import { App, createAssetShapeAtPoint, createBookmarkShapeAtPoint, createEmbedShapeAtPoint, createShapeId, createShapesFromFiles, FONT_FAMILIES, FONT_SIZES, getEmbedInfo, getIndexAbove, getIndices, getValidHttpURLList, isShapeId, isSvgText, isValidHttpURL, TEXT_PROPS, TLAlignType, TLArrowheadType, TLArrowShapeDef, TLAsset, TLAssetId, TLBookmarkShapeDef, TLClipboardModel, TLColorType, TLDashType, TLEmbedShapeDef, TLFillType, TLFontType, TLGeoShapeDef, TLOpacityType, TLShapeId, TLSizeType, TLTextShapeDef, uniqueId, useApp, } from '@tldraw/editor' import { Box2d, Vec2d, VecLike } from '@tldraw/primitives' import { compact, isNonNull } from '@tldraw/utils' import { compressToBase64, decompressFromBase64 } from 'lz-string' import { useCallback, useEffect } from 'react' import { useAppIsFocused } from './useAppIsFocused' import { useEvents } from './useEventsProvider' /** @public */ export type EmbedInfo = { width: number height: number doesResize: boolean isEmbedUrl: (url: string) => boolean toEmbed: (url: string) => string } async function blobAsString(blob: Blob) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader() reader.addEventListener('loadend', () => { const text = reader.result resolve(text as string) }) reader.addEventListener('error', () => { reject(reader.error) }) reader.readAsText(blob) }) } async function dataTransferItemAsString(item: DataTransferItem) { return new Promise((resolve) => { item.getAsString((text) => { resolve(text) }) }) } const INPUTS = ['input', 'select', 'textarea'] function disallowClipboardEvents(app: App) { const { activeElement } = document return ( app.isMenuOpen || (activeElement && (activeElement.getAttribute('contenteditable') || INPUTS.indexOf(activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase()) > -1)) ) } function stripHtml(html: string) { // See const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('') doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html return doc.body.textContent || doc.body.innerText || '' } // Clear the clipboard when the user copies nothing const clearPersistedClipboard = () => { window.navigator.clipboard.writeText('') } /** * Write serialized data to the local storage. * * @param data - The string to write. * @param kind - The kind of data to write. * @internal */ const getStringifiedClipboard = (data: any, kind: 'text' | 'file' | 'content') => { const s = compressToBase64( JSON.stringify({ type: 'application/tldraw', kind, data, }) ) return s } /** * When the clipboard has tldraw content, paste it into the scene. * * @param clipboard - The clipboard model. * @param point - The center point at which to paste the content. * @internal */ const pasteTldrawContent = async (app: App, clipboard: TLClipboardModel, point?: VecLike) => { const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : undefined) app.mark('paste') app.putContent(clipboard, { point: p, select: true, }) } /** * When the clipboard has plain text, create a text shape and insert it into the scene * * @param text - The text to paste. * @param point - The point at which to paste the text. * @internal */ const pastePlainText = async (app: App, text: string, point?: VecLike) => { const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : app.viewportPageCenter) const defaultProps = app.getShapeUtilByDef(TLTextShapeDef).defaultProps() // Measure the text with default values const { w, h } = app.textMeasure.measureText({ ...TEXT_PROPS, text: stripHtml(text), fontFamily: FONT_FAMILIES[defaultProps.font], fontSize: FONT_SIZES[defaultProps.size], width: 'fit-content', }) app.mark('paste') app.createShapes([ { id: createShapeId(), type: 'text', x: p.x - w / 2, y: p.y - h / 2, props: { text: stripHtml(text), autoSize: true, }, }, ]) } /** * When the clipboard has plain text that is a valid URL, create a bookmark shape and insert it into * the scene * * @param url - The URL to paste. * @param point - The point at which to paste the file. * @internal */ const pasteUrl = async (app: App, url: string, point?: VecLike) => { const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : app.viewportPageCenter) // Lets see if its an image and we have CORs try { const resp = await fetch(url) if (resp.headers.get('content-type')?.match(/^image\//)) { app.mark('paste') pasteFiles(app, [url]) return } } catch (err: any) { if (err.message !