry: this.G.get(i), secondEntry: t, }) if ('string' != typeof n && n.integrity) { if (this.J.has(t) && this.J.get(t) !== n.integrity) throw new s('add-to-cache-list-conflicting-integrities', { url: i }) this.J.set(t, n.integrity) } if ((this.G.set(i, t), this.V.set(i, r), e.length > 0)) { const t = `Workbox is precaching URLs without revision info: ${e.join( ', ' )}\nThis is generally NOT safe. Learn more at` console.warn(t) } } } install(t) { return D(t, async () => { const e = new P() this.strategy.plugins.push(e) for (const [e, s] of this.G) { const n = this.J.get(s), i = this.V.get(e), r = new Request(e, { integrity: n, cache: i, credentials: 'same-origin', }) await Promise.all( this.strategy.handleAll({ params: { cacheKey: s }, request: r, event: t, }) ) } const { updatedURLs: s, notUpdatedURLs: n } = e return { updatedURLs: s, notUpdatedURLs: n } }) } activate(t) { return D(t, async () => { const t = await, e = await t.keys(), s = new Set(this.G.values()), n = [] for (const i of e) s.has(i.url) || (await t.delete(i), n.push(i.url)) return { deletedURLs: n } }) } getURLsToCacheKeys() { return this.G } getCachedURLs() { return [...this.G.keys()] } getCacheKeyForURL(t) { const e = new URL(t, location.href) return this.G.get(e.href) } async matchPrecache(t) { const e = t instanceof Request ? t.url : t, s = this.getCacheKeyForURL(e) if (s) { return (await } } createHandlerBoundToURL(t) { const e = this.getCacheKeyForURL(t) if (!e) throw new s('non-precached-url', { url: t }) return (s) => ( (s.request = new Request(t)), (s.params = p({ cacheKey: e }, s.params)), this.strategy.handle(s) ) } } const S = () => (O || (O = new A()), O) class I extends i { constructor(t, e) { super(({ request: s }) => { const n = t.getURLsToCacheKeys() for (const t of (function* ( t, { ignoreURLParametersMatching: e = [/^utm_/, /^fbclid$/], directoryIndex: s = 'index.html', cleanURLs: n = !0, urlManipulation: i, } = {} ) { const r = new URL(t, location.href) ;(r.hash = ''), yield r.href const a = (function (t, e = []) { for (const s of [...t.searchParams.keys()]) e.some((t) => t.test(s)) && t.searchParams.delete(s) return t })(r, e) if ((yield a.href, s && a.pathname.endsWith('/'))) { const t = new URL(a.href) ;(t.pathname += s), yield t.href } if (n) { const t = new URL(a.href) ;(t.pathname += '.html'), yield t.href } if (i) { const t = i({ url: r }) for (const e of t) yield e.href } })(s.url, e)) { const e = n.get(t) if (e) return { cacheKey: e } } }, t.strategy) } } ;(t.CacheFirst = class extends q { async U(t, e) { let n, i = await e.cacheMatch(t) if (!i) try { i = await e.fetchAndCachePut(t) } catch (t) { n = t } if (!i) throw new s('no-response', { url: t.url, error: n }) return i } }), (t.ExpirationPlugin = class { constructor(t = {}) { var e ;(this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed = async ({ event: t, request: e, cacheName: s, cachedResponse: n, }) => { if (!n) return null const i = this.Y(n), r = this.Z(s) U(r.expireEntries()) const a = r.updateTimestamp(e.url) if (t) try { t.waitUntil(a) } catch (t) {} return i ? n : null }), (this.cacheDidUpdate = async ({ cacheName: t, request: e }) => { const s = this.Z(t) await s.updateTimestamp(e.url), await s.expireEntries() }), ( = t), (this.A = t.maxAgeSeconds), ( = new Map()), t.purgeOnQuotaError && ((e = () => this.deleteCacheAndMetadata()), g.add(e)) } Z(t) { if (t === d()) throw new s('expire-custom-caches-only') let e = return e || ((e = new E(t,,, e)), e } Y(t) { if (!this.A) return !0 const e = if (null === e) return !0 return e >= - 1e3 * this.A } st(t) { if (!t.headers.has('date')) return null const e = t.headers.get('date'), s = new Date(e).getTime() return isNaN(s) ? null : s } async deleteCacheAndMetadata() { for (const [t, e] of await self.caches.delete(t), await e.delete() = new Map() } }), (t.NetworkFirst = class extends q { constructor(t = {}) { super(t), this.plugins.some((t) => 'cacheWillUpdate' in t) || this.plugins.unshift(u), (this.nt = t.networkTimeoutSeconds || 0) } async U(t, e) { const n = [], i = [] let r if (this.nt) { const { id: s, promise: a } ={ request: t, logs: n, handler: e, }) ;(r = s), i.push(a) } const a = this.rt({ timeoutId: r, request: t, logs: n, handler: e }) i.push(a) const c = await e.waitUntil( (async () => (await e.waitUntil(Promise.race(i))) || (await a))() ) if (!c) throw new s('no-response', { url: t.url }) return c } it({ request: t, logs: e, handler: s }) { let n return { promise: new Promise((e) => { n = setTimeout(async () => { e(await s.cacheMatch(t)) }, 1e3 * this.nt) }), id: n, } } async rt({ timeoutId: t, request: e, logs: s, handler: n }) { let i, r try { r = await n.fetchAndCachePut(e) } catch (t) { i = t } return t && clearTimeout(t), (!i && r) || (r = await n.cacheMatch(e)), r } }), (t.StaleWhileRevalidate = class extends q { constructor(t) { super(t), this.plugins.some((t) => 'cacheWillUpdate' in t) || this.plugins.unshift(u) } async U(t, e) { const n = e.fetchAndCachePut(t).catch(() => {}) let i, r = await e.cacheMatch(t) if (r); else try { r = await n } catch (t) { i = t } if (!r) throw new s('no-response', { url: t.url, error: i }) return r } }), (t.cleanupOutdatedCaches = function () { self.addEventListener('activate', (t) => { const e = w() t.waitUntil( (async (t, e = '-precache-') => { const s = (await self.caches.keys()).filter( (s) => s.includes(e) && s.includes(self.registration.scope) && s !== t ) return await Promise.all( => self.caches.delete(t))), s })(e).then((t) => {}) ) }) }), (t.clientsClaim = function () { self.addEventListener('activate', () => self.clients.claim()) }), (t.precacheAndRoute = function (t, e) { !(function (t) { S().precache(t) })(t), (function (t) { const e = S() h(new I(e, t)) })(e) }), (t.registerRoute = h) }) //#