import { MigrationSequence, SerializedStore, Store, StoreSnapshot } from '@tldraw/store' import { TLRecord, TLStore } from '@tldraw/tlschema' import { Expand, Required, annotateError } from '@tldraw/utils' import React, { ReactNode, memo, useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useState, useSyncExternalStore, } from 'react' import classNames from 'classnames' import { OptionalErrorBoundary } from './components/ErrorBoundary' import { DefaultErrorFallback } from './components/default-components/DefaultErrorFallback' import { TLUser, createTLUser } from './config/createTLUser' import { TLAnyBindingUtilConstructor } from './config/defaultBindings' import { TLAnyShapeUtilConstructor } from './config/defaultShapes' import { Editor } from './editor/Editor' import { TLStateNodeConstructor } from './editor/tools/StateNode' import { ContainerProvider, useContainer } from './hooks/useContainer' import { useCursor } from './hooks/useCursor' import { useDarkMode } from './hooks/useDarkMode' import { EditorContext, useEditor } from './hooks/useEditor' import { EditorComponentsProvider, TLEditorComponents, useEditorComponents, } from './hooks/useEditorComponents' import { useEvent } from './hooks/useEvent' import { useFocusEvents } from './hooks/useFocusEvents' import { useForceUpdate } from './hooks/useForceUpdate' import { useLocalStore } from './hooks/useLocalStore' import { useSafariFocusOutFix } from './hooks/useSafariFocusOutFix' import { useZoomCss } from './hooks/useZoomCss' import { stopEventPropagation } from './utils/dom' import { TLStoreWithStatus } from './utils/sync/StoreWithStatus' /** * Props for the {@link tldraw#Tldraw} and {@link TldrawEditor} components. * * @public **/ export type TldrawEditorProps = Expand< TldrawEditorBaseProps & ( | { store: TLStore | TLStoreWithStatus } | { store?: undefined migrations?: readonly MigrationSequence[] snapshot?: StoreSnapshot initialData?: SerializedStore persistenceKey?: string sessionId?: string defaultName?: string } ) > /** * Base props for the {@link tldraw#Tldraw} and {@link TldrawEditor} components. * * @public */ export interface TldrawEditorBaseProps { /** * The component's children. */ children?: ReactNode /** * An array of shape utils to use in the editor. */ shapeUtils?: readonly TLAnyShapeUtilConstructor[] /** * An array of binding utils to use in the editor. */ bindingUtils?: readonly TLAnyBindingUtilConstructor[] /** * An array of tools to add to the editor's state chart. */ tools?: readonly TLStateNodeConstructor[] /** * Whether to automatically focus the editor when it mounts. */ autoFocus?: boolean /** * Overrides for the editor's components, such as handles, collaborator cursors, etc. */ components?: TLEditorComponents /** * Called when the editor has mounted. */ onMount?: TLOnMountHandler /** * The editor's initial state (usually the id of the first active tool). */ initialState?: string /** * A classname to pass to the editor's container. */ className?: string /** * The user interacting with the editor. */ user?: TLUser /** * Whether to infer dark mode from the user's OS. Defaults to false. */ inferDarkMode?: boolean } /** * Called when the editor has mounted. * @example * ```ts * editor.selectAll()} /> * ``` * @param editor - The editor instance. * * @public */ export type TLOnMountHandler = (editor: Editor) => (() => void | undefined) | undefined | void declare global { interface Window { tldrawReady: boolean } } const EMPTY_SHAPE_UTILS_ARRAY = [] as const const EMPTY_BINDING_UTILS_ARRAY = [] as const const EMPTY_TOOLS_ARRAY = [] as const /** @public */ export const TldrawEditor = memo(function TldrawEditor({ store, components, className, user: _user, }: TldrawEditorProps) { const [container, setContainer] = React.useState(null) const user = useMemo(() => _user ?? createTLUser(), [_user]) const ErrorFallback = components?.ErrorFallback === undefined ? DefaultErrorFallback : components?.ErrorFallback // apply defaults. if you're using the bare @tldraw/editor package, we // default these to the "tldraw zero" configuration. We have different // defaults applied in tldraw. const withDefaults = {, shapeUtils: rest.shapeUtils ?? EMPTY_SHAPE_UTILS_ARRAY, bindingUtils: rest.bindingUtils ?? EMPTY_BINDING_UTILS_ARRAY, tools: ?? EMPTY_TOOLS_ARRAY, components, } return (
