import { clamp, deepClone, getCommonBounds, setToArray } from './utils' import { getShapeUtils } from 'state/shape-utils' import vec from './vec' import { Data, Bounds, Shape, GroupShape, ShapeType, CodeFile, Page, PageState, ShapeUtility, ParentShape, } from 'types' import { AssertionError } from 'assert' export default class ProjectUtils { static getCameraZoom(zoom: number): number { return clamp(zoom, 0.1, 5) } static screenToWorld(point: number[], data: Data): number[] { const camera = this.getCurrentCamera(data) return vec.sub(vec.div(point, camera.zoom), camera.point) } static getViewport(data: Data): Bounds { const [minX, minY] = this.screenToWorld([0, 0], data) const [maxX, maxY] = this.screenToWorld( [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight], data ) return { minX, minY, maxX, maxY, height: maxX - minX, width: maxY - minY, } } static getCurrentCamera(data: Data): { point: number[] zoom: number } { return data.pageStates[data.currentPageId].camera } /** * Get a shape from the project. * @param data * @param shapeId */ static getShape(data: Data, shapeId: string): Shape { return data.document.pages[data.currentPageId].shapes[shapeId] } /** * Get the current page. * @param data */ static getPage(data: Data): Page { return data.document.pages[data.currentPageId] } /** * Get the current page's page state. * @param data */ static getPageState(data: Data): PageState { return data.pageStates[data.currentPageId] } /** * Get the current page's code file. * @param data * @param fileId */ static getCurrentCode(data: Data, fileId: string): CodeFile { return data.document.code[fileId] } /** * Get the current page's shapes as an array. * @param data */ static getShapes(data: Data): Shape[] { const page = this.getPage(data) return Object.values(page.shapes) } /** * Get the current selected shapes as an array. * @param data */ static getSelectedShapes(data: Data): Shape[] { const page = this.getPage(data) const ids = setToArray(this.getSelectedIds(data)) return => page.shapes[id]) } /** * Get a shape's parent. * @param data * @param id */ static getParent(data: Data, id: string): Shape | Page { const page = this.getPage(data) const shape = page.shapes[id] return page.shapes[shape.parentId] || data.document.pages[shape.parentId] } /** * Get a shape's children. * @param data * @param id */ static getChildren(data: Data, id: string): Shape[] { const page = this.getPage(data) return Object.values(page.shapes) .filter(({ parentId }) => parentId === id) .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) } /** * Get a shape's siblings. * @param data * @param id */ static getSiblings(data: Data, id: string): Shape[] { const page = this.getPage(data) const shape = page.shapes[id] return Object.values(page.shapes) .filter(({ parentId }) => parentId === shape.parentId) .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) } /** * Get the next child index above a shape. * TODO: Make work for grouped shapes, make faster. * @param data * @param id */ static getChildIndexAbove(data: Data, id: string): number { const page = this.getPage(data) const shape = page.shapes[id] const siblings = Object.values(page.shapes) .filter(({ parentId }) => parentId === shape.parentId) .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) const index = siblings.indexOf(shape) const nextSibling = siblings[index + 1] if (!nextSibling) return shape.childIndex + 1 let nextIndex = (shape.childIndex + nextSibling.childIndex) / 2 if (nextIndex === nextSibling.childIndex) { this.forceIntegerChildIndices(siblings) nextIndex = (shape.childIndex + nextSibling.childIndex) / 2 } return nextIndex } /** * Get the next child index below a shape. * @param data * @param id * @param pageId */ static getChildIndexBelow(data: Data, id: string): number { const page = this.getPage(data) const shape = page.shapes[id] const siblings = Object.values(page.shapes) .filter(({ parentId }) => parentId === shape.parentId) .