# # spaceship_generator.py # # This is a Blender script that uses procedural generation to create # textured 3D spaceship models. Tested with Blender 2.77a. # # michael@spaceduststudios.com # https://github.com/a1studmuffin/SpaceshipGenerator # import sys import os import bpy import bmesh import datetime from math import sqrt, radians, pi, cos, sin from mathutils import Vector, Matrix from random import random, seed, uniform, randint, randrange from enum import IntEnum from colorsys import hls_to_rgb # Deletes all existing spaceships and unused materials from the scene def reset_scene(): for item in bpy.data.objects: item.select = item.name.startswith('Spaceship') bpy.ops.object.delete() for material in bpy.data.materials: if not material.users: bpy.data.materials.remove(material) for texture in bpy.data.textures: if not texture.users: bpy.data.textures.remove(texture) # Extrudes a face along its normal by translate_forwards units. # Returns the new face, and optionally fills out extruded_face_list # with all the additional side faces created from the extrusion. def extrude_face(bm, face, translate_forwards=0.0, extruded_face_list=None): new_faces = bmesh.ops.extrude_discrete_faces(bm, faces=[face])['faces'] if extruded_face_list != None: extruded_face_list += new_faces[:] new_face = new_faces[0] bmesh.ops.translate(bm, vec=new_face.normal * translate_forwards, verts=new_face.verts) return new_face # Similar to extrude_face, except corrigates the geometry to create "ribs". # Returns the new face. def ribbed_extrude_face(bm, face, translate_forwards, num_ribs=3, rib_scale=0.9): translate_forwards_per_rib = translate_forwards / float(num_ribs) new_face = face for i in range(num_ribs): new_face = extrude_face(bm, new_face, translate_forwards_per_rib * 0.25) new_face = extrude_face(bm, new_face, 0.0) scale_face(bm, new_face, rib_scale, rib_scale, rib_scale) new_face = extrude_face(bm, new_face, translate_forwards_per_rib * 0.5) new_face = extrude_face(bm, new_face, 0.0) scale_face(bm, new_face, 1 / rib_scale, 1 / rib_scale, 1 / rib_scale) new_face = extrude_face(bm, new_face, translate_forwards_per_rib * 0.25) return new_face # Scales a face in local face space. Ace! def scale_face(bm, face, scale_x, scale_y, scale_z): face_space = get_face_matrix(face) face_space.invert() bmesh.ops.scale(bm, vec=Vector((scale_x, scale_y, scale_z)), space=face_space, verts=face.verts) # Returns a rough 4x4 transform matrix for a face (doesn't handle # distortion/shear) with optional position override. def get_face_matrix(face, pos=None): x_axis = (face.verts[1].co - face.verts[0].co).normalized() z_axis = -face.normal y_axis = z_axis.cross(x_axis) if not pos: pos = face.calc_center_bounds() # Construct a 4x4 matrix from axes + position: # http://i.stack.imgur.com/3TnQP.png mat = Matrix() mat[0][0] = x_axis.x mat[1][0] = x_axis.y mat[2][0] = x_axis.z mat[3][0] = 0 mat[0][1] = y_axis.x mat[1][1] = y_axis.y mat[2][1] = y_axis.z mat[3][1] = 0 mat[0][2] = z_axis.x mat[1][2] = z_axis.y mat[2][2] = z_axis.z mat[3][2] = 0 mat[0][3] = pos.x mat[1][3] = pos.y mat[2][3] = pos.z mat[3][3] = 1 return mat # Returns the rough length and width of a quad face. # Assumes a perfect rectangle, but close enough. def get_face_width_and_height(face): if not face.is_valid or len(face.verts[:]) < 4: return -1, -1 width = (face.verts[0].co - face.verts[1].co).length height = (face.verts[2].co - face.verts[1].co).length return width, height # Returns the rough aspect ratio of a face. Always >= 1. def get_aspect_ratio(face): if not face.is_valid: return 1.0 face_aspect_ratio = max(0.01, face.edges[0].calc_length() / face.edges[1].calc_length()) if face_aspect_ratio < 1.0: face_aspect_ratio = 1.0 / face_aspect_ratio return face_aspect_ratio # Returns true if this face is pointing behind the ship def is_rear_face(face): return face.normal.x < -0.95 # Given a face, splits it into a uniform grid and extrudes each grid face # out and back in again, making an exhaust shape. def add_exhaust_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid: return # The more square the face is, the more grid divisions it might have num_cuts = randint(1, int(4 - get_aspect_ratio(face))) result = bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges(bm, edges=face.edges[:], cuts=num_cuts, fractal=0.02, use_grid_fill=True) exhaust_length = uniform(0.1, 0.2) scale_outer = 1 / uniform(1.3, 1.6) scale_inner = 1 / uniform(1.05, 1.1) for face in result['geom']: if isinstance(face, bmesh.types.BMFace): if is_rear_face(face): face.material_index = Material.hull_dark face = extrude_face(bm, face, exhaust_length) scale_face(bm, face, scale_outer, scale_outer, scale_outer) extruded_face_list = [] face = extrude_face(bm, face, -exhaust_length * 0.9, extruded_face_list) for extruded_face in extruded_face_list: extruded_face.material_index = Material.exhaust_burn scale_face(bm, face, scale_inner, scale_inner, scale_inner) # Given a face, splits it up into a smaller uniform grid and extrudes each grid cell. def add_grid_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid: return result = bmesh.ops.subdivide_edges(bm, edges=face.edges[:], cuts=randint(2, 4), fractal=0.02, use_grid_fill=True, use_single_edge=False) grid_length = uniform(0.025, 0.15) scale = 0.8 for face in result['geom']: if isinstance(face, bmesh.types.BMFace): material_index = Material.hull_lights if random() > 0.5 else Material.hull extruded_face_list = [] face = extrude_face(bm, face, grid_length, extruded_face_list) for extruded_face in extruded_face_list: if abs(face.normal.z) < 0.707: # side face extruded_face.material_index = material_index scale_face(bm, face, scale, scale, scale) # Given a face, adds some cylinders along it in a grid pattern. def add_cylinders_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid or len(face.verts[:]) < 4: return horizontal_step = randint(1, 3) vertical_step = randint(1, 3) num_segments = randint(6, 12) face_width, face_height = get_face_width_and_height(face) cylinder_depth = 1.3 * min(face_width / (horizontal_step + 2), face_height / (vertical_step + 2)) cylinder_size = cylinder_depth * 0.5 for h in range(horizontal_step): top = face.verts[0].co.lerp( face.verts[1].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) bottom = face.verts[3].co.lerp( face.verts[2].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) for v in range(vertical_step): pos = top.lerp(bottom, (v + 1) / float(vertical_step + 1)) cylinder_matrix = get_face_matrix(face, pos) * \ Matrix.Rotation(radians(90), 3, 'X').to_4x4() bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=cylinder_size, diameter2=cylinder_size, depth=cylinder_depth, matrix=cylinder_matrix) # Given a face, adds some weapon turrets to it in a grid pattern. # Each turret will have a random orientation. def add_weapons_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid or len(face.verts[:]) < 4: return horizontal_step = randint(1, 2) vertical_step = randint(1, 2) num_segments = 16 face_width, face_height = get_face_width_and_height(face) weapon_size = 0.5 * min(face_width / (horizontal_step + 2), face_height / (vertical_step + 2)) weapon_depth = weapon_size * 0.2 for h in range(horizontal_step): top = face.verts[0].co.lerp( face.verts[1].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) bottom = face.verts[3].co.lerp( face.verts[2].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) for v in range(vertical_step): pos = top.lerp(bottom, (v + 1) / float(vertical_step + 1)) face_matrix = get_face_matrix(face, pos + face.normal * weapon_depth * 0.5) * \ Matrix.Rotation(radians(uniform(0, 90)), 3, 'Z').to_4x4() # Turret foundation bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.9, diameter2=weapon_size, depth=weapon_depth, matrix=face_matrix) # Turret left guard left_guard_mat = face_matrix * \ Matrix.Rotation(radians(90), 3, 'Y').to_4x4() * \ Matrix.Translation(Vector((0, 0, weapon_size * 0.6))).to_4x4() bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.6, diameter2=weapon_size * 0.5, depth=weapon_depth * 2, matrix=left_guard_mat) # Turret right guard right_guard_mat = face_matrix * \ Matrix.Rotation(radians(90), 3, 'Y').to_4x4() * \ Matrix.Translation(Vector((0, 0, weapon_size * -0.6))).to_4x4() bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.5, diameter2=weapon_size * 0.6, depth=weapon_depth * 2, matrix=right_guard_mat) # Turret housing upward_angle = uniform(0, 45) turret_house_mat = face_matrix * \ Matrix.Rotation(radians(upward_angle), 3, 'X').to_4x4() * \ Matrix.Translation(Vector((0, weapon_size * -0.4, 