import { createRecordType, Migrations, Store } from '@tldraw/tlstore' import { structuredClone } from '@tldraw/utils' import fs from 'fs' import { imageAssetMigrations } from './assets/TLImageAsset' import { videoAssetMigrations } from './assets/TLVideoAsset' import { documentTypeMigrations } from './records/TLDocument' import { instanceTypeMigrations, instanceTypeVersions } from './records/TLInstance' import { instancePageStateMigrations } from './records/TLInstancePageState' import { instancePresenceTypeMigrations } from './records/TLInstancePresence' import { rootShapeTypeMigrations, TLShape } from './records/TLShape' import { userDocumentTypeMigrations, userDocumentVersions } from './records/TLUserDocument' import { storeMigrations, storeVersions } from './schema' import { arrowShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLArrowShape' import { bookmarkShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLBookmarkShape' import { drawShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLDrawShape' import { embedShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLEmbedShape' import { geoShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLGeoShape' import { imageShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLImageShape' import { noteShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLNoteShape' import { textShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLTextShape' import { videoShapeTypeMigrations } from './shapes/TLVideoShape' const assetModules = fs .readdirSync('src/assets') .filter((n) => n.match(/^TL.*\.ts$/)) .map((f) => [f, require(`./assets/${f.slice(0, -3)}`)]) const shapeModules = fs .readdirSync('src/shapes') .filter((n) => n.match(/^TL.*\.ts$/)) .map((f) => [f, require(`./shapes/${f.slice(0, -3)}`)]) const recordModules = fs .readdirSync('src/records') .filter((n) => n.match(/^TL.*\.ts$/)) .map((f) => [f, require(`./records/${f.slice(0, -3)}`)]) const allModules = [ ...assetModules, ...shapeModules, ...recordModules, ['schema.ts', require('./schema')], ] const allMigrators: Array<{ fileName: string version: number up: jest.SpyInstance down: jest.SpyInstance }> = [] for (const [fileName, module] of allModules) { const migrationsKey = Object.keys(module).find((k) => k.endsWith('igrations')) if (!migrationsKey) continue const migrations: Migrations = module[migrationsKey] for (const version of Object.keys(migrations.migrators)) { const originalUp = migrations.migrators[version as any].up const originalDown = migrations.migrators[version as any].down const up = jest .spyOn(migrations.migrators[version as any], 'up') .mockImplementation((initialRecord) => { if (initialRecord instanceof Store) return originalUp(initialRecord) const clonedRecord = structuredClone(initialRecord) const result = originalUp(initialRecord) // mutations should never mutate their input expect(initialRecord).toEqual(clonedRecord) return result }) const down = jest .spyOn(migrations.migrators[version as any], 'down') .mockImplementation((initialRecord) => { if (initialRecord instanceof Store) return originalDown(initialRecord) const clonedRecord = structuredClone(initialRecord) const result = originalDown(initialRecord) // mutations should never mutate their input expect(initialRecord).toEqual(clonedRecord) return result }) allMigrators.push({ fileName, version: Number(version), up, down, }) } } test('all modules export migrations', () => { const modulesWithoutMigrations = allModules .filter(([, module]) => { return !Object.keys(module).find((k) => k.endsWith('igrations')) }) .map(([fileName]) => fileName) // IF THIS LINE IS FAILING YOU NEED TO MAKE SURE THE MIGRATIONS ARE EXPORTED expect(modulesWithoutMigrations).toHaveLength(0) }) /* --- PUT YOUR MIGRATIONS TESTS BELOW HERE --- */ describe('TLVideoAsset AddIsAnimated', () => { const oldAsset = { id: '1', type: 'video', props: { src: '', name: 'video', width: 100, height: 100, mimeType: 'video/mp4', }, } const newAsset = { id: '1', type: 'video', props: { src: '', name: 'video', width: 100, height: 100, mimeType: 'video/mp4', isAnimated: false, }, } const { up, down } = videoAssetMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up(oldAsset)).toEqual(newAsset) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down(newAsset)).toEqual(oldAsset) }) }) describe('TLImageAsset AddIsAnimated', () => { const oldAsset = { id: '1', type: 'image', props: { src: '', name: 'image', width: 100, height: 100, mimeType: 'image/gif', }, } const newAsset = { id: '1', type: 'image', props: { src: '', name: 'image', width: 100, height: 100, mimeType: 'image/gif', isAnimated: false, }, } const { up, down } = imageAssetMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up(oldAsset)).toEqual(newAsset) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down(newAsset)).toEqual(oldAsset) }) }) const ShapeRecord = createRecordType('shape', { validator: { validate: (record) => record as TLShape }, scope: 'document', }) describe('Store removing Icon and Code shapes', () => { test('up works as expected', () => { const snapshot = Object.fromEntries( [ ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'icon', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { name: 'a' }, } as any), ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'icon', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { name: 'b' }, } as any), ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'code', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { name: 'c' }, } as any), ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'code', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { name: 'd' }, } as any), ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'geo', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { geo: 'rectangle', w: 1, h: 1, growY: 1, text: '' }, } as any), ].map((shape) => [, shape]) ) const fixed = storeMigrations.migrators[storeVersions.RemoveCodeAndIconShapeTypes].up(snapshot) expect(Object.entries(fixed)).toHaveLength(1) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const snapshot = Object.fromEntries( [ ShapeRecord.create({ type: 