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) const index = siblings.indexOf(shape) const prevSibling = siblings[index - 1] if (!prevSibling) { return shape.childIndex / 2 } let nextIndex = (shape.childIndex + prevSibling.childIndex) / 2 if (nextIndex === prevSibling.childIndex) { this.forceIntegerChildIndices(siblings) nextIndex = (shape.childIndex + prevSibling.childIndex) / 2 } return (shape.childIndex + prevSibling.childIndex) / 2 } /** * Assert whether a shape can have child shapes. * @param shape */ static assertParentShape(shape: Shape): asserts shape is ParentShape { if (!('children' in shape)) { throw new AssertionError({ message: `That shape was not a parent (it was a ${shape.type}).`, }) } } /** * Get the top child index for a shape. This is potentially provisional: * sorting all shapes on the page for each new created shape will become * slower as the page grows. High indices aren't a problem, so consider * tracking the highest index for the page when shapes are created / deleted. * * @param data * @param id */ static getTopChildIndex(data: Data, parent: Shape | Page): number { const page = this.getPage(data) // If the parent is a shape, return either 1 (if no other shapes) or the // highest sorted child index + 1. if (parent.type === 'page') { const children = Object.values(parent.shapes) if (children.length === 0) return 1 return ( children.sort((a, b) => b.childIndex - a.childIndex)[0].childIndex + 1 ) } // If the shape is a regular shape that can accept children, return either // 1 (if no other children) or the highest sorted child index + 1. this.assertParentShape(parent) if (parent.children.length === 0) return 1 return ( parent.children .map((id) => page.shapes[id]) .sort((a, b) => b.childIndex - a.childIndex)[0].childIndex + 1 ) } /** * TODO: Make this recursive, so that it works for parented shapes. * Force all shapes on the page to have integer child indices. * @param shapes */ static forceIntegerChildIndices(shapes: Shape[]): void { for (let i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) { const shape = shapes[i] getShapeUtils(shape).setProperty(shape, 'childIndex', i + 1) } } /** * Update the zoom CSS variable. * @param zoom ; */ static setZoomCSS(zoom: number): void {'--camera-zoom', zoom.toString()) } /* --------------------- Groups --------------------- */ static getParentOffset( data: Data, shapeId: string, offset = [0, 0] ): number[] { const shape = this.getShape(data, shapeId) return shape.parentId === data.currentPageId ? offset : this.getParentOffset(data, shape.parentId, vec.add(offset, shape.point)) } static getParentRotation(data: Data, shapeId: string, rotation = 0): number { const shape = this.getShape(data, shapeId) return shape.parentId === data.currentPageId ? rotation + shape.rotation : this.getParentRotation(data, shape.parentId, rotation + shape.rotation) } static getDocumentBranch(data: Data, id: string): string[] { const shape = this.getPage(data).shapes[id] if (shape.type !== ShapeType.Group) return [id] return [ id, ...shape.children.flatMap((childId) => this.getDocumentBranch(data, childId) ), ] } static getSelectedIds(data: Data): Set { return data.pageStates[data.currentPageId].selectedIds } static setSelectedIds(data: Data, ids: string[]): Set { data.pageStates[data.currentPageId].selectedIds = new Set(ids) return data.pageStates[data.currentPageId].selectedIds } static getTopParentId(data: Data, id: string): string { const shape = this.getPage(data).shapes[id] return shape.parentId === data.currentPageId || shape.parentId === data.currentParentId ? id : this.getTopParentId(data, shape.parentId) } /* ----------------- Shapes Related ----------------- */ /** * Get a deep-cloned * @param data * @param fn */ static getSelectedBranchSnapshot( data: Data, fn: (shape: T) => K ): ({ id: string } & K)[] static getSelectedBranchSnapshot(data: Data): Shape[] static getSelectedBranchSnapshot< K, F extends (shape: T) => K >(data: Data, fn?: F): (Shape | K)[] { const page = this.getPage(data) const copies = setToArray(this.getSelectedIds(data)) .flatMap((id) => this.getDocumentBranch(data, id).map((id) => page.shapes[id]) ) .filter((shape) => !shape.isLocked) .map(deepClone) if (fn !