0))).to_4x4() bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=8, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.4, diameter2=weapon_size * 0.4, depth=weapon_depth * 5, matrix=turret_house_mat) # Turret barrels L + R bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=8, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.1, diameter2=weapon_size * 0.1, depth=weapon_depth * 6, matrix=turret_house_mat * \ Matrix.Translation(Vector((weapon_size * 0.2, 0, -weapon_size))).to_4x4()) bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=8, diameter1=weapon_size * 0.1, diameter2=weapon_size * 0.1, depth=weapon_depth * 6, matrix=turret_house_mat * \ Matrix.Translation(Vector((weapon_size * -0.2, 0, -weapon_size))).to_4x4()) # Given a face, adds a sphere on the surface, partially inset. def add_sphere_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid: return face_width, face_height = get_face_width_and_height(face) sphere_size = uniform(0.4, 1.0) * min(face_width, face_height) sphere_matrix = get_face_matrix(face, face.calc_center_bounds() - face.normal * \ uniform(0, sphere_size * 0.5)) result = bmesh.ops.create_icosphere(bm, subdivisions=3, diameter=sphere_size, matrix=sphere_matrix) for vert in result['verts']: for face in vert.link_faces: face.material_index = Material.hull # Given a face, adds some pointy intimidating antennas. def add_surface_antenna_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid or len(face.verts[:]) < 4: return horizontal_step = randint(4, 10) vertical_step = randint(4, 10) for h in range(horizontal_step): top = face.verts[0].co.lerp( face.verts[1].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) bottom = face.verts[3].co.lerp( face.verts[2].co, (h + 1) / float(horizontal_step + 1)) for v in range(vertical_step): if random() > 0.9: pos = top.lerp(bottom, (v + 1) / float(vertical_step + 1)) face_size = sqrt(face.calc_area()) depth = uniform(0.1, 1.5) * face_size depth_short = depth * uniform(0.02, 0.15) base_diameter = uniform(0.005, 0.05) material_index = Material.hull if random() > 0.5 else Material.hull_dark # Spire num_segments = uniform(3, 6) result = bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=False, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=0, diameter2=base_diameter, depth=depth, matrix=get_face_matrix(face, pos + face.normal * depth * 0.5)) for vert in result['verts']: for vert_face in vert.link_faces: vert_face.material_index = material_index # Base result = bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=num_segments, diameter1=base_diameter * uniform(1, 1.5), diameter2=base_diameter * uniform(1.5, 2), depth=depth_short, matrix=get_face_matrix(face, pos + face.normal * depth_short * 0.45)) for vert in result['verts']: for vert_face in vert.link_faces: vert_face.material_index = material_index # Given a face, adds a glowing "landing pad" style disc. def add_disc_to_face(bm, face): if not face.is_valid: return face_width, face_height = get_face_width_and_height(face) depth = 0.125 * min(face_width, face_height) bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=True, cap_tris=False, segments=32, diameter1=depth * 3, diameter2=depth * 4, depth=depth, matrix=get_face_matrix(face, face.calc_center_bounds() + face.normal * depth * 0.5)) result = bmesh.ops.create_cone(bm, cap_ends=False, cap_tris=False, segments=32, diameter1=depth * 1.25, diameter2=depth * 2.25, depth=0.0, matrix=get_face_matrix(face, face.calc_center_bounds() + face.normal * depth * 1.05)) for vert in result['verts']: for face in vert.link_faces: face.material_index = Material.glow_disc class Material(IntEnum): hull = 0 # Plain spaceship hull hull_lights = 1 # Spaceship hull with emissive windows hull_dark = 2 # Plain Spaceship hull, darkened exhaust_burn = 3 # Emissive engine burn material glow_disc = 4 # Emissive landing pad disc material # Creates a texture given a texture name, texture type, and filename. # Uses an image cache dictionary to prevent loading the same asset from disk twice. # Returns the texture. img_cache = {} def create_texture(name, tex_type, filename, use_alpha=True): global img_cache img = None if filename in img_cache: # Image has been cached already, so just use that. img = img_cache[filename] else: # We haven't cached this asset yet, so load it from disk. # Figure out