name: Checks on: pull_request: merge_group: push: branches: [main, lite] env: CI: 1 PRINT_GITHUB_ANNOTATIONS: 1 jobs: build: name: 'Build and run checks' timeout-minutes: 15 runs-on: ubuntu-latest-16-cores-open # TODO: this should probably run on multiple OSes steps: - name: Check out code uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Setup Node.js environment uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 18 cache: 'yarn' cache-dependency-path: 'public-yarn.lock' - name: Enable corepack run: corepack enable - name: Install dependencies run: yarn - name: Typecheck run: yarn build:types - name: Check scripts run: yarn check-scripts - name: Lint run: yarn lint - name: Check API declarations and docs work as intended run: yarn api:check - name: Pack public packages run: yarn lazy pack-tarball - name: Build all projects # the sed pipe makes sure that github annotations come through without # turbo's prefix run: "yarn build | sed -E 's/^@[a-zA-Z-]+\\/[a-z-]+:[a-z-]+: ::/::/'" - name: Test run: yarn test