'geo', parentId: 'page:any', index: 'a0', props: { geo: 'rectangle', name: 'e', w: 1, h: 1, growY: 1, text: '' }, } as any), ].map((shape) => [, shape]) ) storeMigrations.migrators[storeVersions.RemoveCodeAndIconShapeTypes].down(snapshot) expect(Object.entries(snapshot)).toHaveLength(1) }) }) describe('Adding export background', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { const before = {} const after = { exportBackground: true } expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const before = { exportBackground: true } const after = {} expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) }) describe('Removing dialogs from instance', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[2] test('up works as expected', () => { const before = { dialog: null } const after = {} expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const before = {} const after = { dialog: null } expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) }) describe('Adding snap mode', () => { const { up, down } = userDocumentTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { const before = {} const after = { isSnapMode: false } expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const before = { isSnapMode: false } const after = {} expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) }) describe('Adding url props', () => { for (const [name, { up, down }] of [ ['video shape', videoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ['note shape', noteShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ['geo shape', geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ['image shape', imageShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ] as const) { test(`${name}: up works as expected`, () => { const before = { props: {} } const after = { props: { url: '' } } expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test(`${name}: down works as expected`, () => { const before = { props: { url: '' } } const after = { props: {} } expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) } }) describe('Bookmark null asset id', () => { const { up, down } = bookmarkShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { const before = { props: {} } const after = { props: { assetId: null } } expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const before = { props: { assetId: null } } const after = { props: {} } expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) }) describe('Renaming asset props', () => { for (const [name, { up, down }] of [ ['image shape', imageAssetMigrations.migrators[2]], ['video shape', videoAssetMigrations.migrators[2]], ] as const) { test(`${name}: up works as expected`, () => { const before = { props: { width: 100, height: 100 } } const after = { props: { w: 100, h: 100 } } expect(up(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) test(`${name}: down works as expected`, () => { const before = { props: { w: 100, h: 100 } } const after = { props: { width: 100, height: 100 } } expect(down(before)).toStrictEqual(after) }) } }) describe('Adding the missing isMobileMode', () => { const { up, down } = userDocumentTypeMigrations.migrators[2] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toMatchObject({ isMobileMode: false }) expect(up({ isMobileMode: true })).toMatchObject({ isMobileMode: true }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ isMobileMode: true })).toStrictEqual({}) expect(down({ isMobileMode: false })).toStrictEqual({}) }) }) describe('Adding instance.isToolLocked', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[3] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toMatchObject({ isToolLocked: false }) expect(up({ isToolLocked: true })).toMatchObject({ isToolLocked: false }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ isToolLocked: true })).toStrictEqual({}) expect(down({ isToolLocked: false })).toStrictEqual({}) }) }) describe('Cleaning up junk data in instance.propsForNextShape', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[4] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', unknown: 'gone' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const instance = { propsForNextShape: { color: 'red' } } expect(down(instance)).toBe(instance) }) }) describe('Generating original URL from embed URL in GenOriginalUrlInEmbed', () => { const { up, down } = embedShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { url: '' } })).toEqual({ props: { url: '', tmpOldUrl: '', }, }) }) test('invalid up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { url: '' } })).toEqual({ props: { url: '', tmpOldUrl: '', }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const instance = { props: { url: '', tmpOldUrl: '', }, } expect(down(instance)).toEqual({ props: { url: '' } }) }) test('invalid down works as expected', () => { const instance = { props: { url: '', tmpOldUrl: '', }, } expect(down(instance)).toEqual({ props: { url: '' } }) }) }) describe('Adding isPen prop', () => { const { up, down } = drawShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected with a shape that is not a pen shape', () => { expect( up({ props: { segments: [ { type: 'free', points: [ { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.5 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.5 }, ], }, ], }, }) ).toEqual({ props: { isPen: false, segments: [ { type: 'free', points: [ { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.5 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.5 }, ], }, ], }, }) }) test('up works as expected when converting to pen', () => { expect( up({ props: { segments: [ { type: 'free', points: [ { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.2315 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.2421 }, ], }, ], }, }) ).toEqual({ props: { isPen: true, segments: [ { type: 'free', points: [ { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0.2315 }, { x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.2421 }, ], }, ], }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { isPen: false } })).toEqual({ props: {}, }) }) }) describe('Adding isLocked prop', () => { const { up, down } = rootShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({ isLocked: false }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ isLocked: false })).toEqual({}) }) }) describe('Adding labelColor prop to geo / arrow shapes', () => { for (const [name, { up, down }] of [ ['arrow shape', arrowShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ['geo shape', geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[2]], ] as const) { test(`${name}: up works as expected`, () => { expect(up({ props: { color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { color: 'red', labelColor: 'black' }, }) }) test(`${name}: down works as expected`, () => { expect(down({ props: { color: 'red', labelColor: 'blue' } })).toEqual({ props: { color: 'red' }, }) }) } }) describe('Adding labelColor prop to propsForNextShape', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[5] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', labelColor: 'black' }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', labelColor: 'blue' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red' }, }) }) }) describe('Adding croppingId to instancePageState', () => { const { up, down } = instancePageStateMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({ croppingId: null, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ croppingId: null })).toEqual({}) }) }) describe('Adding followingUserId prop to instance', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[6] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({ followingUserId: null }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ followingUserId: '123' })).toEqual({}) }) }) describe('Removing align=justify from propsForNextShape', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[7] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'justify' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'start' }, }) expect(up({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'end' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'end' }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'end' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'black', align: 'end' }, }) }) }) describe('Adding zoomBrush prop to instance', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[8] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({ zoomBrush: null }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ zoomBrush: { x: 1, y: 2, w: 3, h: 4 } })).toEqual({}) }) }) describe('Removing align=justify from shape align props', () => { for (const [name, { up, down }] of [ ['text', textShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[1]], ['note', noteShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[2]], ['geo', geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[3]], ] as const) { test(`${name}: up works as expected`, () => { expect(up({ props: { align: 'justify' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start' }, }) expect(up({ props: { align: 'end' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'end' }, }) }) test(`${name}: down works as expected`, () => { expect(down({ props: { align: 'start' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start' }, }) }) } }) describe('Add crop=null to image shapes', () => { const { up, down } = imageShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[2] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { w: 100 } })).toEqual({ props: { w: 100, crop: null }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { w: 100, crop: null } })).toEqual({ props: { w: 100 }, }) }) }) describe('Adding instance_presence to the schema', () => { const { up, down } = storeMigrations.migrators[storeVersions.AddInstancePresenceType] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({}) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect( down({ 'instance_presence:123': { id: 'instance_presence:123', typeName: 'instance_presence' }, 'instance:123': { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance' }, }) ).toEqual({ 'instance:123': { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance' }, }) }) }) describe('Adding name to document', () => { const { up, down } = documentTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({})).toEqual({ name: '' }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ name: '' })).toEqual({}) }) }) describe('Adding check-box to geo shape', () => { const { up, down } = geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[4] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { geo: 'rectangle' } })).toEqual({ props: { geo: 'rectangle' } }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { geo: 'rectangle' } })).toEqual({ props: { geo: 'rectangle' } }) expect(down({ props: { geo: 'check-box' } })).toEqual({ props: { geo: 'rectangle' } }) }) }) describe('Add verticalAlign to geo shape', () => { const { up, down } = geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[5] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { type: 'ellipse', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { verticalAlign: 'middle', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { type: 'ellipse' }, }) }) }) describe('Add verticalAlign to props for next shape', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[9] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', verticalAlign: 'middle', }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { const instance = { propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', verticalAlign: 'middle' } } expect(down(instance)).toEqual({ propsForNextShape: { color: 'red', }, }) }) }) describe('Migrate GeoShape legacy horizontal alignment', () => { const { up, down } = geoShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[6] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { align: 'start', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start-legacy', type: 'ellipse' }, }) expect(up({ props: { align: 'middle', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'middle-legacy', type: 'ellipse' }, }) expect(up({ props: { align: 'end', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'end-legacy', type: 