the script path depending on our context (command-line or in-editor) script_path = bpy.context.space_data.text.filepath if bpy.context.space_data else __file__ # Get the folder the script lives in. If it lives in a .blend file, strip that off too. script_folder = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(script_path))[0] if script_folder.endswith('.blend'): script_folder = os.path.split(script_folder)[0] filepath = os.path.join(script_folder, filename) try: img = bpy.data.images.load(filepath) except: raise NameError("Cannot load image %s" % filepath) # Cache the asset img_cache[filename] = img # Create and return a new texture using img tex = bpy.data.textures.new(name, tex_type) tex.image = img tex.image.use_alpha = use_alpha return tex # Adds a hull normal map texture slot to a material. def add_hull_normal_map(mat, hull_normal_colortex): mtex = mat.texture_slots.add() mtex.texture = hull_normal_colortex mtex.texture_coords = 'GLOBAL' # global UVs, yolo mtex.mapping = 'CUBE' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False mtex.use_map_normal = True mtex.normal_factor = 1 mtex.bump_method = 'BUMP_BEST_QUALITY' # Sets some basic properties for a hull material. def set_hull_mat_basics(mat, color, hull_normal_colortex): mat.specular_intensity = 0.1 mat.diffuse_color = color add_hull_normal_map(mat, hull_normal_colortex) # Creates all our materials and returns them as a list. def create_materials(): ret = [] for material in Material: ret.append(bpy.data.materials.new(material.name)) # Choose a base color for the spaceship hull hull_base_color = hls_to_rgb( random(), uniform(0.05, 0.5), uniform(0, 0.25)) # Load up the hull normal map hull_normal_colortex = create_texture( 'ColorTex', 'IMAGE', 'textures\\hull_normal.png') hull_normal_colortex.use_normal_map = True # Build the hull texture mat = ret[Material.hull] set_hull_mat_basics(mat, hull_base_color, hull_normal_colortex) # Build the hull_lights texture mat = ret[Material.hull_lights] set_hull_mat_basics(mat, hull_base_color, hull_normal_colortex) # Add a diffuse layer that sets the window color mtex = mat.texture_slots.add() mtex.texture = create_texture( 'ColorTex', 'IMAGE', 'textures\\hull_lights_diffuse.png') mtex.texture_coords = 'GLOBAL' mtex.mapping = 'CUBE' mtex.blend_type = 'ADD' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True mtex.use_rgb_to_intensity = True mtex.color = hls_to_rgb(random(), uniform(0.5, 1), uniform(0, 0.5)) # Add an emissive layer that lights up the windows mtex = mat.texture_slots.add() mtex.texture = create_texture( 'ColorTex', 'IMAGE', 'textures\\hull_lights_emit.png', False) mtex.texture_coords = 'GLOBAL' mtex.mapping = 'CUBE' mtex.use_map_emit = True mtex.emit_factor = 2.0 mtex.blend_type = 'ADD' mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = False # Build the hull_dark texture mat = ret[Material.hull_dark] set_hull_mat_basics(mat, [0.3 * x for x in hull_base_color], hull_normal_colortex) # Choose a glow color for the exhaust + glow discs glow_color = hls_to_rgb(random(), uniform(0.5, 1), 1) # Build the exhaust_burn texture mat = ret[Material.exhaust_burn] mat.diffuse_color = glow_color mat.emit = 1.0 # Build the glow_disc texture mat = ret[Material.glow_disc] mat.diffuse_color = glow_color mat.emit = 1.0 return ret # Generates a textured spaceship mesh and returns the object. # Just uses global cube texture coordinates rather than generating UVs. # Takes an optional random seed value to generate a specific spaceship. # Allows overriding of some parameters that affect generation. def generate_spaceship(random_seed='', num_hull_segments_min=3, num_hull_segments_max=6, create_asymmetry_segments=True, num_asymmetry_segments_min=1, num_asymmetry_segments_max=5, create_face_detail=True, allow_horizontal_symmetry=True, allow_vertical_symmetry=False, apply_bevel_modifier=True, assign_materials=True): if random_seed: seed(random_seed) # Let's start with a unit BMesh cube scaled randomly bm = bmesh.new() bmesh.ops.create_cube(bm, size=1) scale_vector = Vector( (uniform(0.75, 2.0), uniform(0.75, 2.0), uniform(0.75, 2.0))) bmesh.ops.scale(bm, vec=scale_vector, verts=bm.verts) # Extrude out the hull along the X axis, adding some semi-random perturbations for face in bm.faces[:]: if abs(face.normal.x) > 0.5: