import { Box, HIT_TEST_MARGIN, Mat, StateNode, TLCancelEvent, TLEventHandlers, TLFrameShape, TLGroupShape, TLInterruptEvent, TLKeyboardEvent, TLPageId, TLPointerEventInfo, TLShape, TLShapeId, TLTickEventHandler, Vec, moveCameraWhenCloseToEdge, pointInPolygon, polygonsIntersect, } from '@tldraw/editor' export class Brushing extends StateNode { static override id = 'brushing' info = {} as TLPointerEventInfo & { target: 'canvas' } brush = new Box() initialSelectedShapeIds: TLShapeId[] = [] excludedShapeIds = new Set() isWrapMode = false // The shape that the brush started on initialStartShape: TLShape | null = null override onEnter = (info: TLPointerEventInfo & { target: 'canvas' }) => { const { altKey, currentPagePoint } = this.editor.inputs this.isWrapMode = this.editor.user.getIsWrapMode() if (altKey) { this.parent.transition('scribble_brushing', info) return } this.excludedShapeIds = new Set( this.editor .getCurrentPageShapes() .filter( (shape) => this.editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'group') || this.editor.isShapeOrAncestorLocked(shape) ) .map((shape) => ) = info this.initialSelectedShapeIds = this.editor.getSelectedShapeIds().slice() this.initialStartShape = this.editor.getShapesAtPoint(currentPagePoint)[0] this.onPointerMove() } override onExit = () => { this.initialSelectedShapeIds = [] this.editor.updateInstanceState({ brush: null }) } override onTick: TLTickEventHandler = () => { moveCameraWhenCloseToEdge(this.editor) } override onPointerMove = () => { this.hitTestShapes() } override onPointerUp: TLEventHandlers['onPointerUp'] = () => { this.complete() } override onComplete: TLEventHandlers['onComplete'] = () => { this.complete() } override onCancel?: TLCancelEvent | undefined = (info) => { this.editor.setSelectedShapes(this.initialSelectedShapeIds, { squashing: true }) this.parent.transition('idle', info) } override onKeyDown: TLEventHandlers['onKeyDown'] = (info) => { if (this.editor.inputs.altKey) { this.parent.transition('scribble_brushing', info) } else { this.hitTestShapes() } } override onKeyUp?: TLKeyboardEvent | undefined = () => { this.hitTestShapes() } private complete() { this.parent.transition('idle') } private hitTestShapes() { const zoomLevel = this.editor.getZoomLevel() const currentPageShapes = this.editor.getCurrentPageShapes() const currentPageId = this.editor.getCurrentPageId() const { inputs: { originPagePoint, currentPagePoint, shiftKey, ctrlKey }, } = this.editor // Set the brush to contain the current and origin points this.brush.setTo(Box.FromPoints([originPagePoint, currentPagePoint])) // We'll be collecting shape ids const results = new Set(shiftKey ? this.initialSelectedShapeIds : []) let A: Vec, B: Vec, shape: TLShape, pageBounds: Box | undefined, pageTransform: Mat | undefined, localCorners: Vec[] // We'll be testing the corners of the brush against the shapes const { corners } = this.brush const { excludedShapeIds, isWrapMode } = this const isWrapping = isWrapMode ? !ctrlKey : ctrlKey testAllShapes: for (let i = 0, n = currentPageShapes.length; i < n; i++) { shape = currentPageShapes[i] if (excludedShapeIds.has( continue testAllShapes if (results.has( continue testAllShapes pageBounds = this.editor.getShapePageBounds(shape) if (!pageBounds) continue testAllShapes // If the brush fully wraps a shape, it's almost certainly a hit if (this.brush.contains(pageBounds)) { this.handleHit(shape, currentPagePoint, currentPageId, results, corners) continue testAllShapes } // Should we even test for a single segment intersections? Only if // we're not holding the ctrl key for alternate selection mode // (only wraps count!), or if the shape is a frame. if (isWrapping || this.editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'frame')) { continue testAllShapes } // If the brush collides the page bounds, then do hit tests against // each of the brush's four sides. if (this.brush.collides(pageBounds)) { // Shapes expect to hit test line segments in their own coordinate system, // so we first need to get the brush corners in the shape's local space. const geometry = this.editor.getShapeGeometry(shape) pageTransform = this.editor.getShapePageTransform(shape) if (!pageTransform) { continue testAllShapes } // Check whether any of the the brush edges intersect the shape localCorners = pageTransform.clone().invert().applyToPoints(corners) hitTestBrushEdges: for (let i = 0; i < localCorners.length; i++) { A = localCorners[i] B = localCorners[(i + 1) % localCorners.length] if (geometry.hitTestLineSegment(A, B, HIT_TEST_MARGIN / zoomLevel)) { this.handleHit(shape, currentPagePoint, currentPageId, results, corners) break hitTestBrushEdges } } } } this.editor.updateInstanceState({ brush: { ...this.brush.toJson() } }) this.editor.setSelectedShapes(Array.from(results), { squashing: true }) } override onInterrupt: TLInterruptEvent = () => { this.editor.updateInstanceState({ brush: null }) } private handleHit( shape: TLShape, currentPagePoint: Vec, currentPageId: TLPageId, results: Set, corners: Vec[] ) { if (shape.parentId === currentPageId) { results.add( return } // Find the outermost selectable shape, check to see if it has a // page mask; and if so, check to see if the brush intersects it const selectedShape = this.editor.getOutermostSelectableShape(shape) const pageMask = this.editor.getShapeMask( if ( pageMask && !polygonsIntersect(pageMask, corners) && !pointInPolygon(currentPagePoint, pageMask) ) { return } results.add( } }