import { Box, HIT_TEST_MARGIN, StateNode, TLEventHandlers, TLFrameShape, TLGroupShape, TLPointerEventInfo, TLShapeId, pointInPolygon, } from '@tldraw/editor' export class Erasing extends StateNode { static override id = 'erasing' private info = {} as TLPointerEventInfo private scribbleId = 'id' private markId = '' private excludedShapeIds = new Set() override onEnter = (info: TLPointerEventInfo) => { this.markId = 'erase scribble begin' this.editor.mark(this.markId) = info const { originPagePoint } = this.editor.inputs this.excludedShapeIds = new Set( this.editor .getCurrentPageShapes() .filter((shape) => { //If the shape is locked, we shouldn't erase it if (this.editor.isShapeOrAncestorLocked(shape)) return true //If the shape is a group or frame, check we're inside it when we start erasing if ( this.editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'group') || this.editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'frame') ) { const pointInShapeShape = this.editor.getPointInShapeSpace(shape, originPagePoint) const geometry = this.editor.getShapeGeometry(shape) return geometry.bounds.containsPoint(pointInShapeShape) } return false }) .map((shape) => ) const scribble = this.editor.scribbles.addScribble({ color: 'muted-1', size: 12, }) this.scribbleId = this.update() } private pushPointToScribble = () => { const { x, y } = this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint this.editor.scribbles.addPoint(this.scribbleId, x, y) } override onExit = () => { this.editor.scribbles.stop(this.scribbleId) } override onPointerMove = () => { this.update() } override onPointerUp: TLEventHandlers['onPointerUp'] = () => { this.complete() } override onCancel: TLEventHandlers['onCancel'] = () => { this.cancel() } override onComplete: TLEventHandlers['onComplete'] = () => { this.complete() } update() { const { editor, excludedShapeIds } = this const erasingShapeIds = this.editor.getErasingShapeIds() const zoomLevel = this.editor.getZoomLevel() const { inputs: { currentPagePoint, previousPagePoint }, } = editor this.pushPointToScribble() const erasing = new Set(erasingShapeIds) const minDist = HIT_TEST_MARGIN / zoomLevel const shapesNearPoint = this.editor.getShapesInsideBounds( Box.FromPoints([currentPagePoint, previousPagePoint]).expandBy(minDist) ) for (const shape of shapesNearPoint) { if (this.editor.isShapeOfType(shape, 'group')) continue // Avoid testing masked shapes, unless the pointer is inside the mask const pageMask = editor.getShapeMask( if (pageMask && !pointInPolygon(currentPagePoint, pageMask)) { continue } // Hit test the shape using a line segment const geometry = editor.getShapeGeometry(shape) const pageTransform = editor.getShapePageTransform(shape) if (!geometry || !pageTransform) continue const pt = pageTransform.clone().invert() const A = pt.applyToPoint(previousPagePoint) const B = pt.applyToPoint(currentPagePoint) // If the line segment is entirely above / below / left / right of the shape's bounding box, skip the hit test const { bounds } = geometry if ( bounds.minX - minDist > Math.max(A.x, B.x) || bounds.minY - minDist > Math.max(A.y, B.y) || bounds.maxX + minDist < Math.min(A.x, B.x) || bounds.maxY + minDist < Math.min(A.y, B.y) ) { continue } if (geometry.hitTestLineSegment(A, B, minDist)) { erasing.add(editor.getOutermostSelectableShape(shape).id) } } // Remove the hit shapes, except if they're in the list of excluded shapes // (these excluded shapes will be any frames or groups the pointer was inside of // when the user started erasing) this.editor.setErasingShapes([...erasing].filter((id) => !excludedShapeIds.has(id))) } complete() { const { editor } = this editor.deleteShapes(editor.getCurrentPageState().erasingShapeIds) editor.setErasingShapes([]) this.parent.transition('idle') } cancel() { const { editor } = this editor.setErasingShapes([]) editor.bailToMark(this.markId) this.parent.transition('idle', } }