hull_segment_length = uniform(0.3, 1) num_hull_segments = randrange(num_hull_segments_min, num_hull_segments_max) hull_segment_range = range(num_hull_segments) for i in hull_segment_range: is_last_hull_segment = i == hull_segment_range[-1] val = random() if val > 0.1: # Most of the time, extrude out the face with some random deviations face = extrude_face(bm, face, hull_segment_length) if random() > 0.75: face = extrude_face( bm, face, hull_segment_length * 0.25) # Maybe apply some scaling if random() > 0.5: sy = uniform(1.2, 1.5) sz = uniform(1.2, 1.5) if is_last_hull_segment or random() > 0.5: sy = 1 / sy sz = 1 / sz scale_face(bm, face, 1, sy, sz) # Maybe apply some sideways translation if random() > 0.5: sideways_translation = Vector( (0, 0, uniform(0.1, 0.4) * scale_vector.z * hull_segment_length)) if random() > 0.5: sideways_translation = -sideways_translation bmesh.ops.translate(bm, vec=sideways_translation, verts=face.verts) # Maybe add some rotation around Y axis if random() > 0.5: angle = 5 if random() > 0.5: angle = -angle bmesh.ops.rotate(bm, verts=face.verts, cent=(0, 0, 0), matrix=Matrix.Rotation(radians(angle), 3, 'Y')) else: # Rarely, create a ribbed section of the hull rib_scale = uniform(0.75, 0.95) face = ribbed_extrude_face( bm, face, hull_segment_length, randint(2, 4), rib_scale) # Add some large asynmmetrical sections of the hull that stick out if create_asymmetry_segments: for face in bm.faces[:]: # Skip any long thin faces as it'll probably look stupid if get_aspect_ratio(face) > 4: continue if random() > 0.85: hull_piece_length = uniform(0.1, 0.4) for i in range(randrange(num_asymmetry_segments_min, num_asymmetry_segments_max)): face = extrude_face(bm, face, hull_piece_length) # Maybe apply some scaling if random() > 0.25: s = 1 / uniform(1.1, 1.5) scale_face(bm, face, s, s, s) # Now the basic hull shape is built, let's categorize + add detail to all the faces if create_face_detail: engine_faces = [] grid_faces = [] antenna_faces = [] weapon_faces = [] sphere_faces = [] disc_faces = [] cylinder_faces = [] for face in bm.faces[:]: # Skip any long thin faces as it'll probably look stupid if get_aspect_ratio(face) > 3: continue # Spin the wheel! Let's categorize + assign some materials val = random() if is_rear_face(face): # rear face if not engine_faces or val > 0.75: engine_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.5: cylinder_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.25: grid_faces.append(face) else: face.material_index = Material.hull_lights elif face.normal.x > 0.9: # front face if face.normal.dot(face.calc_center_bounds()) > 0 and val > 0.7: antenna_faces.append(face) # front facing antenna face.material_index = Material.hull_lights elif val > 0.4: grid_faces.append(face) else: face.material_index = Material.hull_lights elif face.normal.z > 0.9: # top face if face.normal.dot(face.calc_center_bounds()) > 0 and val > 0.7: antenna_faces.append(face) # top facing antenna elif val > 0.6: grid_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.3: cylinder_faces.append(face) elif face.normal.z < -0.9: # bottom face if val > 0.75: disc_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.5: grid_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.25: weapon_faces.append(face) elif abs(face.normal.y) > 0.9: # side face if not weapon_faces or val > 0.75: weapon_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.6: grid_faces.append(face) elif val > 0.4: sphere_faces.append(face) else: face.material_index = Material.hull_lights # Now we've categorized, let's actually add the detail for face in engine_faces: add_exhaust_to_face(bm, face) for face in grid_faces: add_grid_to_face(bm, face) for face in antenna_faces: add_surface_antenna_to_face(bm, face) for face in weapon_faces: add_weapons_to_face(bm, face) for face in sphere_faces: add_sphere_to_face(bm, face) for face in disc_faces: add_disc_to_face(bm, face) for face in cylinder_faces: add_cylinders_to_face(bm, face) # Apply horizontal symmetry sometimes if allow_horizontal_symmetry and random() > 0.5: bmesh.ops.symmetrize(bm, input=bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:] + bm.faces[:], direction=1) # Apply vertical symmetry sometimes - this can cause spaceship "islands", so disabled by default if allow_vertical_symmetry