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2023-04-25 11:01:25 +00:00
import { Vec2d, VecLike } from '../Vec2d'
import type { StrokeOptions, StrokePoint } from './types'
const MIN_START_PRESSURE = 0.025
const MIN_END_PRESSURE = 0.01
* ## getStrokePoints
* Get an array of points as objects with an adjusted point, pressure, vector, distance, and
* runningLength.
* @param points - An array of points (as `[x, y, pressure]` or `{x, y, pressure}`). Pressure is
* optional in both cases.
* @param options - An object with options.
* @public
export function getStrokePoints(
rawInputPoints: VecLike[],
options: StrokeOptions = {}
): StrokePoint[] {
const { streamline = 0.5, size = 16, simulatePressure = false } = options
// If we don't have any points, return an empty array.
if (rawInputPoints.length === 0) return []
// Find the interpolation level between points.
const t = 0.15 + (1 - streamline) * 0.85
// Whatever the input is, make sure that the points are in number[][].
let pts =
let pointsRemovedFromNearEnd = 0
if (!simulatePressure) {
// Strip low pressure points from the start of the array.
let pt = pts[0]
while (pt) {
if (pt.z >= MIN_START_PRESSURE) break
pt = pts[0]
if (!simulatePressure) {
// Strip low pressure points from the end of the array.
let pt = pts[pts.length - 1]
while (pt) {
if (pt.z >= MIN_END_PRESSURE) break
pt = pts[pts.length - 1]
if (pts.length === 0)
return [
point: Vec2d.From(rawInputPoints[0]),
input: Vec2d.From(rawInputPoints[0]),
pressure: simulatePressure ? 0.5 : 0.15,
vector: new Vec2d(1, 1),
distance: 0,
runningLength: 0,
radius: 1,
// Strip points that are too close to the first point.
let pt = pts[1]
while (pt) {
if (Vec2d.Dist(pt, pts[0]) > size / 3) break
pts[0].z = Math.max(pts[0].z, pt.z) // Use maximum pressure
pts.splice(1, 1)
pt = pts[1]
// Strip points that are too close to the last point.
const last = pts.pop()!
pt = pts[pts.length - 1]
while (pt) {
if (Vec2d.Dist(pt, last) > size / 3) break
pt = pts[pts.length - 1]
const isComplete =
options.last ||
!options.simulatePressure ||
(pts.length > 1 && Vec2d.Dist(pts[pts.length - 1], pts[pts.length - 2]) < size) ||
pointsRemovedFromNearEnd > 0
// Add extra points between the two, to help avoid "dash" lines
// for strokes with tapered start and ends. Don't mutate the
// input array!
if (pts.length === 2 && options.simulatePressure) {
const last = pts[1]
pts = pts.slice(0, -1)
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
const next = Vec2d.Lrp(pts[0], last, i / 4)
next.z = ((pts[0].z + (last.z - pts[0].z)) * i) / 4
// The strokePoints array will hold the points for the stroke.
// Start it out with the first point, which needs no adjustment.
const strokePoints: StrokePoint[] = [
point: pts[0],
input: pts[0],
pressure: simulatePressure ? 0.5 : pts[0].z,
vector: new Vec2d(1, 1),
distance: 0,
runningLength: 0,
radius: 1,
// We use the totalLength to keep track of the total distance
let totalLength = 0
// We're set this to the latest point, so we can use it to calculate
// the distance and vector of the next point.
let prev = strokePoints[0]
// Iterate through all of the points, creating StrokePoints.
let point: Vec2d, distance: number
if (isComplete && streamline > 0) {
pts.push(pts[pts.length - 1].clone())
for (let i = 1, n = pts.length; i < n; i++) {
point =
!t || (options.last && i === n - 1) ? pts[i].clone() : pts[i].clone().lrp(prev.point, 1 - t)
// If the new point is the same as the previous point, skip ahead.
if (prev.point.equals(point)) continue
// How far is the new point from the previous point?
distance = Vec2d.Dist(point, prev.point)
// Add this distance to the total "running length" of the line.
totalLength += distance
// At the start of the line, we wait until the new point is a
// certain distance away from the original point, to avoid noise
if (i < 4 && totalLength < size) {
// Create a new strokepoint (it will be the new "previous" one).
prev = {
input: pts[i],
// The adjusted point
// The input pressure (or .5 if not specified)
pressure: simulatePressure ? 0.5 : pts[i].z,
// The vector from the current point to the previous point
vector: Vec2d.Sub(prev.point, point).uni(),
// The distance between the current point and the previous point
// The total distance so far
runningLength: totalLength,
// The stroke point's radius
radius: 1,
// Push it to the strokePoints array.
// Set the vector of the first point to be the same as the second point.
if (strokePoints[1]?.vector) {
strokePoints[0].vector = strokePoints[1].vector.clone()
if (totalLength < 1) {
const maxPressureAmongPoints = Math.max(0.5, => s.pressure))
strokePoints.forEach((s) => (s.pressure = maxPressureAmongPoints))
return strokePoints