import { COARSE_DRAG_DISTANCE, DOUBLE_CLICK_DURATION, DRAG_DISTANCE, MULTI_CLICK_DURATION, } from '../../constants' import { Vec } from '../../primitives/Vec' import { uniqueId } from '../../utils/uniqueId' import type { Editor } from '../Editor' import { TLClickEventInfo, TLPointerEventInfo } from '../types/event-types' type TLClickState = | 'idle' | 'pendingDouble' | 'pendingTriple' | 'pendingQuadruple' | 'pendingOverflow' | 'overflow' const MAX_CLICK_DISTANCE = 40 export class ClickManager { constructor(public editor: Editor) {} private _clickId = '' private _clickTimeout?: any private _clickScreenPoint?: Vec private _previousScreenPoint?: Vec private _getClickTimeout = (state: TLClickState, id = uniqueId()) => { this._clickId = id clearTimeout(this._clickTimeout) this._clickTimeout = setTimeout( () => { if (this._clickState === state && this._clickId === id) { switch (this._clickState) { case 'pendingTriple': { this.editor.dispatch({ ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'double_click', phase: 'settle', }) break } case 'pendingQuadruple': { this.editor.dispatch({ ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'triple_click', phase: 'settle', }) break } case 'pendingOverflow': { this.editor.dispatch({ ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'quadruple_click', phase: 'settle', }) break } default: { // noop } } this._clickState = 'idle' } }, state === 'idle' || state === 'pendingDouble' ? DOUBLE_CLICK_DURATION : MULTI_CLICK_DURATION ) } /** * The current click state. * * @internal */ private _clickState?: TLClickState = 'idle' /** * The current click state. * * @public */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax get clickState() { return this._clickState } lastPointerInfo = {} as TLPointerEventInfo handlePointerEvent = (info: TLPointerEventInfo): TLPointerEventInfo | TLClickEventInfo => { switch ( { case 'pointer_down': { if (!this._clickState) return info this._clickScreenPoint = Vec.From(info.point) if ( this._previousScreenPoint && Vec.Dist2(this._previousScreenPoint, this._clickScreenPoint) > MAX_CLICK_DISTANCE ** 2 ) { this._clickState = 'idle' } this._previousScreenPoint = this._clickScreenPoint this.lastPointerInfo = info switch (this._clickState) { case 'pendingDouble': { this._clickState = 'pendingTriple' this._clickTimeout = this._getClickTimeout(this._clickState) return {, type: 'click', name: 'double_click', phase: 'down', } } case 'pendingTriple': { this._clickState = 'pendingQuadruple' this._clickTimeout = this._getClickTimeout(this._clickState) return {, type: 'click', name: 'triple_click', phase: 'down', } } case 'pendingQuadruple': { this._clickState = 'pendingOverflow' this._clickTimeout = this._getClickTimeout(this._clickState) return {, type: 'click', name: 'quadruple_click', phase: 'down', } } case 'idle': { this._clickState = 'pendingDouble' break } case 'pendingOverflow': { this._clickState = 'overflow' break } default: { // overflow } } this._clickTimeout = this._getClickTimeout(this._clickState) return info } case 'pointer_up': { if (!this._clickState) return info this._clickScreenPoint = Vec.From(info.point) switch (this._clickState) { case 'pendingTriple': { return { ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'double_click', phase: 'up', } } case 'pendingQuadruple': { return { ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'triple_click', phase: 'up', } } case 'pendingOverflow': { return { ...this.lastPointerInfo, type: 'click', name: 'quadruple_click', phase: 'up', } } default: { // idle, pendingDouble, overflow } } return info } case 'pointer_move': { if ( this._clickState !== 'idle' && this._clickScreenPoint && Vec.Dist2(this._clickScreenPoint, this.editor.inputs.currentScreenPoint) > (this.editor.getInstanceState().isCoarsePointer ? COARSE_DRAG_DISTANCE : DRAG_DISTANCE) ) { this.cancelDoubleClickTimeout() } return info } } return info } /** * Cancel the double click timeout. * * @internal */ cancelDoubleClickTimeout = () => { this._clickTimeout = clearTimeout(this._clickTimeout) this._clickState = 'idle' } }