import { writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { join, resolve } from 'path' import { exec } from './lib/exec' import { readFileIfExists } from './lib/file' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' import { getAllWorkspacePackages } from './lib/workspace' const packagesOurTypesCanDependOn = [ '@types/react', '@types/react-dom', 'eventemitter3', // todo: external types shouldn't depend on this '@types/ws', 'signia', ] main() async function main() { const tsconfig: any = { compilerOptions: { lib: ['es2015', 'dom'], strict: true, rootDir: '.', paths: {}, esModuleInterop: true, }, files: [], } const tempDir = (await exec('mktemp', ['-d'])).trim() nicelog(`Working in ${tempDir}`) const packages = (await getAllWorkspacePackages()).filter( ({ packageJson }) => !packageJson.private ) nicelog( 'Checking packages:',{ packageJson }) => ) for (const { name, relativePath } of packages) { const unprefixedName = name.replace('@tldraw/', '') const dtsFile = await readFileIfExists(join(relativePath, 'api', 'public.d.ts')) if (!dtsFile) { nicelog(`No public.d.ts for ${name}, skipping`) continue } writeFileSync(join(tempDir, `${unprefixedName}.d.ts`), dtsFile, 'utf8') tsconfig.compilerOptions.paths[name] = [`./${unprefixedName}.d.ts`] tsconfig.files.push(`./${unprefixedName}.d.ts`) } nicelog('Checking with tsconfig:', tsconfig) writeFileSync(`${tempDir}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify(tsconfig, null, '\t'), 'utf8') writeFileSync(`${tempDir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ dependencies: {} }, null, '\t'), 'utf8') await exec('npm', ['install', ...packagesOurTypesCanDependOn], { pwd: tempDir }) await exec(resolve('./node_modules/.bin/tsc'), [], { pwd: tempDir }) await exec('rm', ['-rf', tempDir]) }