import kleur from 'kleur' import { join, relative } from 'path' import { readJsonIfExists, writeJsonFile } from './lib/file' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' import { Package, getAllWorkspacePackages } from './lib/workspace' const packagesWithoutTSConfigs: ReadonlySet = new Set(['config']) async function checkTsConfigs({ packages, fix }: { fix?: boolean; packages: Package[] }) { let numErrors = 0 for (const workspace of packages) { const tsconfigPath = join(workspace.path, 'tsconfig.json') if (packagesWithoutTSConfigs.has( { continue } const tsconfig = (await readJsonIfExists(tsconfigPath)) as { references?: { path: string }[] } if (!tsconfig) { throw new Error('No tsconfig.json found at ' + tsconfigPath) } const tldrawDeps = Object.keys({ ...workspace.packageJson.dependencies, ...workspace.packageJson.devDependencies, }).filter((dep) => packages.some((p) => === dep)) const fixedDeps = [] const missingRefs = [] const currentRefs = new Set([...(tsconfig.references?.map((ref) => ref.path) ?? [])]) for (const dep of tldrawDeps) { // construct the expected path to the dependency's tsconfig const matchingWorkspace = packages.find((p) => === dep) if (!matchingWorkspace) { throw new Error(`No workspace found for ${dep}`) } const tsconfigReferencePath = relative(workspace.path, matchingWorkspace.path) fixedDeps.push({ path: tsconfigReferencePath }) if (currentRefs.has(tsconfigReferencePath)) { currentRefs.delete(tsconfigReferencePath) } else { missingRefs.push(dep) } } fixedDeps.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path)) if (currentRefs.size > 0) { if (fix) { tsconfig.references = fixedDeps writeJsonFile(tsconfigPath, tsconfig) } else { numErrors++ nicelog( [ '❌ ',`${}: `),, tsconfigPath)), kleur.grey(' has unnecessary reference(s) to '),[...currentRefs].join(', ')), ].join('') ) } } if (missingRefs.length) { if (fix) { tsconfig.references = fixedDeps writeJsonFile(tsconfigPath, tsconfig) } else { numErrors++ nicelog( [ '❌ ',`${}: `),, tsconfigPath)), kleur.grey(' is missing reference(s) to '),', ')), ].join('') ) nicelog('The references entry should look like this:') nicelog('"references": ' + JSON.stringify(fixedDeps, null, 2)) } } } if (numErrors > 0) { nicelog('Run `yarn check-tsconfigs --fix` to fix these problems') process.exit(1) } } async function main({ fix }: { fix?: boolean }) { const packages = await getAllWorkspacePackages() await checkTsConfigs({ packages, fix }) } main({ fix: process.argv.includes('--fix'), })