import { SelectTool } from '../lib/tools/SelectTool/SelectTool' import { TestEditor } from './TestEditor' import { TL } from './test-jsx' let editor: TestEditor beforeEach(() => { editor = new TestEditor() }) afterEach(() => { editor?.dispose() }) describe(SelectTool, () => { describe('pointer down while shape is being edited', () => { it('captures the pointer down event if it is on the shape', () => { editor.setCurrentTool('geo').pointerDown(0, 0).pointerMove(100, 100).pointerUp(100, 100) const shapeId = editor.getLastCreatedShape().id editor._transformPointerDownSpy.mockRestore() editor._transformPointerUpSpy.mockRestore() editor.setCurrentTool('select') editor.expectToBeIn('select.idle') editor.doubleClick(50, 50, shapeId) expect(editor.getCurrentPageState().editingShapeId).toBe(shapeId) // note: this behavior has moved to the React hook useEditableText. // clicking on the input will preserve selection, however you can // click on the shape itself to select it as usual. // clicking on the shape should not do anything // jest.advanceTimersByTime(1000) // editor.pointerDown(50, 50, shapeId) // expect(editor.currentPageState.editingShapeId).toBe(shapeId) // clicking outside the shape should end editing jest.advanceTimersByTime(1000) editor.pointerDown(150, 150).pointerUp() expect(editor.getCurrentPageState().editingShapeId).toBe(null) editor.expectToBeIn('select.idle') }) }) it('does not allow pressing undo to end up in the editing state', () => { editor.setCurrentTool('geo').pointerDown(0, 0).pointerMove(100, 100).pointerUp(100, 100) const shapeId = editor.getLastCreatedShape().id editor._transformPointerDownSpy.mockRestore() editor._transformPointerUpSpy.mockRestore() editor.setCurrentTool('select') editor.doubleClick(50, 50, shapeId) expect(editor.getCurrentPageState().editingShapeId).toBe(shapeId) // clicking outside the shape should end editing jest.advanceTimersByTime(1000) editor.pointerDown(150, 150).pointerUp() expect(editor.getCurrentPageState().editingShapeId).toBe(null) editor.expectToBeIn('select.idle') editor.undo() expect(editor.getCurrentPageState().editingShapeId).toBe(null) }) }) describe('When pointing a shape behind the current selection', () => { it('Does not select on pointer down, but does select on pointer up', () => { editor.selectNone() const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , , ]), ids.C) // don't select it yet! It's behind the current selection editor.pointerDown(75, 75) expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C]) editor.pointerUp(75, 75) expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.B]) }) it('Selects on shift+pointer up', () => { editor.selectNone() const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , , ]), ids.C) // don't select B yet! It's behind the current selection editor.pointerDown(75, 75, { target: 'canvas' }, { shiftKey: true }) editor.expectToBeIn('select.pointing_selection') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C]) editor.pointerUp(75, 75, { target: 'canvas' }, { shiftKey: true }) editor.expectToBeIn('select.idle') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C, ids.B]) // and deselect editor.pointerDown(75, 75, { target: 'canvas' }, { shiftKey: true }) editor.expectToBeIn('select.pointing_shape') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C, ids.B]) editor.pointerUp(75, 75, { target: 'canvas' }, { shiftKey: true }) editor.expectToBeIn('select.idle') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C]) }) it('Moves on pointer move, does not select on pointer up', () => { editor.selectNone() const ids = editor.createShapesFromJsx([ , , , ]), ids.C) // don't select it yet! It's behind the current selection editor.pointerDown(100, 100, ids.B) editor.pointerMove(150, 150) editor.pointerMove(151, 151) editor.pointerMove(100, 100) expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C]) editor.pointerUp(100, 100, ids.B) expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toMatchObject([ids.A, ids.C]) // no change! we've moved }) }) describe('When brushing arrows', () => { it('Brushes a straight arrow', () => { const ids = editor .selectAll() .deleteShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()) .setCamera({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }) .createShapesFromJsx([ , ]) editor.setCurrentTool('select') editor.pointerDown(0, 45) editor.pointerMove(100, 55) editor.expectToBeIn('select.brushing') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toStrictEqual([ids.arrow1]) }) it('Brushes within the curve of a curved arrow without selecting the arrow', () => { editor .selectAll() .deleteShapes(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()) .setCamera({ x: 0, y: 0, z: 1 }) .createShapesFromJsx([ , ]) editor.setCurrentTool('select') editor.pointerDown(55, 45) editor.pointerMove(45, 55) editor.expectToBeIn('select.brushing') expect(editor.getSelectedShapeIds()).toStrictEqual([]) }) })