import { StateNode, TLClickEvent, TLEventHandlers, TLGroupShape, TLPointerEventInfo, } from '@tldraw/editor' import { selectOnCanvasPointerUp } from '../../selection-logic/selectOnCanvasPointerUp' export class PointingSelection extends StateNode { static override id = 'pointing_selection' info = {} as TLPointerEventInfo & { target: 'selection' } override onEnter = (info: TLPointerEventInfo & { target: 'selection' }) => { = info } override onPointerUp: TLEventHandlers['onPointerUp'] = (info) => { selectOnCanvasPointerUp(this.editor) this.parent.transition('idle', info) } override onPointerMove: TLEventHandlers['onPointerMove'] = (info) => { if (this.editor.inputs.isDragging) { this.startTranslating(info) } } override onLongPress: TLEventHandlers['onLongPress'] = (info) => { this.startTranslating(info) } private startTranslating(info: TLPointerEventInfo) { if (this.editor.getInstanceState().isReadonly) return this.parent.transition('translating', info) } override onDoubleClick?: TLClickEvent | undefined = (info) => { const hoveredShape = this.editor.getHoveredShape() const hitShape = hoveredShape && !this.editor.isShapeOfType(hoveredShape, 'group') ? hoveredShape : this.editor.getShapeAtPoint(this.editor.inputs.currentPagePoint, { hitInside: true, margin: 0, renderingOnly: true, }) if (hitShape) { // todo: extract the double click shape logic from idle so that we can share it here this.parent.transition('idle') this.parent.onDoubleClick?.({, target: 'shape', shape: this.editor.getShape(hitShape)!, }) return } } override onCancel: TLEventHandlers['onCancel'] = () => { this.cancel() } override onComplete: TLEventHandlers['onComplete'] = () => { this.cancel() } override onInterrupt = () => { this.cancel() } private cancel() { this.parent.transition('idle') } }