""" Signal Filtering/Smoothing and Generation of Synthetic Time-Series. Copyright (c) 2020 Gabriele Gilardi """ import numpy as np def synthetic_wave(P, A=None, phi=None, num=1000): """ Generates a multi-sine wave given a periods, amplitudes, and phases. P (n, ) Periods A (n, ) Amplitudes phi (n, ) Phases (rad) t (num, ) Time f (num, ) Multi-sine wave The default value for the amplitudes is 1 and for the phases is zero. The time goes from zero to the largest period. """ n_waves = len(P) # Number of waves P = np.asarray(P) # Amplitudes if (A is None): A = np.ones(n_waves) # Default is 1 else: A = np.asarray(A) # Phases if (phi is None): phi = np.zeros(n_waves) # Default is 0 else: phi = np.asarray(phi) # Time t = np.linspace(0.0, np.amax(P), num=num) # Add up all the sine waves f = np.zeros(len(t)) for i in range(n_waves): f = f + A[i] * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi * t / P[i] + phi[i]) return t, f def synthetic_FFT(X, n_reps=1): """ Generates surrogates of the time-serie X using the phase-randomized Fourier-transform algorithm. X (n, ) Original time-series X_fft (n, ) FFT of the original time-series X_synt_fft (n_reps, n) FFT of the synthetic time-series X_synt (n_reps, n) Synthetic time-series Input array X needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). """ X = X.flatten() # Reshape to (n, ) n = len(X) # The number of samples must be odd if ((n % 2) == 0): print("Warning: data reduced by one (even number of samples)") n = n - 1 X = X[0:n, :] # FFT of the original time-serie X_fft = np.fft.fft(X) # Parameters half_len = (n - 1) // 2 idx1 = np.arange(1, half_len+1, dtype=int) # 1st half idx2 = np.arange(half_len+1, n, dtype=int) # 2nd half # Generate the random phases phases = np.random.rand(n_reps, half_len) phases1 = np.exp(2.0 * np.pi * 1j * phases) phases2 = np.conj(np.flipud(phases1)) # FFT of the synthetic time-series (1st sample is unchanged) X_synt_fft = np.zeros((n_reps, n), dtype=complex) X_synt_fft[:, 0] = X_fft[0] X_synt_fft[:, idx1] = X_fft[idx1] * phases1 # 1st half X_synt_fft[:, idx2] = X_fft[idx2] * phases2 # 2nd half # Synthetic time-series X_synt = np.real(np.fft.ifft(X_synt_fft, axis=1)) return X_synt def synthetic_sampling(X, n_reps=1, replace=True): """ Generates surrogates of the time-serie X using randomized-sampling (bootstrap) with or without replacement. X (n, ) Original time-series idx (n_reps, n) Random index of X X_synt (n_reps, n) Synthetic time-series Input array X needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). """ X = X.flatten() # Reshape to (n, ) n = len(X) # Sampling with replacement if (replace): idx = np.random.randint(0, n, size=(n_reps, n)) # Sampling without replacement else: idx = np.argsort(np.random.rand(n_reps, n), axis=1) # Synthetic time-series X_synt = X[idx] return X_synt def synthetic_MEboot(X, n_reps=1, alpha=0.1, bounds=False, scale=False): """ Generates surrogates of the time-serie X using the maximum entropy bootstrap algorithm. X (n, ) Original time-series idx (n, ) Original order of X y (n, ) Sorted original time-series z (n+1, ) Intermediate points mt (n, ) Interval means t_w (n_reps, n) Random new points w_int (n_reps, n) Interpolated new points w_corr (n_reps, n) Interpolated new points with corrections for first and last interval X_synt (n_reps, n) Synthetic time-series Input array X needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). """ X = X.flatten() # Reshape to (n, ) n = len(X) # Sort the time series keeping track of the original order idx = np.argsort(X) y = X[idx] # Trimmed mean g = int(np.floor(n * alpha)) r = n * alpha - g m_trm = ((1.0 - r) * (y[g] + y[n-g-1]) + y[g+1:n-g-1].sum()) \ / (n * (1.0 - 2.0 * alpha)) # Intermediate points z = np.zeros(n+1) z[0] = y[0] - m_trm z[1:-1] = (y[0:-1] + y[1:]) / 2.0 z[n] = y[n-1] + m_trm # Interval means mt = np.zeros(n) mt[0] = 0.75 * y[0] + 0.25 * y[1] mt[1:n-1] = 0.25 * y[0:n-2] + 0.5 * y[1:n-1] + 0.25 * y[2:n] mt[n-1] = 0.25 * y[n-2] + 0.75 * y[n-1] # Generate randomly new points and sort them t_w = np.random.rand(n_reps, n) t_w = np.sort(t_w, axis=1) # Interpolate the new points t = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=n+1) w_int = np.interp(t_w, t, z) # Correct the new points in the first and last interval to satisfy # the mass constraint idw = (np.floor_divide(t_w, 1.0 / n)).astype(int) corr = np.where(idw == 0, mt[idw] - (z[idw] + z[idw+1]) / 2.0, 0.0) w_corr = w_int + corr if (n > 1): corr = np.where(idw == n-1, mt[idw] - (z[idw] + z[idw+1]) / 2.0, 0.0) w_corr += corr # Enforce limits (if requested) if (bounds): w_corr = np.fmin(np.fmax(w_corr, z[0]), z[n]) # Recovery the time-dependency of the original time-series X_synt = np.zeros((n_reps, n)) X_synt[:, idx] = w_corr # Scale to force equal variance (if requested) if (scale): var_z = np.diff(z) ** 2.0 / 12.0 X_mean = X.mean(axis=0) var_ME = (((mt - X_mean) ** 2).sum() + var_z.sum()) / n std_X = X.std(ddof=1) std_ME = np.sqrt(var_ME) k_scale = std_X / std_ME - 1.0 X_synt = X_synt + k_scale * (X_synt - X_mean) return X_synt def normalize_data(X, param=(), ddof=0): """ If mu and sigma are not defined, returns a column-normalized version of X with zero mean and standard deviation equal to one. If mu and sigma are defined returns a column-normalized version of X using mu and sigma. X Input dataset Xn Column-normalized input dataset param Tuple with mu and sigma mu Mean sigma Standard deviation ddof Delta degrees of freedom (if ddof = 0 then divide by m, if ddof = 1 then divide by m-1, with m the number of data in X) """ # Column-normalize using mu and sigma if (len(param) > 0): Xn = (X - param[0]) / param[1] return Xn # Column-normalize using mu=0 and sigma=1 else: mu = X.mean(axis=0) sigma = X.std(axis=0, ddof=ddof) Xn = (X - mu) / sigma param = (mu, sigma) return Xn, param def scale_data(X, param=()): """ If X_min and X_max are not defined, returns a column-scaled version of X in the interval (-1,+1). If X_min and X_max are defined returns a column-scaled version of X using X_min and X_max. X Input dataset Xs Column-scaled input dataset param Tuple with X_min and X_max X_min Min. value along the columns (features) of the input dataset X_max Max. value along the columns (features) of the input dataset """ # Column-scale using X_min and X_max if (len(param) > 0): Xs = -1.0 + 2.0 * (X - param[0]) / (param[1] - param[0]) return Xs # Column-scale using X_min=-1 and X_max=+1 else: X_min = np.amin(X, axis=0) X_max = np.amax(X, axis=0) Xs = -1.0 + 2.0 * (X - X_min) / (X_max - X_min) param = (X_min, X_max) return Xs, param def value2diff(X, percent=True): """ Returns the 1st discrete difference of array X. X (n, ) Original dataset dX (n-1, ) 1st discrete differences Notes: - the discrete difference can be calculated in percent or in value. - array dX is one element shorter than array X. - array X needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). """ X = X.flatten() # Reshape to (n, ) # Discrete difference in percent if (percent): dX = X[1:] / X[:-1] - 1.0 # Discrete difference in value else: dX = X[1:] - X[:-1] return dX def diff2value(dX, X0, percent=True): """ Returns array X from the 1st discrete difference. dX (n, ) Discrete differences X0 scalar Initial value X (n+1, ) Original dataset ????? Notes: - the discrete difference can be in percent or in value. - array X is one element longer than array dX. - array dX needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). If the discrete difference is in percent, the first column of X is set to one. The original array is X[0] * X If the discrete difference is in value, the first column of X is set to zero. X0+X - array X needs to be a 1D array (of any shape). """ dX = dX.flatten() # Reshape to (n, ) n = len(dX) X = np.zeros(n+1) # Discrete difference in percent if (percent): X[0] = X0 X[1:] = np.cumprod(1.0 + dX) * X0 # !!!! check # Discrete difference in value else: X[0] = X0 X[1:] = np.cumsum(dX) + X0 # !!!!!c check return X