'ellipse' }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { align: 'start-legacy', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start', type: 'ellipse' }, }) expect(down({ props: { align: 'middle-legacy', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'middle', type: 'ellipse' }, }) expect(down({ props: { align: 'end-legacy', type: 'ellipse' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'end', type: 'ellipse' }, }) }) }) describe('Migrate NoteShape legacy horizontal alignment', () => { const { up, down } = noteShapeTypeMigrations.migrators[3] test('up works as expected', () => { expect(up({ props: { align: 'start', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start-legacy', color: 'red' }, }) expect(up({ props: { align: 'middle', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'middle-legacy', color: 'red' }, }) expect(up({ props: { align: 'end', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'end-legacy', color: 'red' }, }) }) test('down works as expected', () => { expect(down({ props: { align: 'start-legacy', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'start', color: 'red' }, }) expect(down({ props: { align: 'middle-legacy', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'middle', color: 'red' }, }) expect(down({ props: { align: 'end-legacy', color: 'red' } })).toEqual({ props: { align: 'end', color: 'red' }, }) }) }) describe('Removing isReadOnly from user_document', () => { const { up, down } = userDocumentTypeMigrations.migrators[userDocumentVersions.RemoveIsReadOnly] const prev = { id: 'user_document:123', typeName: 'user_document', userId: 'user:123', isReadOnly: false, isPenMode: false, isGridMode: false, isDarkMode: false, isMobileMode: false, isSnapMode: false, lastUpdatedPageId: null, lastUsedTabId: null, } const next = { id: 'user_document:123', typeName: 'user_document', userId: 'user:123', isPenMode: false, isGridMode: false, isDarkMode: false, isMobileMode: false, isSnapMode: false, lastUpdatedPageId: null, lastUsedTabId: null, } test('up removes the isReadOnly property', () => { expect(up(prev)).toEqual(next) }) test('down adds the isReadOnly property', () => { expect(down(next)).toEqual(prev) }) }) describe('Adds delay to scribble', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[10] test('up has no effect when scribble is null', () => { expect( up({ scribble: null, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: null }) }) test('up adds the delay property', () => { expect( up({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', }, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', delay: 0, }, }) }) test('down has no effect when scribble is null', () => { expect(down({ scribble: null })).toEqual({ scribble: null }) }) test('removes the delay property', () => { expect( down({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', delay: 0, }, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', }, }) }) }) describe('Adds delay to scribble', () => { const { up, down } = instancePresenceTypeMigrations.migrators[1] test('up has no effect when scribble is null', () => { expect( up({ scribble: null, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: null }) }) test('up adds the delay property', () => { expect( up({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', }, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', delay: 0, }, }) }) test('down has no effect when scribble is null', () => { expect(down({ scribble: null })).toEqual({ scribble: null }) }) test('removes the delay property', () => { expect( down({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', delay: 0, }, }) ).toEqual({ scribble: { points: [{ x: 0, y: 0 }], size: 4, color: 'black', opacity: 1, state: 'starting', }, }) }) }) describe('user config refactor', () => { test('removes user and user_presence types from snapshots', () => { const { up, down } = storeMigrations.migrators[storeVersions.RemoveTLUserAndPresenceAndAddPointer] const prevSnapshot = { 'user:123': { id: 'user:123', typeName: 'user', }, 'user_presence:123': { id: 'user_presence:123', typeName: 'user_presence', }, 'instance:123': { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance', }, } const nextSnapshot = { 'instance:123': { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance', }, } // up removes the user and user_presence types expect(up(prevSnapshot)).toEqual(nextSnapshot) // down cannot add them back so it should be a no-op expect( down({ ...nextSnapshot, 'pointer:134': { id: 'pointer:134', typeName: 'pointer', }, }) ).toEqual(nextSnapshot) }) test('removes userId from the instance state', () => { const { up, down } = instanceTypeMigrations.migrators[instanceTypeVersions.RemoveUserId] const prev = { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance', userId: 'user:123', } const next = { id: 'instance:123', typeName: 'instance', } expect(up(prev)).toEqual(next) // it cannot be added back so it should add some meaningless id in there // in practice, because we bumped the store version, this down migrator will never be used expect(down(next)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "id": "instance:123", "typeName": "instance", "userId": "user:none", } `) }) test('removes userId and isDarkMode from TLUserDocument', () => { const { up, down } = userDocumentTypeMigrations.migrators[userDocumentVersions.RemoveUserIdAndIsDarkMode] const prev = { id: 'user_document:123', typeName: 'user_document', userId: 'user:123', isDarkMode: false, isGridMode: false, } const next = { id: 'user_document:123', typeName: 'user_document', isGridMode: false, } expect(up(prev)).toEqual(next) expect(down(next)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "id": "user_document:123", "isDarkMode": false, "isGridMode": false, "typeName": "user_document", "userId": "user:none", } `) }) }) /* --- PUT YOUR MIGRATIONS TESTS ABOVE HERE --- */ for (const migrator of allMigrators) { test(`[${migrator.fileName} v${migrator.version}] up and down migrations have both been tested`, () => { expect(migrator.up).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(migrator.down).toHaveBeenCalled() }) }