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alex 8151e6f586
Automatic undo/redo (#3364)
Our undo-redo system before this diff is based on commands. A command
- A function that produces some data required to perform and undo a
- A function that actually performs the change, based on the data
- Another function that undoes the change, based on the data
- Optionally, a function to _redo_ the change, although in practice we
never use this

Each command that gets run is added to the undo/redo stack unless it
says it shouldn't be.

This diff replaces this system of commands with a new one where all
changes to the store are automatically recorded in the undo/redo stack.
You can imagine the new history manager like a tape recorder - it
automatically records everything that happens to the store in a special
diff, unless you "pause" the recording and ask it not to. Undo and redo
rewind/fast-forward the tape to certain marks.

As the command concept is gone, the things that were commands are now
just functions that manipulate the store.

One other change here is that the store's after-phase callbacks (and the
after-phase side-effects as a result) are now batched up and called at
the end of certain key operations. For example, `applyDiff` would
previously call all the `afterCreate` callbacks before making any
removals from the diff. Now, it (and anything else that uses
`store.atomic(fn)` will defer firing any after callbacks until the end
of an operation. before callbacks are still called part-way through

## Design options
Automatic recording is a fairly large big semantic change, particularly
to the standalone `store.put`/`store.remove` etc. commands. We could
instead make not-recording the default, and make recording opt-in
instead. However, I think auto-record-by-default is the right choice for
a few reasons:

1. Switching to a recording-based vs command-based undo-redo model is
fundamentally a big semantic change. In the past, `store.put` etc. were
always ignored. Now, regardless of whether we choose record-by-default
or ignore-by-default, the behaviour of `store.put` is _context_
2. Switching to ignore-by-default means that either our commands don't
record undo/redo history any more (unless wrapped in
`editor.history.record`, a far larger semantic change) or they have to
always-record/all accept a history options bag. If we choose
always-record, we can't use commands within `history.ignore` as they'll
start recording again. If we choose the history options bag, we have to
accept those options in 10s of methods - basically the entire `Editor`
api surface.

Overall, given that some breaking semantic change here is unavoidable, I
think that record-by-default hits the right balance of tradeoffs. I
think it's a better API going forward, whilst also not being too
disruptive as the APIs it affects are very "deep" ones that we don't
typically encourage people to use.

### Change Type

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [x] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes

### Release Note
#### Breaking changes
##### 1. History Options
Previously, some (not all!) commands accepted a history options object
with `squashing`, `ephemeral`, and `preserveRedoStack` flags. Squashing
enabled/disabled a memory optimisation (storing individual commands vs
squashing them together). Ephemeral stopped a command from affecting the
undo/redo stack at all. Preserve redo stack stopped commands from wiping
the redo stack. These flags were never available consistently - some
commands had them and others didn't.

In this version, most of these flags have been removed. `squashing` is
gone entirely (everything squashes & does so much faster than before).
There were a couple of commands that had a special default - for
example, `updateInstanceState` used to default to being `ephemeral`.
Those maintain the defaults, but the options look a little different now
- `{ephemeral: true}` is now `{history: 'ignore'}` and
`{preserveRedoStack: true}` is now `{history:

If you were previously using these options in places where they've now
been removed, you can use wrap them with `editor.history.ignore(fn)` or
`editor.history.batch(fn, {history: 'record-preserveRedoStack'})`. For
editor.nudgeShapes(..., { ephemeral: true })
can now be written as
editor.history.ignore(() => {

##### 2. Automatic recording
Previously, only commands (e.g. `editor.updateShapes` and things that
use it) were added to the undo/redo stack. Everything else (e.g.
`editor.store.put`) wasn't. Now, _everything_ that touches the store is
recorded in the undo/redo stack (unless it's part of
`mergeRemoteChanges`). You can use `editor.history.ignore(fn)` as above
if you want to make other changes to the store that aren't recorded -
this is short for `editor.history.batch(fn, {history: 'ignore'})`

When upgrading to this version of tldraw, you shouldn't need to change
anything unless you're using `store.put`, `store.remove`, or
`store.applyDiff` outside of `store.mergeRemoteChanges`. If you are, you
can preserve the functionality of those not being recorded by wrapping
them either in `mergeRemoteChanges` (if they're multiplayer-related) or
`history.ignore` as appropriate.

##### 3. Side effects
Before this diff, any changes in side-effects weren't captured by the
undo-redo stack. This was actually the motivation for this change in the
first place! But it's a pretty big change, and if you're using side
effects we recommend you double-check how they interact with undo/redo
before/after this change. To get the old behaviour back, wrap your side
effects in `editor.history.ignore`.

##### 4. Mark options
Previously, `editor.mark(id)` accepted two additional boolean
parameters: `onUndo` and `onRedo`. If these were set to false, then when
undoing or redoing we'd skip over that mark and keep going until we
found one with those values set to true. We've removed those options -
if you're using them, let us know and we'll figure out an alternative!
2024-04-24 18:26:10 +00:00
alex a0628f9cb2
tldraw_final_v6_final(old version).docx.pdf (#2998)
Rename `@tldraw/tldraw` to just `tldraw`! `@tldraw/tldraw` still exists
as an alias to `tldraw` for folks who are still using that.

### Test Plan

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- The `@tldraw/tldraw` package has been renamed to `tldraw`. You can
keep using the old version if you want though!
2024-02-29 16:06:19 +00:00
Steve Ruiz b7d9c8684c
tldraw zero - package shuffle (#1710)
This PR moves code between our packages so that:
- @tldraw/editor is a “core” library with the engine and canvas but no
shapes, tools, or other things
- @tldraw/tldraw contains everything particular to the experience we’ve
built for tldraw

At first look, this might seem like a step away from customization and
configuration, however I believe it greatly increases the configuration
potential of the @tldraw/editor while also providing a more accurate
reflection of what configuration options actually exist for

## Library changes

@tldraw/editor re-exports its dependencies and @tldraw/tldraw re-exports

- users of @tldraw/editor WITHOUT @tldraw/tldraw should almost always
only import things from @tldraw/editor.
- users of @tldraw/tldraw should almost always only import things from

- @tldraw/polyfills is merged into @tldraw/editor
- @tldraw/indices is merged into @tldraw/editor
- @tldraw/primitives is merged mostly into @tldraw/editor, partially
into @tldraw/tldraw
- @tldraw/file-format is merged into @tldraw/tldraw
- @tldraw/ui is merged into @tldraw/tldraw

Many (many) utils and other code is moved from the editor to tldraw. For
example, embeds now are entirely an feature of @tldraw/tldraw. The only
big chunk of code left in core is related to arrow handling.

## API Changes

The editor can now be used without tldraw's assets. We load them in
@tldraw/tldraw instead, so feel free to use whatever fonts or images or
whatever that you like with the editor.

All tools and shapes (except for the `Group` shape) are moved to
@tldraw/tldraw. This includes the `select` tool.

You should use the editor with at least one tool, however, so you now
also need to send in an `initialState` prop to the Editor /
<TldrawEditor> component indicating which state the editor should begin

The `components` prop now also accepts `SelectionForeground`.

The complex selection component that we use for tldraw is moved to
@tldraw/tldraw. The default component is quite basic but can easily be
replaced via the `components` prop. We pass down our tldraw-flavored
SelectionFg via `components`.

Likewise with the `Scribble` component: the `DefaultScribble` no longer
uses our freehand tech and is a simple path instead. We pass down the
tldraw-flavored scribble via `components`.

The `ExternalContentManager` (`Editor.externalContentManager`) is
removed and replaced with a mapping of types to handlers.

- Register new content handlers with
- Register new asset creation handlers (for files and URLs) with

### Change Type

- [x] `major` — Breaking change

### Test Plan

- [x] Unit Tests
- [x] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- [@tldraw/editor] lots, wip
- [@tldraw/ui] gone, merged to tldraw/tldraw
- [@tldraw/polyfills] gone, merged to tldraw/editor
- [@tldraw/primitives] gone, merged to tldraw/editor / tldraw/tldraw
- [@tldraw/indices] gone, merged to tldraw/editor
- [@tldraw/file-format] gone, merged to tldraw/tldraw


Co-authored-by: alex <alex@dytry.ch>
2023-07-17 21:22:34 +00:00
Steve Ruiz 735f1c41b7
rename app to editor (#1503)
This PR renames `App`, `app` and all appy names to `Editor`, `editor`,
and editorry names.

