import { Editor, Group2d, IndexKey, Rectangle2d, ShapeUtil, SvgExportContext, TLHandle, TLNoteShape, TLOnEditEndHandler, TLShape, TLShapeId, Vec, WeakMapCache, getDefaultColorTheme, noteShapeMigrations, noteShapeProps, rng, toDomPrecision, useEditor, useValue, } from '@tldraw/editor' import { useCallback } from 'react' import { useCurrentTranslation } from '../../ui/hooks/useTranslation/useTranslation' import { isRightToLeftLanguage } from '../../utils/text/text' import { HyperlinkButton } from '../shared/HyperlinkButton' import { useDefaultColorTheme } from '../shared/ShapeFill' import { SvgTextLabel } from '../shared/SvgTextLabel' import { TextLabel } from '../shared/TextLabel' import { FONT_FAMILIES, LABEL_FONT_SIZES, LABEL_PADDING, TEXT_PROPS, } from '../shared/default-shape-constants' import { getFontDefForExport } from '../shared/defaultStyleDefs' import { startEditingShapeWithLabel } from '../../tools/SelectTool/selectHelpers' import { useForceSolid } from '../shared/useForceSolid' import { ADJACENT_NOTE_MARGIN, CLONE_HANDLE_MARGIN, NOTE_CENTER_OFFSET, NOTE_SIZE, getNoteShapeForAdjacentPosition, } from './noteHelpers' /** @public */ export class NoteShapeUtil extends ShapeUtil { static override type = 'note' as const static override props = noteShapeProps static override migrations = noteShapeMigrations override canEdit = () => true override hideResizeHandles = () => true override hideSelectionBoundsFg = () => false getDefaultProps(): TLNoteShape['props'] { return { color: 'black', size: 'm', text: '', font: 'draw', align: 'middle', verticalAlign: 'middle', growY: 0, fontSizeAdjustment: 0, url: '', } } getGeometry(shape: TLNoteShape) { const noteHeight = getNoteHeight(shape) const { labelHeight, labelWidth } = getLabelSize(this.editor, shape) return new Group2d({ children: [ new Rectangle2d({ width: NOTE_SIZE, height: noteHeight, isFilled: true }), new Rectangle2d({ x: shape.props.align === 'start' ? 0 : shape.props.align === 'end' ? NOTE_SIZE - labelWidth : (NOTE_SIZE - labelWidth) / 2, y: shape.props.verticalAlign === 'start' ? 0 : shape.props.verticalAlign === 'end' ? noteHeight - labelHeight : (noteHeight - labelHeight) / 2, width: labelWidth, height: labelHeight, isFilled: true, isLabel: true, }), ], }) } override getHandles(shape: TLNoteShape): TLHandle[] { const zoom = this.editor.getZoomLevel() const offset = CLONE_HANDLE_MARGIN / zoom const noteHeight = getNoteHeight(shape) const isCoarsePointer = this.editor.getInstanceState().isCoarsePointer if (zoom < 0.25 || isCoarsePointer) return [] return [ { id: 'top', index: 'a1' as IndexKey, type: 'clone', x: NOTE_SIZE / 2, y: -offset, }, { id: 'right', index: 'a2' as IndexKey, type: 'clone', x: NOTE_SIZE + offset, y: noteHeight / 2, }, { id: 'bottom', index: 'a3' as IndexKey, type: 'clone', x: NOTE_SIZE / 2, y: noteHeight + offset, }, { id: 'left', index: 'a4' as IndexKey, type: 'clone', x: -offset, y: noteHeight / 2, }, ] } component(shape: TLNoteShape) { const { id, type, props: { color, font, size, align, text, verticalAlign, fontSizeAdjustment }, } = shape // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const handleKeyDown = useNoteKeydownHandler(id) // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const theme = useDefaultColorTheme() const noteHeight = getNoteHeight(shape) // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const rotation = useValue( 'shape rotation', () => this.editor.getShapePageTransform(id)?.rotation() ?? 0, [this.editor] ) // todo: consider hiding shadows on dark mode if they're invisible anyway // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks const hideShadows = useForceSolid() const isSelected = === this.editor.getOnlySelectedShapeId() return ( <>
{'url' in shape.props && shape.props.url && ( )} ) } indicator(shape: TLNoteShape) { return ( ) } override toSvg(shape: TLNoteShape, ctx: SvgExportContext) { ctx.addExportDef(getFontDefForExport(shape.props.font)) if (shape.props.text) ctx.addExportDef(getFontDefForExport(shape.props.font)) const theme = getDefaultColorTheme({ isDarkMode: ctx.isDarkMode }) const bounds = this.editor.getShapeGeometry(shape).bounds return ( <> ) } override onBeforeCreate = (next: TLNoteShape) => { return getNoteSizeAdjustments(this.editor, next) } override onBeforeUpdate = (prev: TLNoteShape, next: TLNoteShape) => { if ( prev.props.text === next.props.text && prev.props.font === next.props.font && prev.props.size === next.props.size ) { return } return getNoteSizeAdjustments(this.editor, next) } override onEditEnd: TLOnEditEndHandler = (shape) => { const { id, type, props: { text }, } = shape if (text.trimEnd() !