== 'Failed to fetch') { console.error(err) } } const embedInfo = getEmbedInfo(url) if (embedInfo) { app.mark('paste') createEmbedShapeAtPoint(app, embedInfo.url, p, embedInfo.definition) } else { app.mark('paste') await createBookmarkShapeAtPoint(app, url, p) } } const pasteSvgText = async (app: App, text: string, point?: VecLike) => { const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : app.viewportPageCenter) app.mark('paste') await createAssetShapeAtPoint(app, text, p) } /** * When the clipboard has a file, create an image shape from the file and paste it into the scene * * @param url - The file's url. * @param point - The point at which to paste the file. * @internal */ const pasteFiles = async (app: App, urls: string[], point?: VecLike) => { const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : app.viewportPageCenter) const blobs = await Promise.all( (url) => await (await fetch(url)).blob())) const files = (blob) => new File([blob], 'tldrawFile', { type: blob.type, }) ) app.mark('paste') await createShapesFromFiles(app, files, p, false) urls.forEach((url) => URL.revokeObjectURL(url)) } /** * When the user copies, write the contents to local storage and to the clipboard * * @param app - App * @public */ const handleMenuCopy = (app: App) => { const content = app.getContent() if (!content) { clearPersistedClipboard() return } const stringifiedClipboard = getStringifiedClipboard(content, 'content') if (typeof window?.navigator !== 'undefined') { // Extract the text from the clipboard const textItems = content.shapes .map((shape) => { if ( || || { return shape.props.text } if ( || { return shape.props.url } return null }) .filter(isNonNull) if (navigator.clipboard?.write) { const htmlBlob = new Blob([`${stringifiedClipboard}`], { type: 'text/html', }) let textContent = textItems.join(' ') // This is a bug in chrome android where it won't paste content if // the text/plain content is "" so we need to always add an empty // space 🤬 if (textContent === '') { textContent = ' ' } navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({ 'text/html': htmlBlob, 'text/plain': new Blob([textContent], { type: 'text/plain' }), }), ]) } else if (navigator.clipboard.writeText) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${stringifiedClipboard}`) } } } const pasteText = (app: App, data: string, point?: VecLike) => { const validUrlList = getValidHttpURLList(data) if (validUrlList) { for (const url of validUrlList) { pasteUrl(app, url, point) } } else if (isValidHttpURL(data)) { pasteUrl(app, data, point) } else if (isSvgText(data)) { pasteSvgText(app, data, point) } else { pastePlainText(app, data, point) } } async function pasteExcalidrawContent(app: App, clipboard: any, point?: VecLike) { const { elements, files } = clipboard const tldrawContent: TLClipboardModel = { shapes: [], rootShapeIds: [], assets: [], schema:, } const groupShapeIdToChildren = new Map() const rotatedElements = new Map() const getOpacity = (opacity: number): TLOpacityType => { const t = opacity / 100 if (t < 0.2) { return '0.1' } else if (t < 0.4) { return '0.25' } else if (t < 0.6) { return '0.5' } else if (t < 0.8) { return '0.75' } return '1' } const strokeWidthsToSizes: Record = { 1: 's', 2: 'm', 3: 'l', 4: 'xl', } const fontSizesToSizes: Record = { 16: 's', 20: 'm', 28: 'l', 36: 'xl', } function getFontSizeAndScale(fontSize: number): { size: TLSizeType; scale: number } { const size = fontSizesToSizes[fontSize] if (size) { return { size, scale: 1 } } if (fontSize < 16) { return { size: 's', scale: fontSize / 16 } } if (fontSize > 36) { return { size: 'xl', scale: fontSize / 36 } } return { size: 'm', scale: 1 } } const fontFamilyToFontType: Record = { 1: 'draw', 2: 'sans', 3: 'mono', } const colorsToColors: Record = { '#ffffff': 'grey', // Strokes '#000000': 'black', '#343a40': 'grey', '#495057': 'grey', '#c92a2a': 'red', '#a61e4d': 'light-red', '#862e9c': 'violet', '#5f3dc4': 'light-violet', '#364fc7': 'blue', '#1864ab': 'light-blue', '#0b7285': 'light-green', '#087f5b': 'light-green', '#2b8a3e': 'green', '#5c940d': 'light-green', '#e67700': 'yellow', '#d9480f': 'orange', // Backgrounds '#ced4da': 'grey', '#868e96': 'grey', '#fa5252': 'light-red', '#e64980': 'red', '#be4bdb': 'light-violet', '#7950f2': 'violet', '#4c6ef5': 'blue', '#228be6': 'light-blue', '#15aabf': 'light-green', '#12b886': 'green', '#40c057': 'green', '#82c91e': 'light-green', '#fab005': 'yellow', '#fd7e14': 'orange', '#212529': 'grey', } const strokeStylesToStrokeTypes: Record = { solid: 'draw', dashed: 'dashed', dotted: 'dotted', } const fillStylesToFillType: Record = { 'cross-hatch': 'pattern', hachure: 'pattern', solid: 'solid', } const textAlignToAlignTypes: Record = { left: 'start', center: 'middle', right: 'end', } const arrowheadsToArrowheadTypes: Record = { arrow: 'arrow', dot: 'dot', triangle: 'triangle', bar: 'pipe', } function getBend(element: any, startPoint: any, endPoint: any) { let bend = 0 if (element.points.length > 2) { const start = new Vec2d(startPoint[0], startPoint[1]) const end = new Vec2d(endPoint[0], endPoint[1]) const handle = new Vec2d(element.points[1][0], element.points[1][1]) const delta = Vec2d.Sub(end, start) const v = Vec2d.Per(delta) const med = Vec2d.Med(end, start) const A = Vec2d.Sub(med, v) const B = Vec2d.Add(med, v) const point = Vec2d.NearestPointOnLineSegment(A, B, handle, false) bend = Vec2d.Dist(point, med) if (Vec2d.Clockwise(point, end, med)) bend *= -1 } return bend } const getDash = (element: any): TLDashType => { let dash: TLDashType = strokeStylesToStrokeTypes[element.strokeStyle] ?? 'draw' if (dash === 'draw' && element.roughness === 0) { dash = 'solid' } return dash } const getFill = (element: any): TLFillType => { if (element.backgroundColor === 'transparent') { return 'none' } return fillStylesToFillType[element.fillStyle] ?? 'solid' } const { currentPageId } = app let index = 'a1' const excElementIdsToTldrawShapeIds = new Map() const rootShapeIds: TLShapeId[] = [] const skipIds = new Set() elements.forEach((element: any) => { excElementIdsToTldrawShapeIds.set(, app.createShapeId()) if (element.boundElements !== null) { for (const boundElement of element.boundElements) { if (boundElement.type === 'text') { skipIds.add( } } } }) for (const element of elements) { if (skipIds.has( { continue } const id = excElementIdsToTldrawShapeIds.get(! const base = { id, typeName: 'shape', parentId: currentPageId, index, x: element.x, y: element.y, rotation: 0, isLocked: element.locked, } as const if (element.angle !== 0) { rotatedElements.set(id, element.angle) } if (element.groupIds && element.groupIds.length > 0) { if (groupShapeIdToChildren.has(element.groupIds[0])) { groupShapeIdToChildren.get(element.groupIds[0])?.push(id) } else { groupShapeIdToChildren.set(element.groupIds[0], [id]) } } else { rootShapeIds.push(id) } switch (element.type) { case 'rectangle': case 'ellipse': case 'diamond': { let text = '' let align: TLAlignType = 'middle' if (element.boundElements !== null) { for (const boundElement of element.boundElements) { if (boundElement.type === 'text') { const labelElement = elements.find((elm: any) => === if (labelElement) { text = labelElement.text align = textAlignToAlignTypes[labelElement.textAlign] } } } } const colorToUse = element.backgroundColor === 'transparent' ? element.strokeColor : element.backgroundColor tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'geo', props: { geo: element.type, opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), url: ?? '', w: element.width, h: element.height, size: strokeWidthsToSizes[element.strokeWidth] ?? 