== undefined) { return => ({ id:, ...fn(shape) })) } return copies } /** * Get a deep-cloned array of shapes * @param data */ static getSelectedShapeSnapshot(data: Data): Shape[] static getSelectedShapeSnapshot( data: Data, fn: (shape: T) => K ): ({ id: string } & K)[] static getSelectedShapeSnapshot< K, F extends (shape: T) => K >(data: Data, fn?: F): (Shape | K)[] { const copies = this.getSelectedShapes(data) .filter((shape) => !shape.isLocked) .map(deepClone) if (fn !== undefined) { return => ({ id:, ...fn(shape) })) } return copies } /** * Get an array of all unique parentIds among a set of shapes. * @param data * @param shapes */ static getUniqueParentIds(data: Data, shapes: Shape[]): string[] { return Array.from(new Set( => s.parentId)).values()).filter( (id) => id !== data.currentPageId ) } /** * Make an arbitrary change to shape. * @param data * @param ids * @param fn */ static mutateShape( data: Data, id: string, fn: (shapeUtils: ShapeUtility, shape: T) => void, updateParents = true ): T { const page = this.getPage(data) const shape = page.shapes[id] as T fn(getShapeUtils(shape) as ShapeUtility, shape) if (updateParents) this.updateParents(data, [id]) return shape } /** * Make an arbitrary change to a set of shapes. * @param data * @param ids * @param fn */ static mutateShapes( data: Data, ids: string[], fn: (shape: T, shapeUtils: ShapeUtility, index: number) => T | void, updateParents = true ): T[] { const page = this.getPage(data) const mutatedShapes =, i) => { const shape = page.shapes[id] as T // Define the new shape as either the (maybe new) shape returned by the // function or the mutated shape. page.shapes[id] = fn(shape, getShapeUtils(shape) as ShapeUtility, i) || shape return page.shapes[id] as T }) if (updateParents) this.updateParents(data, ids) return mutatedShapes } /** * Insert shapes into the current page. * @param data * @param shapes */ static insertShapes(data: Data, shapes: Shape[]): void { const page = this.getPage(data) shapes.forEach((shape) => { page.shapes[] = shape // Does the shape have a parent? if (shape.parentId !== data.currentPageId) { // The parent shape const parent = page.shapes[shape.parentId] // If the parent shape doesn't exist, assign the shape as a child // of the page instead. if (parent === undefined) { getShapeUtils(shape).setProperty( shape, 'childIndex', this.getTopChildIndex(data, parent) ) } else { // Add the shape's id to the parent's children, then sort the // new array just to be sure. getShapeUtils(parent).setProperty( parent, 'children', [...parent.children,] .map((id) => page.shapes[id]) .sort((a, b) => a.childIndex - b.childIndex) .map((shape) => ) } } }) // Update any new parents this.updateParents( data, => ) } static getRotatedBounds(shape: Shape): Bounds { return getShapeUtils(shape).getRotatedBounds(shape) } static getShapeBounds(shape: Shape): Bounds { return getShapeUtils(shape).getBounds(shape) } static getSelectedBounds(data: Data): Bounds { return getCommonBounds( ...this.getSelectedShapes(data).map((shape) => getShapeUtils(shape).getBounds(shape) ) ) } /** * Recursively update shape parents. * @param data * @param changedShapeIds */ static updateParents(data: Data, changedShapeIds: string[]): void { if (changedShapeIds.length === 0) return const { shapes } = this.getPage(data) const parentToUpdateIds = Array.from( new Set( => shapes[id].parentId).values()) ).filter((id) => id !== data.currentPageId) for (const parentId of parentToUpdateIds) { const parent = shapes[parentId] as GroupShape getShapeUtils(parent).onChildrenChange( parent, => shapes[id]) ) shapes[parentId] = { ...parent } } this.updateParents(data, parentToUpdateIds) } }