import { ApiModel } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model' import fs from 'fs' import matter from 'gray-matter' import path from 'path' import authors from '../content/authors.json' import sections from '../content/sections.json' import { Article, Articles, Category, GeneratedContent, Group, MarkdownContent, Section, Status, } from '../types/content-types' import { getApiMarkdown } from './getApiMarkdown' import { getSlug } from './utils' const { log } = console type InputCategory = { id: string title: string description: string groups: Group[] } type InputSection = { id: string title: string description: string categories: InputCategory[] } function generateSection( section: InputSection, content: MarkdownContent, articles: Articles ): Section { // A temporary table of categories const _categories: Record = {} // Uncategorized articles const _ucg: Article[] = [] // A temporary table of articles mapped to categories const _categoryArticles: Record = Object.fromEntries( => [, []]) ) // The file directory for this section const dir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content', fs.readdirSync(dir, { withFileTypes: false }).forEach((result: string | Buffer) => { try { const filename = result.toString() const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, filename)).toString() const extension = path.extname(filename) const articleId = filename.replace(extension, '') const parsed = matter({ content: fileContent }, {}) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development' && !== 'published') { return } // If a category was provided but that category was not found in the section, throw an error const category = && section.categories.find((c) => === if ( && !category) { throw Error( `Could not find a category for section ${} with id ${}.` ) } if ( && !authors[ as keyof typeof authors]) { throw Error(`Could not find an author with id ${}.`) } // By default, the category is ucg (uncategorized) const { category: categoryId = 'ucg' } = const article: Article = { id: articleId, sectionIndex: 0, groupIndex: -1, groupId: ?? null, categoryIndex: ?? -1, sectionId:, categoryId: ?? 'ucg', status: ?? Status.Draft, title: ?? 'Article', description: ?? 'An article for the docs site.', hero: ?? null, date: ? new Date( : null, keywords: ?? [], next: null, prev: null, author: ? authors[ as keyof typeof authors] ?? null : null, sourceUrl: `${}/${articleId}${extension}`, } if ( === { article.categoryIndex = -1 article.sectionIndex = -1 articles[ + '_index'] = article content[ + '_index'] = parsed.content } else { if (category) { if ( === { article.categoryIndex = -1 article.sectionIndex = -1 articles[ + '_index'] = article content[ + '_index'] = parsed.content } else { _categoryArticles[categoryId].push(article) content[articleId] = parsed.content } } else { _ucg.push(article) content[articleId] = parsed.content } } } catch (e) { console.error(e) } }) const sortArticles = (articleA: Article, articleB: Article) => { const { categoryIndex: categoryIndexA, date: dateA = '01/01/1970' } = articleA const { categoryIndex: categoryIndexB, date: dateB = '01/01/1970' } = articleB return categoryIndexA === categoryIndexB ? new Date(dateB!).getTime() > new Date(dateA!).getTime() ? 1 : -1 : categoryIndexA < categoryIndexB ? -1 : 1 } let sectionIndex = 0 // Sort ucg articles by date and add them to the articles table _ucg.sort(sortArticles).forEach((article, i) => { article.categoryIndex = i article.sectionIndex = sectionIndex++ article.prev = _ucg[i - 1]?.id ?? null = _ucg[i + 1]?.id ?? null articles[] = article }) // Sort categorized articles by date and add them to the articles table section.categories.forEach((category) => { const categoryArticles = _categoryArticles[] categoryArticles.sort(sortArticles).forEach((article, i) => { article.categoryIndex = i article.sectionIndex = sectionIndex++ article.prev = categoryArticles[i - 1]?.id ?? null = categoryArticles[i + 1]?.id ?? null articles[] = article }) _categories[] = { ...category, articleIds: =>, } }) return { ...section, categories: [ { id: 'ucg', title: 'Uncategorized', description: 'Articles that do not belong to a category.', groups: [], articleIds: _ucg .sort((a, b) => a.sectionIndex - b.sectionIndex) .map((article) =>, },{ id }) => _categories[id]).filter((c) => c.articleIds.length > 0), ], } } async function generateApiDocs() { const apiInputSection: InputSection = { id: 'gen' as string, title: 'API', description: "Reference for the tldraw package's APIs (generated).", categories: [], } const addedCategories = new Set() const OUTPUT_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content', 'gen') if (fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)) { fs.rmdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR, { recursive: true }) } fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR) // to include more packages in docs, add them to devDependencies in package.json const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), 'utf8')) const tldrawPackagesToIncludeInDocs = Object.keys(packageJson.devDependencies).filter((dep) => dep.startsWith('@tldraw/') ) const model = new ApiModel() for (const packageName of tldrawPackagesToIncludeInDocs) { // Get the file contents const filePath = path.join( process.cwd(), '..', '..', 'packages', packageName.replace('@tldraw/', ''), 'api', 'api.json' ) const packageModel = model.loadPackage(filePath) const categoryName =`@tldraw/`, '') if (!addedCategories.has(categoryName)) { apiInputSection.categories!.push({ id: categoryName, title:, description: '', groups: [ { id: 'Namespace', title: 'Namespaces', }, { id: 'Class', title: 'Classes', }, { id: 'Function', title: 'Functions', }, { id: 'Variable', title: 'Variables', }, { id: 'Enum', title: 'Enums', }, { id: 'Interface', title: 'Interfaces', }, { id: 'TypeAlias', title: 'TypeAliases', }, ], }) addedCategories.add(categoryName) } const entrypoint = packageModel.entryPoints[0] for (let j = 0; j < entrypoint.members.length; j++) { const item = entrypoint.members[j] const result = await getApiMarkdown(categoryName, item, j) const outputFileName = `${getSlug(item)}.mdx` fs.writeFileSync(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, outputFileName), result.markdown) } } return apiInputSection } export async function generateContent(): Promise { const content: MarkdownContent = {} const articles: Articles = {} const apiSection = await generateApiDocs() log('• Generating site content (content.json)') try { const outputSections: Section[] = [...(sections as InputSection[]), apiSection] .map((section) => generateSection(section, content, articles)) .filter((section) => section.categories.some((c) => c.articleIds.length > 0)) log('✔ Generated site content.') // Write to disk const contentComplete = { sections: outputSections, content, articles } fs.writeFileSync( path.join(process.cwd(), 'content.json'), JSON.stringify(contentComplete, null, 2) ) return contentComplete } catch (error) { log(`x Could not generate site content.`) throw error } }