annotateError(error, { tags: { origin: 'react.tldraw-before-app' } })} > {container && ( {store ? ( store instanceof Store ? ( // Store is ready to go, whether externally synced or not ) : ( // Store is a synced store, so handle syncing stages internally ) ) : ( // We have no store (it's undefined) so create one and possibly sync it )} )}
) }) function TldrawEditorWithOwnStore( props: Required< TldrawEditorProps & { store: undefined; user: TLUser }, 'shapeUtils' | 'bindingUtils' | 'tools' > ) { const { defaultName, snapshot, initialData, shapeUtils, bindingUtils, persistenceKey, sessionId, user, } = props const syncedStore = useLocalStore({ shapeUtils, bindingUtils, initialData, persistenceKey, sessionId, defaultName, snapshot, }) return } const TldrawEditorWithLoadingStore = memo(function TldrawEditorBeforeLoading({ store, user, }: Required< TldrawEditorProps & { store: TLStoreWithStatus; user: TLUser }, 'shapeUtils' | 'bindingUtils' | 'tools' >) { const container = useContainer() useLayoutEffect(() => { if (user.userPreferences.get().isDarkMode) { container.classList.remove('tl-theme__light') container.classList.add('tl-theme__dark') } }, [container, user]) const { LoadingScreen } = useEditorComponents() switch (store.status) { case 'error': { // for error handling, we fall back to the default error boundary. // if users want to handle this error differently, they can render // their own error screen before the TldrawEditor component throw store.error } case 'loading': { return LoadingScreen ? : null } case 'not-synced': { break } case 'synced-local': { break } case 'synced-remote': { break } } return }) function TldrawEditorWithReadyStore({ onMount, children, store, tools, shapeUtils, bindingUtils, user, initialState, autoFocus = true, inferDarkMode, }: Required< TldrawEditorProps & { store: TLStore user: TLUser }, 'shapeUtils' | 'bindingUtils' | 'tools' >) { const { ErrorFallback } = useEditorComponents() const container = useContainer() const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null) useLayoutEffect(() => { const editor = new Editor({ store, shapeUtils, bindingUtils, tools, getContainer: () => container, user, initialState, inferDarkMode, }) setEditor(editor) return () => { editor.dispose() } }, [container, shapeUtils, bindingUtils, tools, store, user, initialState, inferDarkMode]) const crashingError = useSyncExternalStore( useCallback( (onStoreChange) => { if (editor) { editor.on('crash', onStoreChange) return () =>'crash', onStoreChange) } return () => { // noop } }, [editor] ), () => editor?.getCrashingError() ?? null ) const { Canvas } = useEditorComponents() if (!editor) { return null } return ( // the top-level tldraw component also renders an error boundary almost // identical to this one. the reason we have two is because this one has // access to `App`, which means that here we can enrich errors with data // from app for reporting, and also still attempt to render the user's // document in the event of an error to reassure them that their work is // not lost. editor.annotateError(error, { origin: 'react.tldraw', willCrashApp: true }) } > {crashingError ? ( ) : ( {children ?? (Canvas ? : null)} )} ) } function Layout({ children, onMount, autoFocus, }: { children: ReactNode autoFocus: boolean onMount?: TLOnMountHandler }) { useZoomCss() useCursor() useDarkMode() useSafariFocusOutFix() useForceUpdate() useFocusEvents(autoFocus) useOnMount(onMount) return <>{children} } function Crash({ crashingError }: { crashingError: unknown }): null { throw crashingError } /** @public */ export function LoadingScreen({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) { return
} /** @public */ export function ErrorScreen({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) { return
} function useOnMount(onMount?: TLOnMountHandler) { const editor = useEditor() const onMountEvent = useEvent((editor: Editor) => { let teardown: (() => void) | void = undefined editor.history.ignore(() => { teardown = onMount?.(editor) editor.emit('mount') }) window.tldrawReady = true return teardown }) React.useLayoutEffect(() => { if (editor) return onMountEvent?.(editor) }, [editor, onMountEvent]) }