import { getDefaultTranslationLocale } from './translations' type DefaultLanguageTest = { name: string input: string[] output: string } describe('Choosing a sensible default translation locale', () => { const tests: DefaultLanguageTest[] = [ { name: 'finds a matching language locale', input: ['fr'], output: 'fr', }, { name: 'finds a matching region locale', input: ['pt-PT'], output: 'pt-pt', }, { name: 'picks a region locale if no language locale available', input: ['pt'], output: 'pt-br', }, { name: 'picks a language locale if no region locale available', input: ['fr-CA'], output: 'fr', }, { name: 'picks the first language that loosely matches', input: ['fr-CA', 'pt-PT'], output: 'fr', }, ] for (const test of tests) { it(, () => { expect(getDefaultTranslationLocale(test.input)).toEqual(test.output) }) } })