== shape.props.text) { this.editor.updateShapes([ { id, type, props: { text: text.trimEnd(), }, }, ]) } } } /** * Get the growY and fontSizeAdjustment for a shape. */ function getNoteSizeAdjustments(editor: Editor, shape: TLNoteShape) { const { labelHeight, fontSizeAdjustment } = getLabelSize(editor, shape) // When the label height is more than the height of the shape, we add extra height to it const growY = Math.max(0, labelHeight - NOTE_SIZE) if (growY !== shape.props.growY || fontSizeAdjustment !== shape.props.fontSizeAdjustment) { return { ...shape, props: { ...shape.props, growY, fontSizeAdjustment, }, } } } /** * Get the label size for a note. */ function getNoteLabelSize(editor: Editor, shape: TLNoteShape) { const text = shape.props.text if (!text) { const minHeight = LABEL_FONT_SIZES[shape.props.size] * TEXT_PROPS.lineHeight + LABEL_PADDING * 2 return { labelHeight: minHeight, labelWidth: 100, fontSizeAdjustment: 0 } } const unadjustedFontSize = LABEL_FONT_SIZES[shape.props.size] let fontSizeAdjustment = 0 let iterations = 0 let labelHeight = NOTE_SIZE let labelWidth = NOTE_SIZE // N.B. For some note shapes with text like 'hjhjhjhjhjhjhjhj', you'll run into // some text measurement fuzziness where the browser swears there's no overflow (scrollWidth === width) // but really there is when you enable overflow-wrap again. This helps account for that little bit // of give. const FUZZ = 1 // We slightly make the font smaller if the text is too big for the note, width-wise. do { fontSizeAdjustment = Math.min(unadjustedFontSize, unadjustedFontSize - iterations) const nextTextSize = editor.textMeasure.measureText(text, { ...TEXT_PROPS, fontFamily: FONT_FAMILIES[shape.props.font], fontSize: fontSizeAdjustment, maxWidth: NOTE_SIZE - LABEL_PADDING * 2 - FUZZ, disableOverflowWrapBreaking: true, }) labelHeight = nextTextSize.h + LABEL_PADDING * 2 labelWidth = nextTextSize.w + LABEL_PADDING * 2 if (fontSizeAdjustment <= 14) { // Too small, just rely now on CSS `overflow-wrap: break-word` // We need to recalculate the text measurement here with break-word enabled. const nextTextSizeWithOverflowBreak = editor.textMeasure.measureText(text, { ...TEXT_PROPS, fontFamily: FONT_FAMILIES[shape.props.font], fontSize: fontSizeAdjustment, maxWidth: NOTE_SIZE - LABEL_PADDING * 2 - FUZZ, }) labelHeight = nextTextSizeWithOverflowBreak.h + LABEL_PADDING * 2 labelWidth = nextTextSizeWithOverflowBreak.w + LABEL_PADDING * 2 break } if (nextTextSize.scrollWidth.toFixed(0) === nextTextSize.w.toFixed(0)) { break } } while (iterations++ < 50) return { labelHeight, labelWidth, fontSizeAdjustment, } } const labelSizesForNote = new WeakMapCache>() function getLabelSize(editor: Editor, shape: TLNoteShape) { return labelSizesForNote.get(shape, () => getNoteLabelSize(editor, shape)) } function useNoteKeydownHandler(id: TLShapeId) { const editor = useEditor() const translation = useCurrentTranslation() return useCallback( (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { const shape = editor.getShape(id) if (!shape) return const isTab = e.key === 'Tab' const isCmdEnter = (e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey) && e.key === 'Enter' if (isTab || isCmdEnter) { e.preventDefault() const pageTransform = editor.getShapePageTransform(id) const pageRotation = pageTransform.rotation() // Based on the inputs, calculate the offset to the next note // tab controls x axis (shift inverts direction set by RTL) // cmd enter is the y axis (shift inverts direction) const isRTL = !!(translation.dir === 'rtl' || isRightToLeftLanguage(shape.props.text)) const offsetLength = NOTE_SIZE + ADJACENT_NOTE_MARGIN + // If we're growing down, we need to account for the current shape's growY (isCmdEnter && !e.shiftKey ? shape.props.growY : 0) const adjacentCenter = new Vec( isTab ? (e.shiftKey != isRTL ? -1 : 1) : 0, isCmdEnter ? (e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1) : 0 ) .mul(offsetLength) .add(NOTE_CENTER_OFFSET) .rot(pageRotation) .add(pageTransform.point()) const newNote = getNoteShapeForAdjacentPosition(editor, shape, adjacentCenter, pageRotation) if (newNote) { editor.mark('editing adjacent shape') startEditingShapeWithLabel(editor, newNote, true /* selectAll */) } } }, [id, editor, translation.dir] ) } function getNoteHeight(shape: TLNoteShape) { return NOTE_SIZE + shape.props.growY } function getNoteShadow(id: string, rotation: number) { const random = rng(id) // seeded based on id const lift = Math.abs(random()) + 0.5 // 0 to 1.5 const oy = Math.cos(rotation) return `0px ${5 - lift}px 5px -5px rgba(15, 23, 31, .6), 0px ${(4 + lift * 7) * Math.max(0, oy)}px ${6 + lift * 7}px -${4 + lift * 6}px rgba(15, 23, 31, ${(0.3 + lift * 0.1).toFixed(2)}), 0px 48px 10px -10px inset rgba(15, 23, 44, ${((0.022 + random() * 0.005) * ((1 + oy) / 2)).toFixed(2)})` }