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2018-11-25 20:11:22 +00:00
// Tracker for LoRA APRS
// TTGO T-Beam includes GPS module + optional DHT22 (not yet DONE)
// can be used as tracker only, tracker plus weather reports (temperature and humidity) or weather reports station only
// updated from OE1ACM sketch by OE3CJB to enable WX data to be sent via LoRa APRS.
// one package is with position and battery voltage
// the next is with weather data in APRS format
// licensed under CC BY-NC-SA
// last update: 01.12.2018
// modifications: select mode during compilation to select model
#define DEBUG false // used for debugging purposes , e.g. turning on special serial or display logging
// Includes
#include <TTGO_T-Beam_LoRa_APRS_config.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <SPI.h>
#include <BG_RF95.h>
// #include <string>
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
// #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <DHT.h>
#include <DHTesp.h>
#include <driver/adc.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>
#include <splash.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_SPITFT.h>
#include <Adafruit_SPITFT_Macros.h>
#include <gfxfont.h>
//Hardware definitions
/* for feather32u4
#define RFM95_CS 8
#define RFM95_RST 4
#define RFM95_INT 7
//Variables for DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor
int chk;
float hum=0; //Stores humidity value
float temp=99.99; //Stores temperature value
//other global Variables
String Textzeile1, Textzeile2;
//PINs used for HW extensions
// Pin for battery voltage -> bei T-Beam ADC1_CHANNEL_7
// #define ANALOG_PIN_0 35 // connected to battery
// Pins for GPS
static const int RXPin = 15, TXPin = 12; // changed BG A3 A2
static const uint32_t GPSBaud = 9600; //GPS
const byte TX_en = 0;
const byte RX_en = 0; //TX/RX enable 1W modul
const byte TXLED = 14; //pin number for LED on TX Tracker
// const byte GPSLED = 6; // pin gps & Heartbeat
// const byte GPSLED1 = 9; // pin gps & Heartbeat
// Pins for LoRa module
const byte lora_PReset = 23; //pin where LoRa device reset line is connected
const byte lora_PNSS = 18; //pin number where the NSS line for the LoRa device is connected.
// pin 11 MOSI
// pin 12 MISO
// pin 13 SCLK
// #define ModemConfig BG_RF95::Bw125Cr45Sf4096
#define DHTPIN 25 // pin the DHT22 is connected to Pin25
//#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // DHT 22 (AM2302)
// Variables and Constants
String InputString = ""; //data on buff is copied to this string
String Outputstring = "";
String outString=""; //The new Output String with GPS Conversion RAW
boolean wx = true;
boolean wx = false;
//byte arrays
byte lora_TXBUFF[128]; //buffer for packet to send
//byte Variables
byte lora_TXStart; //start of packet data in TXbuff
byte lora_TXEnd; //end of packet data in TXbuff
byte lora_FTXOK; //flag, set to 1 if TX OK
byte lora_TXPacketType; //type number of packet to send
byte lora_TXDestination; //destination address of packet to send
byte lora_TXSource; //source address of packet received
byte lora_FDeviceError; //flag, set to 1 if RFM98 device error
byte lora_TXPacketL; //length of packet to send, includes source, destination and packet type.
unsigned long lastTX = 0L;
float BattVolts;
static adc1_channel_t adc_channel = ADC1_GPIO35_CHANNEL;
static const adc_atten_t atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_6;
static const adc_unit_t unit = ADC_UNIT_1;
static void smartDelay(unsigned long);
void recalcGPS(void);
void sendpacket(void);
void loraSend(byte, byte, byte, byte, byte, long, byte, float);
void batt_read(void);
void writedisplaytext(String, String, String, String, String, int);
// #if (SEND_WX)
// DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // Initialize DHT sensor for normal 16mhz Arduino
DHTesp dht;
// #endif
// SoftwareSerial ss(RXPin, TXPin); // The serial connection to the GPS device
HardwareSerial ss(1); // TTGO has HW serial
TinyGPSPlus gps; // The TinyGPS++ object
// checkRX
uint8_t buf[BG_RF95_MAX_MESSAGE_LEN];
uint8_t len = sizeof(buf);
// Singleton instance of the radio driver
BG_RF95 rf95(18, 26); // TTGO T-Beam has NSS @ Pin 18 and Interrupt IO @ Pin26
// initialize OLED display
#define OLED_RESET 4 // not used
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(128, 64, &Wire, OLED_RESET);
void setup()
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW); // turn blue LED off
if(!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C)) { // Address 0x3D for 128x64
for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext("","Init:","Display OK!","","",1000);
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
Serial.println("Init: Display OK!");
if (!rf95.init()) {
// Serial.println("init failed");
writedisplaytext("","Init:","RF95 FAILED!",":-(","",1000);
Serial.println("Init: RF95 FAILED!");
for(;;); // Don't proceed, loop forever
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext("","Init:","RF95 OK!","","",1000);
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
Serial.println("Init: RF95 OK!");
ss.begin(GPSBaud, SERIAL_8N1, 12, 15); //Startup HW serial for GPS
#endif // #if !(FIXED_POSITION)
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext("","Init:","GPS Serial OK!","","",1000);
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
Serial.println("Init: GPS Serial OK!");
// adc_power_on();
// adc_gpio_init(ADC_UNIT_1,ADC_CHANNEL_7);
// adc1_config_channel_atten(adc_channel, atten);
writedisplaytext("","Init:","ADC OK!",String(analogRead(35)*7.221/4096,4),"",1000);
Serial.println("Init: ADC OK!");
rf95.setModemConfig(BG_RF95::Bw125Cr45Sf4096); // hard coded because of double definition
// rf95.setModemConfig(ModemConfig); // das ist irgendwo doppelt definiert ???
