import { Auto } from '@auto-it/core' import fetch from 'cross-fetch' import glob from 'glob' import { assert } from 'node:console' import { appendFileSync } from 'node:fs' import { didAnyPackageChange } from './lib/didAnyPackageChange' import { exec } from './lib/exec' import { generateAutoRcFile } from './lib/labels' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' import { getLatestVersion, publish, setAllVersions } from './lib/publishing' import { getAllWorkspacePackages } from './lib/workspace' async function main() { const huppyToken = process.env.HUPPY_TOKEN assert(huppyToken && typeof huppyToken === 'string', 'HUPPY_ACCESS_KEY env var must be set') const latestVersionInBranch = await getLatestVersion() const latestVersionOnNpm = (await exec('npm', ['show', 'tldraw', 'version'])).trim() const isLatestVersion = latestVersionInBranch.format() === latestVersionOnNpm const nextVersion ='patch').format() // check we're on the main branch on HEAD const currentBranch = (await exec('git', ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'])).toString().trim() if (currentBranch !== `v${latestVersionInBranch.major}.${latestVersionInBranch.minor}.x`) { throw new Error('Branch name does not match expected format: v{major}.{minor}.x') } // we could probably do this a lot earlier in the yml file but 🤷‍♂️ await exec('git', ['fetch', 'origin', 'main']) const numberOfCommitsSinceBranch = Number( (await exec('git', ['rev-list', '--count', `HEAD`, '^origin/main'])).toString().trim() ) if (numberOfCommitsSinceBranch === 0) { // Skip release if there are no commits since this branch was created during the initial release // for this . version. nicelog('Initial push, skipping release') return } if (isLatestVersion) { await exec('git', ['push', 'origin', `HEAD:docs-production`, '--force']) } // Skip releasing a new version if the package contents are identical. // This may happen when cherry-picking docs-only changes. if (!(await didAnyPackageChange())) { nicelog('No packages have changed, skipping release') return } if (process.env.GITHUB_OUTPUT) { appendFileSync(process.env.GITHUB_OUTPUT, `is_latest_version=${isLatestVersion}\n`) } nicelog('Releasing version', nextVersion) await setAllVersions(nextVersion) // stage the changes const packageJsonFilesToAdd = [] for (const workspace of await getAllWorkspacePackages()) { if (workspace.relativePath.startsWith('packages/')) { packageJsonFilesToAdd.push(`${workspace.relativePath}/package.json`) } } const versionFilesToAdd = glob.sync('**/*/version.ts', { ignore: ['node_modules/**'], follow: false, }) console.log('versionFilesToAdd', versionFilesToAdd) await exec('git', [ 'add', '--update', 'lerna.json', ...packageJsonFilesToAdd, ...versionFilesToAdd, ]) const auto = new Auto({ plugins: ['npm'], baseBranch: currentBranch, owner: 'tldraw', repo: 'tldraw', verbose: true, disableTsNode: true, }) await generateAutoRcFile() await auto.loadConfig() // this creates a new commit await auto.changelog({ useVersion: nextVersion, title: `v${nextVersion}`, }) // create and push a new tag await exec('git', ['tag', '-f', `v${nextVersion}`]) await exec('git', ['push', '--follow-tags']) // create a release on github await auto.runRelease({ useVersion: nextVersion }) // if we're on the latest version, publish to npm under 'latest' tag. // otherwise we don't want to overwrite the latest tag, so we publish under 'revision'. // semver rules will still be respected because there's no prerelease tag in the version, // so clients will get the updated version if they have a range like ^1.0.0 await publish(isLatestVersion ? 'latest' : 'revision') if (isLatestVersion) { nicelog('Notifying huppy of release...') const huppyResponse = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey: huppyToken, tagToRelease: `v${nextVersion}`, canary: false }), }) nicelog( `huppy: [${huppyResponse.status} ${huppyResponse.statusText}] ${await huppyResponse.text()}` ) } } main()