# Docker configuration This document lists the requirements and steps to run [TLG_JoinCaptchaBot](https://github.com/J-Rios/TLG_JoinCaptchaBot) in a docker container. ## Pre-requisites * [docker](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-engine). If possible, install it using your OS native packaging system (under Debian based systems, use `apt-get install docker-ce`). * GNU Make, which should be installed on most Linux distributions by default. ## Building a new image Create a new bot on Telegram using [The BotFather](http://t.me/BotFather). Make sure your bot can be invited to groups and has privacy set to _disabled_. Without this, the bot won't be able to read messages on the group. Save the bot token. The token _should not publicly visible_ as anyone with it could take control of your bot instance. We'll use the token to create the docker image containing the bot (below). Create the docker image: ```bash make ``` The build process may take a while, depending on your computer and connection speeds. Docker will indicate a successful build at the end of the process with something like: ```bash Successfully built (number) Successfully tagged captcha-bot:latest ``` ## Running To run an instance, use the next command placing your Bot token to pass it as an enviroment variable: ```bash docker run -d --name captcha-bot --env CAPTCHABOT_TOKEN="XXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" --restart always captcha-bot ``` This will start the container in the background. Use `docker ps` to check if the container is up and running, and `docker logs captcha-bot` to investigate the logs. You can also run with other environment variable. For list available environment variables, please check `sources/settings.py`. **Note on Token security**: A little bit of paranoia never hurts! Once your container has been built, remove the lines from your bash history containing your token. This can be accomplished with the `history -d` command on individual lines. An easier (but coarser) approach is to run `history -c`, followed by `history -r`. This will clear the history buffer and re-read the history from disk. ## Stopping the bot To stop the bot, use ```bash docker stop captcha-bot docker rm captcha-bot ```