### Change Type

- [x] `major` — Breaking Change

### Release Notes

- Rename `App` to `Editor` and many other things that reference `app` to
2023-06-02 15:21:45 +00:00
Steve Ruiz 0c4174c0b8
[refactor] User-facing APIs (#1478)
This PR updates our user-facing APIs for the Tldraw and TldrawEditor
components, as well as the Editor (App). It mainly incorporates surface
changes from #1450 without any changes to validators or migrators,
incorporating feedback / discussion with @SomeHats and @ds300.

Here we:
- remove the TldrawEditorConfig
- bring back a loose version of shape definitions
- make a separation between "core" shapes and "default" shapes
- do not allow custom shapes, migrators or validators to overwrite core
- but _do_ allow new shapes

## `<Tldraw>` component

In this PR, the `Tldraw` component wraps both the `TldrawEditor`
component and our `TldrawUi` component. It accepts a union of props for
both components. Previously, this component also added local syncing via
a `useLocalSyncClient` hook call, however that has been pushed down to
the `TldrawEditor` component.

## `<TldrawEditor>` component

The `TldrawEditor` component now more neatly wraps up the different ways
that the editor can be configured.

## The store prop (`TldrawEditorProps.store`)

There are three main ways for the `TldrawEditor` component to be run:
1. with an externally defined store
2. with an externally defined syncing store (local or remote)
3. with an internally defined store
4. with an internally defined locally syncing store

The `store` prop allows for these configurations.

If the `store` prop is defined, it may be defined either as a `TLStore`
or as a `SyncedStore`. If the store is a `TLStore`, then the Editor will
assume that the store is ready to go; if it is defined as a SyncedStore,
then the component will display the loading / error screens as needed,
or the final editor once the store's status is "synced".

When the store is left undefined, then the `TldrawEditor` will create
its own internal store using the optional `instanceId`, `initialData`,
or `shapes` props to define the store / store schema.

If the `persistenceKey` prop is left undefined, then the store will not
be synced. If the `persistenceKey` is defined, then the store will be
synced locally. In the future, we may also here accept the API key /
roomId / etc for creating a remotely synced store.

The `SyncedStore` type has been expanded to also include types used for
remote syncing, e.g. with `ConnectionStatus`.

## Tools

By default, the App has two "baked-in" tools: the select tool and the
zoom tool. These cannot (for now) be replaced or removed. The default
tools are used by default, but may be replaced by other tools if

## Shapes

By default, the App has a set of "core" shapes:
- group
- embed
- bookmark
- image
- video
- text

That cannot by overwritten because they're created by the app at
different moments, such as when double clicking on the canvas or via a
copy and paste event. In follow up PRs, we'll split these out so that
users can replace parts of the code where these shapes are created.

### Change Type

- [x] `major` — Breaking Change

### Test Plan

- [x] Unit Tests
2023-06-01 15:47:34 +00:00
David Sheldrick 356a0d1e73
[chore] refactor user preferences (#1435)
- Remove TLUser, TLUserPresence
- Add first-class support for user preferences that persists across
rooms and tabs

### Change Type

<!-- 💡 Indicate the type of change your pull request is. -->
<!-- 🤷‍♀️ If you're not sure, don't select anything -->
<!-- ✂️ Feel free to delete unselected options -->

<!-- To select one, put an x in the box: [x] -->

- [ ] `patch` — Bug Fix
- [ ] `minor` — New Feature
- [x] `major` — Breaking Change
- [ ] `dependencies` — Dependency Update (publishes a `patch` release,
for devDependencies use `internal`)
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only (will not
publish a new version)
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any testing-related code only (will not
publish a new version)
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
package (will not publish a new version)

### Test Plan

1. Add a step-by-step description of how to test your PR here.

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [ ] Webdriver tests

### Release Notes

- Add a brief release note for your PR here.
2023-05-25 09:54:29 +00:00
alex 29ed921c67 transfer-out: transfer out 2023-04-25 12:01:25 +01:00