import { TLShapeId, TLUnknownShape, getPointerInfo, stopEventPropagation, useEditor, useValue, } from '@tldraw/editor' import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react' import { INDENT, TextHelpers } from './TextHelpers' /** @public */ export function useEditableText(id: TLShapeId, type: string, text: string) { const editor = useEditor() const rInput = useRef(null) const isEditing = useValue( 'isEditing', () => { return editor.getEditingShapeId() === id }, [editor] ) const isEditingAnything = useValue( 'isEditingAnything', () => { return editor.getEditingShapeId() !== null }, [editor] ) useEffect(() => { function selectAllIfEditing({ shapeId }: { shapeId: TLShapeId }) { // We wait a tick, because on iOS, the keyboard will not show if we focus immediately. requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (shapeId === id) { const elm = rInput.current if (elm) { if (document.activeElement !== elm) { elm.focus() } } } }) } editor.on('select-all-text', selectAllIfEditing) return () => {'select-all-text', selectAllIfEditing) } }, [editor, id]) const rSelectionRanges = useRef() useEffect(() => { if (!isEditing) return const elm = rInput.current if (!elm) return // Focus if we're not already focused if (document.activeElement !== elm) { elm.focus() // On mobile etc, just select all the text when we start focusing if (editor.getInstanceState().isCoarsePointer) { } } // When the selection changes, save the selection ranges function updateSelection() { const selection = window.getSelection?.() if (selection && selection.type !== 'None') { const ranges: Range[] = [] for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) { ranges.push(selection.getRangeAt?.(i)) } rSelectionRanges.current = ranges } } document.addEventListener('selectionchange', updateSelection) return () => { document.removeEventListener('selectionchange', updateSelection) } }, [editor, isEditing]) // 2. Restore the selection changes (and focus) if the element blurs // When the label blurs, deselect all of the text and complete. // This makes it so that the canvas does not have to be focused // in order to exit the editing state and complete the editing state const handleBlur = useCallback(() => { const ranges = rSelectionRanges.current requestAnimationFrame(() => { const elm = rInput.current const editingShapeId = editor.getEditingShapeId() // Did we move to a different shape? if (editingShapeId) { // important! these ^v are two different things // is that shape OUR shape? if (elm && editingShapeId === id) { elm.focus() if (ranges && ranges.length) { const selection = window.getSelection() if (selection) { ranges.forEach((range) => selection.addRange(range)) } } } } else { window.getSelection()?.removeAllRanges() } }) }, [editor, id]) // When the user presses ctrl / meta enter, complete the editing state. const handleKeyDown = useCallback( (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (editor.getEditingShapeId() !== id) return switch (e.key) { case 'Enter': { if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { editor.complete() } break } } }, [editor, id] ) // When the text changes, update the text value. const handleChange = useCallback( (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { if (editor.getEditingShapeId() !== id) return let text = TextHelpers.normalizeText(e.currentTarget.value) // ------- Bug fix ------------ // Replace tabs with spaces when pasting const untabbedText = text.replace(/\t/g, INDENT) if (untabbedText !== text) { const selectionStart = e.currentTarget.selectionStart e.currentTarget.value = untabbedText e.currentTarget.selectionStart = selectionStart + (untabbedText.length - text.length) e.currentTarget.selectionEnd = selectionStart + (untabbedText.length - text.length) text = untabbedText } // ---------------------------- editor.updateShape({ id, type, props: { text }, }) }, [editor, id, type] ) const handleInputPointerDown = useCallback( (e: React.PointerEvent) => { // This is important that we only dispatch when editing. // Otherwise, you can get into a state where you're editing // able to drag a selected shape behind another shape. if (!isEditing) return editor.dispatch({ ...getPointerInfo(e), type: 'pointer', name: 'pointer_down', target: 'shape', shape: editor.getShape(id)!, }) stopEventPropagation(e) // we need to prevent blurring the input }, [editor, id, isEditing] ) const handleDoubleClick = stopEventPropagation return { rInput, handleFocus: noop, handleBlur, handleKeyDown, handleChange, handleInputPointerDown, handleDoubleClick, isEmpty: text.trim().length === 0, isEditing, isEditingAnything, } } function noop() { return }