'draw', color: colorsToColors[colorToUse] ?? 'black', text, align, dash: getDash(element), fill: getFill(element), }, }) break } case 'freedraw': { tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'draw', props: { dash: getDash(element), size: strokeWidthsToSizes[element.strokeWidth], opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), color: colorsToColors[element.strokeColor] ?? 'black', segments: [ { type: 'free', points:[x, y, z = 0.5]: number[]) => ({ x, y, z, })), }, ], }, }) break } case 'line': { const start = element.points[0] const end = element.points[element.points.length - 1] const indices = getIndices(element.points.length) tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'line', props: { dash: getDash(element), size: strokeWidthsToSizes[element.strokeWidth], opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), color: colorsToColors[element.strokeColor] ?? 'black', spline: element.roundness ? 'cubic' : 'line', handles: { start: { id: 'start', type: 'vertex', index: indices[0], x: start[0], y: start[1], }, end: { id: 'end', type: 'vertex', index: indices[indices.length - 1], x: end[0], y: end[1], }, ...Object.fromEntries( element.points.slice(1, -1).map(([x, y]: number[], i: number) => { const id = uniqueId() return [ id, { id, type: 'vertex', index: indices[i + 1], x, y, }, ] }) ), }, }, }) break } case 'arrow': { let text = '' if (element.boundElements !== null) { for (const boundElement of element.boundElements) { if (boundElement.type === 'text') { const labelElement = elements.find((elm: any) => === if (labelElement) { text = labelElement.text } } } } const start = element.points[0] const end = element.points[element.points.length - 1] const startTargetId = excElementIdsToTldrawShapeIds.get(element.startBinding?.elementId) const endTargetId = excElementIdsToTldrawShapeIds.get(element.endBinding?.elementId) tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'arrow', props: { text, bend: getBend(element, start, end), dash: getDash(element), opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), size: strokeWidthsToSizes[element.strokeWidth] ?? 'm', color: colorsToColors[element.strokeColor] ?? 'black', start: startTargetId ? { type: 'binding', boundShapeId: startTargetId, normalizedAnchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, isExact: false, } : { type: 'point', x: start[0], y: start[1], }, end: endTargetId ? { type: 'binding', boundShapeId: endTargetId, normalizedAnchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }, isExact: false, } : { type: 'point', x: end[0], y: end[1], }, arrowheadEnd: arrowheadsToArrowheadTypes[element.endArrowhead] ?? 'none', arrowheadStart: arrowheadsToArrowheadTypes[element.startArrowhead] ?? 'none', }, }) break } case 'text': { const { size, scale } = getFontSizeAndScale(element.fontSize) tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'text', props: { size, scale, font: fontFamilyToFontType[element.fontFamily] ?? 'draw', opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), color: colorsToColors[element.strokeColor] ?? 'black', text: element.text, align: textAlignToAlignTypes[element.textAlign], }, }) break } case 'image': { const file = files[element.fileId] if (!file) break const assetId: TLAssetId = TLAsset.createId() tldrawContent.assets.push({ id: assetId, typeName: 'asset', type: 'image', props: { w: element.width, h: element.height, name: ?? 'Untitled', isAnimated: false, mimeType: file.mimeType, src: file.dataURL, }, }) tldrawContent.shapes.push({ ...base, type: 'image', props: { opacity: getOpacity(element.opacity), w: element.width, h: element.height, assetId, }, }) } } index = getIndexAbove(index) } const p = point ?? (app.inputs.shiftKey ? app.inputs.currentPagePoint : undefined) app.mark('paste') app.putContent(tldrawContent, { point: p, select: false, preserveIds: true, }) for (const groupedShapeIds of groupShapeIdToChildren.values()) { if (groupedShapeIds.length > 1) { app.groupShapes(groupedShapeIds) const groupShape = app.getShapeById(groupedShapeIds[0]) if (groupShape?.parentId && isShapeId(groupShape.parentId)) { rootShapeIds.push(groupShape.parentId) } } } for (const [id, angle] of rotatedElements) { app.rotateShapesBy([id], angle) } const rootShapes = compact( => app.getShapeById(id))) const bounds = Box2d.Common( => app.getPageBounds(s)!)) const viewPortCenter = app.updateShapes( => { const delta = { x: (s.x ?? 