and random() > 0.5: bmesh.ops.symmetrize(bm, input=bm.verts[:] + bm.edges[:] + bm.faces[:], direction=2) # Finish up, write the bmesh into a new mesh me = bpy.data.meshes.new('Mesh') bm.to_mesh(me) bm.free() # Add the mesh to the scene scene = bpy.context.scene obj = bpy.data.objects.new('Spaceship', me) scene.objects.link(obj) # Select and make active scene.objects.active = obj obj.select = True # Recenter the object to its center of mass bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_MASS') ob = bpy.context.object ob.location = (0, 0, 0) # Add a fairly broad bevel modifier to angularize shape if apply_bevel_modifier: bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='BEVEL') ob.modifiers["Bevel"].width = uniform(5, 20) ob.modifiers["Bevel"].offset_type = 'PERCENT' ob.modifiers["Bevel"].segments = 2 ob.modifiers["Bevel"].profile = 0.25 ob.modifiers["Bevel"].limit_method = 'NONE' # Add materials to the spaceship me = ob.data materials = create_materials() for mat in materials: if assign_materials: me.materials.append(mat) else: me.materials.append(bpy.data.materials.new(name="Material")) return obj if __name__ == "__main__": # When true, this script will generate a single spaceship in the scene. # When false, this script will render multiple movie frames showcasing lots of ships. generate_single_spaceship = True if generate_single_spaceship: # Reset the scene, generate a single spaceship and focus on it reset_scene() seed = '' # add anything here to generate the same spaceship obj = generate_spaceship(seed) # View the selected object in all views for area in bpy.context.screen.areas: if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': ctx = bpy.context.copy() ctx['area'] = area ctx['region'] = area.regions[-1] bpy.ops.view3d.view_selected(ctx) else: # Export a movie showcasing many different kinds of ships # Settings output_path = '' # leave empty to use script folder total_movie_duration = 16 total_spaceship_duration = 1 yaw_rate = 45 # degrees/sec yaw_offset = 220 # degrees/sec camera_pole_rate = 1 camera_pole_pitch_min = 15 # degrees camera_pole_pitch_max = 30 # degrees camera_pole_pitch_offset = 0 # degrees camera_pole_length = 10 camera_refocus_object_every_frame = False fov = 60 # degrees fps = 30 res_x = 1920 res_y = 1080 # Batch render the movie frames inv_fps = 1/float(fps) movie_duration = 0 spaceship_duration = total_spaceship_duration scene = bpy.data.scenes["Scene"] scene.render.resolution_x = res_x scene.render.resolution_y = res_y scene.camera.rotation_mode = 'XYZ' scene.camera.data.angle = radians(fov) frame = 0 timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') while movie_duration < total_movie_duration: movie_duration += inv_fps spaceship_duration += inv_fps if spaceship_duration >= total_spaceship_duration: spaceship_duration -= total_spaceship_duration # Generate a new spaceship reset_scene() obj = generate_spaceship() # look for a mirror plane in the scene, and position it just underneath the ship if found lowest_z = centre = min((Vector(b).z for b in obj.bound_box)) plane_obj = bpy.data.objects['Plane'] if 'Plane' in bpy.data.objects else None if plane_obj: plane_obj.location.z = lowest_z - 0.3 # Position and orient the camera rad = radians(yaw_offset + (yaw_rate * movie_duration)) camera_pole_pitch_lerp = 0.5 * (1 + cos(camera_pole_rate * movie_duration)) # 0-1 camera_pole_pitch = camera_pole_pitch_max * camera_pole_pitch_lerp + \ camera_pole_pitch_min * (1 - camera_pole_pitch_lerp) scene.camera.rotation_euler = (radians(90 - camera_pole_pitch + camera_pole_pitch_offset), 0, rad) scene.camera.location = (sin(rad) * camera_pole_length, cos(rad) * -camera_pole_length, sin(radians(camera_pole_pitch))*camera_pole_length) if camera_refocus_object_every_frame: bpy.ops.view3d.camera_to_view_selected() # Render the scene to disk script_path = bpy.context.space_data.text.filepath if bpy.context.space_data else __file__ folder = output_path if output_path else os.path.split(os.path.realpath(script_path))[0] filename = 'renders\\' + timestamp + '\\' + timestamp + '_' + str(frame).zfill(5) + '.png' bpy.data.scenes['Scene'].render.filepath = os.path.join(folder, filename) print('Rendering frame ' + str(frame) + '...') bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) frame += 1