//#if (SEND_WX)
//dht.begin(); // DHT22 initialisieren
//temp = dht.readTemperature();
temp = dht.getTemperature();
writedisplaytext("","Init:","DHT OK!",String(temp),"",750);
Serial.print("Init: DHT OK! Temp=");
//#else //#if (SEND_WX)
// writedisplaytext("","Init:","no DHT configuration","","",1000);
// Serial.println("Init: no DHT configuration");
//#endif //#if (SEND_WX)
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext("","Init:","All DONE OK!",":-D","",1000);
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
Serial.println("Init: ALL DONE OK! :-D");
void loop()
// temp = dht.readTemperature();
temp = dht.getTemperature();
Serial.print("Init: DHT OK! Temp=");
//while(1) { if ( ss.available() ) Serial.write(;}
// digitalWrite(GPSLED, HIGH);
while (ss.available() > 0) {
#endif // #if !(FIXED_POSITION)
if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100))
// Should be a reply message for us now
if (rf95.recvAPRS(buf, &len))
// Serial.print("RX: ");
// Serial.println((char*)buf);
// Serial.print("RSSI: ");
// Serial.println(rf95.lastRssi(), DEC);
writedisplaytext(" "+String(((lastTX+nextTX)-millis())/1000),"LAT: "+String(,5),"LON: "+String(gps.location.lng(),5),"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),0),"BAT: "+String(analogRead(35)*7.221/4096,2)+" TEMP: "+String(temp),250);
// digitalWrite(GPSLED, LOW);
// if (gps.location.isUpdated() || ( (lastTX+nextTX) <= millis() ) )
if ( (lastTX+nextTX) <= millis() )
if (gps.location.isValid() && ( (lastTX+nextTX) <= millis() ) )
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","LAT: "+String(,5),"LON: "+String(gps.location.lng(),5),"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),0),"BAR: "+String(analogRead(35)*7.221/4096,2)+" TEMP: "+String(temp),250);
//writedisplaytext("","State:","Packet sent!","","",250);
Serial.println("State: Packet sent!");
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
} else {
if ( (lastTX+nextTX*2) <= millis() )
digitalWrite(TXLED, HIGH);
writedisplaytext(" ((TX))","LAT: "+String(,5),"LON: "+String(gps.location.lng(),5),"SPD: "+String(gps.speed.kmph(),1)+" CRS: "+String(gps.course.deg(),0),"BAT: "+String(analogRead(35)*7.221/4096,2)+" TEMP: "+String(temp),250);
// writedisplaytext("","State:","Packet sent!","","",250);
Serial.println("State: Packet sent!");
digitalWrite(TXLED, LOW);
if (millis() > 200000 && gps.charsProcessed() < 10)
writedisplaytext("","Warning","No GPS Signal!","","",1000);
Serial.println("Warning: No GPS Signal!");
// This custom version of delay() ensures that the gps object
// is being "fed".
