import { defineMigrations } from '@tldraw/store' import { T } from '@tldraw/validate' import { ShapePropsType, TLBaseShape } from './TLBaseShape' // Only allow multiplayer embeds. If we add additional routes later for example '/help' this won't match const TLDRAW_APP_RE = /(^\/r\/[^/]+\/?$)/ const safeParseUrl = (url: string) => { try { return new URL(url) } catch (err) { return } } /** @public */ export const EMBED_DEFINITIONS = [ { type: 'tldraw', title: 'tldraw', hostnames: ['', '', ''], minWidth: 300, minHeight: 300, width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(TLDRAW_APP_RE)) { return url } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(TLDRAW_APP_RE)) { return url } return }, }, { type: 'figma', title: 'Figma', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { if ( !!url.match( // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape /https:\/\/([\w\.-]+\.)?\/(file|proto)\/([0-9a-zA-Z]{22,128})(?:\/.*)?$/ ) && !url.includes('') ) { return `${url}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/?$/)) { const outUrl = urlObj.searchParams.get('url') if (outUrl) { return outUrl } } return }, }, { type: 'google_maps', title: 'Google Maps', hostnames: ['google.*'], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { if (url.includes('/maps/')) { const match = url.match(/@(.*),(.*),(.*)z/) let result: string if (match) { const [, lat, lng, z] = match const host = new URL(url).host.replace('www.', '') result = `https://${host}/maps/embed/v1/view?key=${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GC_API_KEY}¢er=${lat},${lng}&zoom=${z}` } else { result = '' } return result } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (!urlObj) return const matches = urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/maps\/embed\/v1\/view\/?$/) if (matches && urlObj.searchParams.has('center') && urlObj.searchParams.get('zoom')) { const zoom = urlObj.searchParams.get('zoom') const [lat, lon] = urlObj.searchParams.get('center')!.split(',') return `${lat},${lon},${zoom}z` } return }, }, { type: 'val_town', title: 'Val Town', hostnames: [''], minWidth: 260, minHeight: 100, width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) // e.g. extract "steveruizok.mathFact" from const matches = urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/v\/([^/]+)\/?/) if (matches) { return `${matches[1]}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) // e.g. extract "steveruizok.mathFact" from const matches = urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/embed\/([^/]+)\/?/) if (matches) { return `${matches[1]}` } return }, }, { type: 'codesandbox', title: 'CodeSandbox', hostnames: [''], minWidth: 300, minHeight: 300, width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) const matches = urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/s\/([^/]+)\/?/) if (matches) { return `${matches[1]}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) const matches = urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/embed\/([^/]+)\/?/) if (matches) { return `${matches[1]}` } return }, }, { type: 'codepen', title: 'Codepen', hostnames: [''], minWidth: 300, minHeight: 300, width: 520, height: 400, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const CODEPEN_URL_REGEXP = /https:\/\/\/([^/]+)\/pen\/([^/]+)/ const matches = url.match(CODEPEN_URL_REGEXP) if (matches) { const [_, user, id] = matches return `${user}/embed/${id}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const CODEPEN_EMBED_REGEXP = /https:\/\/\/([^/]+)\/embed\/([^/]+)/ const matches = url.match(CODEPEN_EMBED_REGEXP) if (matches) { const [_, user, id] = matches return `${user}/pen/${id}` } return }, }, { type: 'scratch', title: 'Scratch', hostnames: [''], width: 520, height: 400, doesResize: false, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const SCRATCH_URL_REGEXP = /https?:\/\/\/projects\/([^/]+)/ const matches = url.match(SCRATCH_URL_REGEXP) if (matches) { const [_, id] = matches return `${id}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const SCRATCH_EMBED_REGEXP = /https:\/\/\/projects\/embed\/([^/]+)/ const matches = url.match(SCRATCH_EMBED_REGEXP) if (matches) { const [_, id] = matches return `${id}` } return }, }, { type: 'youtube', title: 'YouTube', hostnames: ['*', '', ''], width: 800, height: 450, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, overridePermissions: { 'allow-presentation': true, }, isAspectRatioLocked: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (!urlObj) return const hostname = urlObj.hostname.replace(/^www./, '') if (hostname === '') { const videoId = urlObj.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean)[0] return `${videoId}` } else if ( (hostname === '' || hostname === '') && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/watch/) ) { const videoId = urlObj.searchParams.get('v') return `${videoId}` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (!urlObj) return const hostname = urlObj.hostname.replace(/^www./, '') if (hostname === '') { const matches = urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/([^/]+)\/?