0) - (bounds.x + bounds.w / 2), y: (s.y ?? 0) - (bounds.y + bounds.h / 2), } return { id:, type: s.type, x: viewPortCenter.x + delta.x, y: viewPortCenter.y + delta.y, } }) ) app.setSelectedIds(rootShapeIds) } const handleFilesBlob = async (app: App, blobs: Blob[], point?: VecLike) => { const urls = => URL.createObjectURL(blob)) pasteFiles(app, urls, point) } const handleHtmlString = async (app: App, html: string, point?: VecLike) => { const s = html.match(/]*>(.*)<\/tldraw>/)?.[1] if (s) { try { const json = JSON.parse(decompressFromBase64(s)!) if (json.type === 'application/tldraw') { pasteTldrawContent(app,, point) } else { pasteText(app, s, point) } } catch (error) { pasteText(app, s, point) } } else { const rootNode = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, 'text/html') const bodyNode = rootNode.querySelector('body') // Edge on Windows 11 home appears to paste a link as a single in // the HTML document. If we're pasting a single like tag we'll just // assume the user meant to paste the URL. const isHtmlSingleLink = bodyNode && Array.from(bodyNode.children).filter((el) => el.nodeType === 1).length === 1 && bodyNode.firstElementChild && bodyNode.firstElementChild.tagName === 'A' && bodyNode.firstElementChild.hasAttribute('href') && bodyNode.firstElementChild.getAttribute('href') !== '' if (isHtmlSingleLink) { const href = bodyNode.firstElementChild.getAttribute('href')! pasteText(app, href, point) } else { pasteText(app, html, point) } } } const handleTextString = async (app: App, text: string, point?: VecLike) => { const s = text.trim() const tldrawContent = text.match(/]*>(.*)<\/tldraw>/)?.[1] if (tldrawContent) { handleHtmlString(app, text) } else if (s) { try { const json = JSON.parse(s) if (json.type === 'application/tldraw') { pasteTldrawContent(app,, point) } else if (json.type === 'excalidraw/clipboard') { pasteExcalidrawContent(app, json, point) } else { pasteText(app, s, point) } } catch (error) { pasteText(app, s, point) } } } const handleNativeDataTransferPaste = async ( app: App, clipboardData: DataTransfer, point?: VecLike ) => { // Do not paste while in any editing state if (app.isIn('select.editing')) return if (clipboardData) { const items = Object.values(clipboardData.items) // In some cases, the clipboard will contain both the name of a file and the file itself // we need to avoid writing a text shape for the name AND an image or video shape for the file const writingFile = items.some((item) => item.kind === 'file') // If we're pasting in tldraw content (shapes, etc) then the clipboard may // contain both text content. We'll only paste the content. const writingContent = items.some((item) => item.type === 'text/html') // We need to handle files separately because if we want them to // be placed next to each other, we need to create them all at once const files: Blob[] = [] const text: DataTransferItem[] = [] items.forEach((item) => { if (item.kind === 'file') { const file = item.getAsFile() if (file) { files.push(file) } } else if (item.kind === 'string') { text.push(item) } }) if (files.length > 0) { handleFilesBlob(app, files, point) } for (const item of text) { if (!writingFile && item.type === 'text/html') { await handleHtmlString(app, await dataTransferItemAsString(item), point) } else if (item.type === 'text/plain') { if (!writingContent) { await handleTextString(app, await dataTransferItemAsString(item), point) } } } } } const handleNativeClipboardPaste = async ( app: App, clipboardItems: ClipboardItem[], point?: VecLike ) => { // Do not paste while in any editing state if (app.isIn('select.editing')) return const isFile = (item: ClipboardItem) => { return item.types.find((i) => i.match(/^image\//)) } // In some cases, the clipboard will contain both the name of a file and the file itself // we need to avoid writing a text shape for the name AND an image or video shape for the file const writingFile = clipboardItems.some((item) => isFile(item)) // If we're pasting in tldraw content (shapes, etc) then the clipboard may // contain both text content. We'll only paste the content. const writingContent = clipboardItems.some((item) => item.types.includes('text/html')) // We need to handle files separately because if we want them to // be placed next to each other, we need to create them all at once const files: ClipboardItem[] = clipboardItems.filter((item) => { if (item.types.find((i) => i.match(/^image\//))) { return true } return false }) await Promise.all( (item) => { const type = item.types.find((t) => t !== 'text/plain' && t !== 'text/html') if (type) { const file = await item.getType(type) if (file) { await handleFilesBlob(app, [file], point) } } }) ) for (const item of clipboardItems) { if (item.types.includes('text/html')) { if (writingFile) break const blob = await item.getType('text/html') await handleHtmlString(app, await blobAsString(blob), point) } else if (item.types.includes('text/uri-list')) { if (writingContent) break const blob = await item.getType('text/uri-list') await pasteUrl(app, await blobAsString(blob), point) } else if (item.types.includes('text/plain')) { if (writingContent) break const blob = await item.getType('text/plain') await handleTextString(app, await blobAsString(blob), point) } } } /** @public */ export function useMenuClipboardEvents() { const app = useApp() const trackEvent = useEvents() const copy = useCallback( function onCopy() { if (app.selectedIds.length === 0) return handleMenuCopy(app) trackEvent('menu', 'copy') }, [app, trackEvent] ) const cut = useCallback( function onCut() { if (app.selectedIds.length === 0) return handleMenuCopy(app) app.deleteShapes() trackEvent('menu', 'cut') }, [app, trackEvent] ) const paste = useCallback( async function onPaste(data: DataTransfer | ClipboardItem[], point?: VecLike) { if (Array.isArray(data) && data[0] instanceof ClipboardItem) { handleNativeClipboardPaste(app, data, point) } else { => { paste(clipboardItems, app.inputs.currentPagePoint) }) } // else { // handleScenePaste(app, point) // } trackEvent('menu', 'paste') }, [app, trackEvent] ) return { copy, cut, paste, } } /** @public */ export function useNativeClipboardEvents() { const app = useApp() const trackEvent = useEvents() const appIsFocused = useAppIsFocused() useEffect(() => { if (!appIsFocused) return const copy = () => { if (app.selectedIds.length === 0 || app.editingId !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(app)) return handleMenuCopy(app) trackEvent('kbd', 'copy') } function cut() { if (app.selectedIds.length === 0 || app.editingId !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(app)) return handleMenuCopy(app) app.deleteShapes() trackEvent('kbd', 'cut') } const paste = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { if (app.editingId !== null || disallowClipboardEvents(app)) return if (e.clipboardData && !app.inputs.shiftKey) { handleNativeDataTransferPaste(app, e.clipboardData) } else { => { if (Array.isArray(clipboardItems) && clipboardItems[0] instanceof ClipboardItem) { handleNativeClipboardPaste(app, clipboardItems, app.inputs.currentPagePoint) } }) } trackEvent('kbd', 'paste') } document.addEventListener('copy', copy) document.addEventListener('cut', cut) document.addEventListener('paste', paste) return () => { document.removeEventListener('copy', copy) document.removeEventListener('cut', cut) document.removeEventListener('paste', paste) } }, [app, trackEvent, appIsFocused]) }