static void smartDelay(unsigned long ms)
unsigned long start = millis();
while (ss.available())
} while (millis() - start < ms);
//@APA Recalc GPS Position
void recalcGPS(){
String Ns, Ew, helper;
float Tlat, Tlon;
int Talt;
float Lat;
float Lon;
if(Tlat<0) { Ns = "S"; } else { Ns = "N"; }
if(Tlon<0) { Ew = "W"; } else { Ew = "E"; }
if(Tlat < 0) { Tlat= -Tlat; }
unsigned int Deg_Lat = Tlat;
Lat = 100*(Deg_Lat) + (Tlat - Deg_Lat)*60;
if(Tlon < 0) { Tlon= -Tlon; }
unsigned int Deg_Lon = Tlon;
Lon = 100*(Deg_Lon) + (Tlon - Deg_Lon)*60;
#if !(SEND_WX)
outString = "";
outString = (Tcall);
outString += ">APRS:!";
outString += LATITUDE;
if(Tlat<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lat,2);
outString += Ns;
outString += wxTable;
outString += LONGITUDE;
if(Tlon<100) {outString += "0"; }
if(Tlon<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lon,2);
outString += Ew;
outString += sSymbol;
outString += " /A=";
outString += Talt;
outString += "m Batt=";
outString += String(BattVolts,2);
outString += ("V");
if ( !wx ) { // create standard position string
outString = "";
outString = (Tcall);
outString += ">APRS:!";
if(Tlat<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lat,2);
outString += Ns;
outString += sTable;
if(Tlon<100) {outString += "0"; }
if(Tlon<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lon,2);
outString += Ew;
outString += sSymbol;
outString += " /A=";
outString += Talt;
outString += "m Batt=";
outString += String(BattVolts,2);
outString += ("V");
wx = true;
} else { // create weather report string
hum = dht.readHumidity();
// hum = 88.67;
// temp = 50.23;
temp = dht.getTemperature();
// temp = dht.readTemperature();
outString = "";
outString = (wxTcall);
outString += ">APRS:!";
outString += LATITUDE;
if(Tlat<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lat,2);
outString += Ns;
outString += wxTable;
outString += LONGITUDE;
if(Tlon<100) {outString += "0"; }
if(Tlon<10) {outString += "0"; }
outString += String(Lon,2);
outString += Ew;
outString += wxSymbol;
outString += ".../...g...t";
if (temp < 0) { // negative Werte erstellen
outString += "-";
if(temp>-10) {outString += "0"; }
temp = abs(temp);
} else { // positive Werte erstellen
if(temp<100) {outString += "0"; }
if(temp<10) {outString += "0"; }
helper = String(temp,0);
outString += helper;
outString += "r...p...P...h";
if(hum<10) {outString += "0"; }
helper = String(hum,0);
outString += helper;
outString += "b......DHT22";
wx = false;
void sendpacket()
Outputstring = "";
if ( gps.location.isValid() || gps.location.isUpdated() )
// digitalWrite(GPSLED, HIGH);
//New System
recalcGPS(); //
// digitalWrite(PLED1, HIGH);
Outputstring =outString;
loraSend(lora_TXStart, lora_TXEnd, 60, 255, 1, 10, TXdbmW, TXFREQ); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
} else {
Outputstring = (Tcall);
Outputstring += " No GPS-Fix";
Outputstring += " Batt=";
Outputstring += String(BattVolts,2);
Outputstring += ("V ");
loraSend(lora_TXStart, lora_TXEnd, 60, 255, 1, 10, 5, TXFREQ); //send the packet, data is in TXbuff from lora_TXStart to lora_TXEnd
// digitalWrite(GPSLED, LOW);
// digitalWrite(PLED1, LOW);
void loraSend(byte lora_LTXStart, byte lora_LTXEnd, byte lora_LTXPacketType, byte lora_LTXDestination, byte lora_LTXSource, long lora_LTXTimeout, byte lora_LTXPower, float lora_FREQ)
byte i;
byte ltemp;
if (rf95.waitAvailableTimeout(100))
if (rf95.recvAPRS(buf, &len))
// Serial.print("RX before TX: ");
// Serial.println((char*)buf);
// Serial.print("RSSI: ");
// Serial.println(rf95.lastRssi(), DEC);
// time of last TX
lastTX = millis();
ltemp = Outputstring.length();
for (i = 0; i <= ltemp; i++)
lora_TXBUFF[i] = Outputstring.charAt(i);
lora_TXEnd = i;
lora_TXBUFF[i] ='\0';
// digitalWrite(PLED1, HIGH); //LED on during packet
// Serial.print(Outputstring);
// Serial.print(" len: ");
// Serial.println(strlen(lora_TXBUFF) );
//digitalWrite(RX_en, LOW); //RX lo
//digitalWrite(TX_en, HIGH); //TX HIGH
//rf95.sendAPRS(lora_TXBUFF, sizeof(lora_TXBUFF));
rf95.sendAPRS(lora_TXBUFF, Outputstring.length());
// rf95.sendAPRS(lora_TXBUFF, lora_TXBUFF.length());
//digitalWrite(TX_en, LOW); //TX lo
//digitalWrite(RX_en,HIGH); //RX HIGH
// digitalWrite(PLED1, LOW);
void batt_read()
float BattRead = analogRead(35)*7.221;
// Serial.println("Batt: "+String(BattRead));
//int BattRead = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_7);
// delay(250);
//lora_TXBUFF[1] = (BattRead / 256); //MSB of battery volts
//lora_TXBUFF[0] = (BattRead - (lora_TXBUFF[1] * 256)); //LSB of battery volts
BattVolts = (BattRead / 4096);
// BattVolts = BattRead;
// writedisplaytext(String(BattVolts,2), "", "", "", "", 0);
//Serial.print("lora_TXBUFF[0] ");
//Serial.print("lora_TXBUFF[1] ");
//Serial.println("Battery ");
//Serial.print(BattVolts, 2);
void writedisplaytext(String Line1, String Line2, String Line3, String Line4, String Line5, int warten)
display.println(" LoRa-APRS");