import test, { Page, expect } from '@playwright/test' import { App, Box2dModel } from '@tldraw/tldraw' import { setupPage } from '../shared-e2e' export function sleep(ms: number) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)) } const measureTextOptions = { width: 'fit-content', fontFamily: 'var(--tl-font-draw)', fontSize: 24, lineHeight: 1.35, fontWeight: 'normal', fontStyle: 'normal', padding: '0px', maxWidth: 'auto', } const measureTextSpansOptions = { width: 100, height: 1000, overflow: 'wrap' as const, padding: 0, fontSize: 24, fontWeight: 'normal', fontFamily: 'var(--tl-font-draw)', fontStyle: 'normal', lineHeight: 1.35, textAlign: 'start' as 'start' | 'middle' | 'end', } function formatLines(spans: { box: Box2dModel; text: string }[]) { const lines = [] let currentLine: string[] | null = null let currentLineTop = null for (const span of spans) { if (currentLineTop !== { if (currentLine !== null) { lines.push(currentLine) } currentLine = [] currentLineTop = } currentLine!.push(span.text) } if (currentLine !== null) { lines.push(currentLine) } return lines } declare const app: App let page: Page test.describe('text measurement', () => { test.beforeAll(async ({ browser }) => { page = await browser.newPage() await setupPage(page) }) test('measures text', async () => { const { w, h } = await page.evaluate<{ w: number; h: number }, typeof measureTextOptions>( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureText('testing', options), measureTextOptions ) expect(w).toBeCloseTo(85.828125, 0) expect(h).toBeCloseTo(32.3984375, 0) }) // The text-measurement tests below this point aren't super useful any // more. They were added when we had a different approach to text SVG // exports (trying to replicate browser decisions with our own code) to // what we do now (letting the browser make those decisions then // measuring the results). // // It's hard to write better tests here (e.g. ones where we actually // look at the measured values) because the specifics of text layout // vary from browser to browser. The ideal thing would be to replace // these with visual regression tests for text SVG exports, but we don't // have a way of doing visual regression testing right now. test('should get a single text span', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testing', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([['testing']]) }) test('should wrap a word when it has to', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testing', { ...options, width: 50 }), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([['test'], ['ing']]) }) test('should preserve whitespace at line breaks', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testing testing', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([['testing', ' '], ['testing']]) }) test('should preserve whitespace at the end of wrapped lines', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testing testing ', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([ ['testing', ' '], ['testing', ' '], ]) }) test('preserves whitespace at the end of unwrapped lines', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testing testing ', { ...options, width: 200 }), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([['testing', ' ', 'testing', ' ']]) }) test('preserves whitespace at the start of an unwrapped line', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans(' testing testing', { ...options, width: 200 }), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([[' ', 'testing', ' ', 'testing']]) }) test('should place starting whitespace on its own line if it has to', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans(' testing testing', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([[' '], ['testing', ' '], ['testing']]) }) test('should handle multiline text', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans(' test\ning testing \n t', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([ [' ', 'test', '\n'], ['ing', ' '], ['testing', ' \n'], [' ', 't'], ]) }) test('should break long strings of text', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >( async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtesting', options), measureTextSpansOptions ) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([ ['testingt'], ['estingte'], ['stingtes'], ['tingtest'], ['ingtesti'], ['ng'], ]) }) test('should return an empty array if the text is empty', async () => { const spans = await page.evaluate< { text: string; box: Box2dModel }[], typeof measureTextSpansOptions >(async (options) => app.textMeasure.measureTextSpans('', options), measureTextSpansOptions) expect(formatLines(spans)).toEqual([]) }) })