/) if (matches) { return `${matches[1]}` } } return }, }, { type: 'google_calendar', title: 'Google Calendar', hostnames: ['*'], width: 720, height: 500, minWidth: 460, minHeight: 360, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, instructionLink: '', toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) const cidQs = urlObj?.searchParams.get('cid') if (urlObj?.pathname.match(/\/calendar\/u\/0/) && cidQs) { urlObj.pathname = '/calendar/embed' const keys = Array.from(urlObj.searchParams.keys()) for (const key of keys) { urlObj.searchParams.delete(key) } urlObj.searchParams.set('src', cidQs) return urlObj.href } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) const srcQs = urlObj?.searchParams.get('src') if (urlObj?.pathname.match(/\/calendar\/embed/) && srcQs) { urlObj.pathname = '/calendar/u/0' const keys = Array.from(urlObj.searchParams.keys()) for (const key of keys) { urlObj.searchParams.delete(key) } urlObj.searchParams.set('cid', srcQs) return urlObj.href } return }, }, { type: 'google_slides', title: 'Google Slides', hostnames: ['*'], width: 720, height: 500, minWidth: 460, minHeight: 360, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj?.pathname.match(/^\/presentation/) && urlObj?.pathname.match(/\/pub\/?$/)) { urlObj.pathname = urlObj.pathname.replace(/\/pub$/, '/embed') const keys = Array.from(urlObj.searchParams.keys()) for (const key of keys) { urlObj.searchParams.delete(key) } return urlObj.href } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj?.pathname.match(/^\/presentation/) && urlObj?.pathname.match(/\/embed\/?$/)) { urlObj.pathname = urlObj.pathname.replace(/\/embed$/, '/pub') const keys = Array.from(urlObj.searchParams.keys()) for (const key of keys) { urlObj.searchParams.delete(key) } return urlObj.href } return }, }, { type: 'github_gist', title: 'GitHub Gist', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)/)) { if (!url.split('/').pop()) return return url } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)/)) { if (!url.split('/').pop()) return return url } return }, }, { type: 'replit', title: 'Replit', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/@([^/]+)\/([^/]+)/)) { return `${url}?embed=true` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if ( urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/\/@([^/]+)\/([^/]+)/) && urlObj.searchParams.has('embed') ) { urlObj.searchParams.delete('embed') return urlObj.href } return }, }, { type: 'felt', title: 'Felt', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/map\//)) { return urlObj.origin + '/embed' + urlObj.pathname } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/map\//)) { urlObj.pathname = urlObj.pathname.replace(/^\/embed/, '') return urlObj.href } return }, }, { type: 'spotify', title: 'Spotify', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, minHeight: 500, overrideOutlineRadius: 12, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/(artist|album)\//)) { return urlObj.origin + '/embed' + urlObj.pathname } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/(artist|album)\//)) { return urlObj.origin + urlObj.pathname.replace(/^\/embed/, '') } return }, }, { type: 'vimeo', title: 'Vimeo', hostnames: ['', ''], width: 640, height: 360, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, isAspectRatioLocked: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.hostname === '') { if (urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/[0-9]+/)) { return ( '' + urlObj.pathname.split('/')[1] + '?title=0&byline=0' ) } } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.hostname === '') { const matches = urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/video\/([^/]+)\/?$/) if (matches) { return '' + matches[1] } } return }, }, { type: 'excalidraw', title: 'Excalidraw', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, isAspectRatioLocked: true, toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.hash.match(/#room=/)) { return url } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.hash.match(/#room=/)) { return url } return }, }, { type: 'observable', title: 'Observable', hostnames: [''], width: 720, height: 500, doesResize: true, canUnmount: false, isAspectRatioLocked: false, backgroundColor: '#fff', toEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/@([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\/?$/)) { return `${urlObj.origin}/embed${urlObj.pathname}?cell=*` } if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/d\/([^/]+)\/?$/)) { const pathName = urlObj.pathname.replace(/^\/d/, '') return `${urlObj.origin}/embed${pathName}?cell=*` } return }, fromEmbedUrl: (url) => { const urlObj = safeParseUrl(url) if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/@([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\/?$/)) { return `${urlObj.origin}${urlObj.pathname.replace('/embed', '')}#cell-*` } if (urlObj && urlObj.pathname.match(/^\/embed\/([^/]+)\/?$/)) { return `${urlObj.origin}${urlObj.pathname.replace('/embed', '/d')}#cell-*` } return }, }, ] as const satisfies readonly EmbedDefinition[] /** * Permissions with note inline from * * * @public */ export const embedShapePermissionDefaults = { // ======================================================================================== // Disabled permissions // ======================================================================================== // [MDN] Experimental: Allows for downloads to occur without a gesture from the user. // [REASON] Disabled because otherwise the