import { equals, getObjectSubset, iterableEquality, subsetEquality } from '@jest/expect-utils' import { matcherHint, printDiffOrStringify, printExpected, printReceived, stringify, } from 'jest-matcher-utils' import { TextDecoder, TextEncoder } from 'util' global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder function convertNumbersInObject(obj: any, roundToNearest: number) { if (!obj) return obj if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return => convertNumbersInObject(x, roundToNearest)) } if (typeof obj === 'number') { // || 0 to avoid -0 return Math.round(obj / roundToNearest) * roundToNearest || 0 } if (typeof obj !== 'object') { return obj } const r: any = { __converted: true, } for (const k of Object.keys(obj)) { r[k] = convertNumbersInObject(obj[k], roundToNearest) } return r } expect.extend({ toCloselyMatchObject(actual: any, expected: any, roundToNearest = 0.0001) { const matcherName = 'toCloselyMatchObject' const options = { isNot: this.isNot, promise: this.promise, } const EXPECTED_LABEL = 'Expected' const RECEIVED_LABEL = 'Received' const isExpand = (expand?: boolean): boolean => expand !== false const newActualObj = convertNumbersInObject(actual, roundToNearest) const newExpectedObj = convertNumbersInObject(expected, roundToNearest) const pass = equals(newActualObj, newExpectedObj, [iterableEquality, subsetEquality]) const message = pass ? () => // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template matcherHint(matcherName, undefined, undefined, options) + '\n\n' + `Expected: not ${printExpected(expected)}` + (stringify(expected) !== stringify(actual) ? `\nReceived: ${printReceived(actual)}` : '') : () => // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-template matcherHint(matcherName, undefined, undefined, options) + '\n\n' + printDiffOrStringify( expected, getObjectSubset(actual, expected), EXPECTED_LABEL, RECEIVED_LABEL, isExpand(this.expand) ) return { message, pass } }, })