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Utility functions for ????.
Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriele Gilardi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def normalize_data(X, param=(), ddof=0):
If mu and sigma are not defined, returns a column-normalized version of
X with zero mean and standard deviation equal to one. If mu and sigma are
defined returns a column-normalized version of X using mu and sigma.
X Input dataset
Xn Column-normalized input dataset
param Tuple with mu and sigma
mu Mean
sigma Standard deviation
ddof Delta degrees of freedom (if ddof = 0 then divide by m, if
ddof = 1 then divide by m-1, with m the number of data in X)
# Column-normalize using mu and sigma
if (len(param) > 0):
Xn = (X - param[0]) / param[1]
return Xn
# Column-normalize using mu=0 and sigma=1
mu = X.mean(axis=0)
sigma = X.std(axis=0, ddof=ddof)
Xn = (X - mu) / sigma
param = (mu, sigma)
return Xn, param
def scale_data(X, param=()):
If X_min and X_max are not defined, returns a column-scaled version of
X in the interval (-1,+1). If X_min and X_max are defined returns a
column-scaled version of X using X_min and X_max.
X Input dataset
Xs Column-scaled input dataset
param Tuple with X_min and X_max
X_min Min. value along the columns (features) of the input dataset
X_max Max. value along the columns (features) of the input dataset
# Column-scale using X_min and X_max
if (len(param) > 0):
Xs = -1.0 + 2.0 * (X - param[0]) / (param[1] - param[0])
return Xs
# Column-scale using X_min=-1 and X_max=+1
X_min = np.amin(X, axis=0)
X_max = np.amax(X, axis=0)
Xs = -1.0 + 2.0 * (X - X_min) / (X_max - X_min)
param = (X_min, X_max)
return Xs, param
def calc_rmse(a, b):
Calculates the root-mean-square-error of arrays <a> and <b>. If the arrays
are multi-column, the RMSE is calculated as all the columns are one single
# Convert to (n, ) dimension
a = a.flatten()
b = b.flatten()
# Root-mean-square-error
rmse = np.sqrt(((a - b) ** 2).sum() / len(a))
return rmse
def calc_corr(a, b):
Calculates the correlation between arrays <a> and <b>. If the arrays are
multi-column, the correlation is calculated as all the columns are one
single vector.
# Convert to (n, ) dimension
a = a.flatten()
b = b.flatten()
# Correlation
corr = np.corrcoef(a, b)[0, 1]
return corr
def calc_accu(a, b):
Calculates the accuracy (in %) between arrays <a> and <b>. The two arrays
must be column/row vectors.
# Convert to (n, ) dimension
a = a.flatten()
b = b.flatten()
# Correlation
accu = 100.0 * (a == b).sum() / len(a)
return accu
def plot_signals(signals):
for signal in signals: