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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.sms
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.Attachment
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.AttachmentId
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.DatabaseAttachment
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.attachments.UriAttachment
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.AttachmentTable
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobmanager.Job
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.jobmanager.JobManager
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.mms.OutgoingMessage
* Helper alias for working with JobIds.
private typealias JobId = String
* Represents message send dependencies on attachments. Allows for the consumption of the job queue
* in a way in which repeated access will return an empty list.
* @param dependencyMap Maps an OutgoingMediaMessage to all of the Attachments it depends on.
* @param deferredJobQueue A list of job chains that can be executed on the job manager when ready (outside of a database transaction).
class UploadDependencyGraph private constructor(
val dependencyMap: Map<OutgoingMessage, List<Node>>,
private val deferredJobQueue: List<JobManager.Chain>
) {
* Contains the dependency job id as well as the attachment the job is working on.
data class Node(
val jobId: JobId,
val attachmentId: AttachmentId
* A generic attachment key which is unique given the attachment AND it's transform properties.
private data class AttachmentKey<A : Attachment>(
val attachment: A,
private val transformProperties: AttachmentTable.TransformProperties = attachment.transformProperties
private var hasConsumedJobQueue = false
* Returns the list of chains exactly once.
fun consumeDeferredQueue(): List<JobManager.Chain> {
if (hasConsumedJobQueue) {
return emptyList()
synchronized(this) {
if (hasConsumedJobQueue) {
return emptyList()
hasConsumedJobQueue = true
return deferredJobQueue
companion object {
val EMPTY = UploadDependencyGraph(emptyMap(), emptyList())
* Allows representation of a unique database attachment by its internal id and its transform properties.
private fun DatabaseAttachment.asDatabaseAttachmentKey(): AttachmentKey<DatabaseAttachment> {
return AttachmentKey(this, this.transformProperties)
* Allows representation of a unique URI attachment by its internal Uri and its transform properties.
private fun UriAttachment.asUriAttachmentKey(): AttachmentKey<UriAttachment> {
return AttachmentKey(this, transformProperties)
* Given a list of outgoing media messages, give me a mapping of those messages to their dependent attachments and set of deferred
* job chains that can be executed to upload and copy the required jobs.
* This should be run within a database transaction, but does not enforce on itself. There is no direct access here to the database,
* instead that is isolated within the passed parameters.
* @param messages The list of outgoing messages
* @param jobManager The JobManager instance
* @param insertAttachmentForPreUpload A method which will create a new database row for a given attachment.
fun create(
messages: List<OutgoingMessage>,
jobManager: JobManager,
insertAttachmentForPreUpload: (Attachment) -> DatabaseAttachment
): UploadDependencyGraph {
return buildDependencyGraph(buildAttachmentMap(messages, insertAttachmentForPreUpload), jobManager, insertAttachmentForPreUpload)
* Produce a mapping of AttachmentKey{DatabaseAttachment,TransformProperties} -> Set<OutgoingMediaMessage>
* This map represents which messages require a specific attachment.
private fun buildAttachmentMap(messages: List<OutgoingMessage>, insertAttachmentForPreUpload: (Attachment) -> DatabaseAttachment): Map<AttachmentKey<DatabaseAttachment>, Set<OutgoingMessage>> {
val attachmentMap = mutableMapOf<AttachmentKey<DatabaseAttachment>, Set<OutgoingMessage>>()
val preUploadCache = mutableMapOf<AttachmentKey<UriAttachment>, DatabaseAttachment>()
for (message in messages) {
val attachmentList: List<Attachment> = message.attachments +
message.linkPreviews.mapNotNull { it.thumbnail.orElse(null) } +
message.sharedContacts.mapNotNull { it.avatar?.attachment }
val uniqueAttachments: Set<AttachmentKey<Attachment>> = { AttachmentKey(it, it.transformProperties) }.toSet()
for (attachmentKey in uniqueAttachments) {
when (val attachment = attachmentKey.attachment) {
is DatabaseAttachment -> {
val messageIdList: Set<OutgoingMessage> = attachmentMap.getOrDefault(attachment.asDatabaseAttachmentKey(), emptySet())
attachmentMap[attachment.asDatabaseAttachmentKey()] = messageIdList + message
is UriAttachment -> {
val dbAttachmentKey: AttachmentKey<DatabaseAttachment> = preUploadCache.getOrPut(attachment.asUriAttachmentKey()) { insertAttachmentForPreUpload(attachment) }.asDatabaseAttachmentKey()
val messageIdList: Set<OutgoingMessage> = attachmentMap.getOrDefault(dbAttachmentKey, emptySet())
attachmentMap[dbAttachmentKey] = messageIdList + message
else -> {
error("Unsupported attachment subclass - ${}")
return attachmentMap
* Builds out the [UploadDependencyGraph] which collects dependency information for a given set of messages.
* Each attachment will be uploaded exactly once and copied N times, where N is the number of messages in its set, minus 1 (the upload)
* The resulting object contains a list of jobs that a subsequent send job can depend on, as well as a list of Chains which can be
* enqueued to perform uploading. Since a send job can depend on multiple chains, it's cleaner to give back a mapping of
* [OutgoingMessage] -> [List<Node>] instead of forcing the caller to try to weave new jobs into the original chains.
* Each chain consists of:
* 1. Compression job
* 1. Resumable upload spec job
* 1. Attachment upload job
* 1. O to 1 copy jobs
private fun buildDependencyGraph(
attachmentIdToOutgoingMessagesMap: Map<AttachmentKey<DatabaseAttachment>, Set<OutgoingMessage>>,
jobManager: JobManager,
insertAttachmentForPreUpload: (Attachment) -> DatabaseAttachment
): UploadDependencyGraph {
val resultMap = mutableMapOf<OutgoingMessage, List<Node>>()
val jobQueue = mutableListOf<JobManager.Chain>()
for ((attachmentKey, messages) in attachmentIdToOutgoingMessagesMap) {
val (uploadJobId, uploadChain) = createAttachmentUploadChain(jobManager, attachmentKey.attachment)
val uploadMessage: OutgoingMessage = messages.first()
val copyMessages: List<OutgoingMessage> = messages.drop(1)
val uploadMessageDependencies: List<Node> = resultMap.getOrDefault(uploadMessage, emptyList())
resultMap[uploadMessage] = uploadMessageDependencies + Node(uploadJobId, attachmentKey.attachment.attachmentId)
if (copyMessages.isNotEmpty()) {
val copyAttachments: Map<OutgoingMessage, AttachmentId> = copyMessages.associateWith { insertAttachmentForPreUpload(attachmentKey.attachment).attachmentId }
val copyJob = AttachmentCopyJob(attachmentKey.attachment.attachmentId, copyAttachments.values.toList())
copyAttachments.forEach { (message, attachmentId) ->
val copyMessageDependencies: List<Node> = resultMap.getOrDefault(message, emptyList())
resultMap[message] = copyMessageDependencies + Node(, attachmentId)
return UploadDependencyGraph(resultMap, jobQueue)
* Creates the minimum necessary upload chain for the given attachment. This includes compression, grabbing the resumable upload spec,
* and the upload job itself.
private fun createAttachmentUploadChain(jobManager: JobManager, databaseAttachment: DatabaseAttachment): Pair<JobId, JobManager.Chain> {
val compressionJob: Job = AttachmentCompressionJob.fromAttachment(databaseAttachment, false, -1)
val resumableUploadSpecJob: Job = ResumableUploadSpecJob()
val uploadJob: Job = AttachmentUploadJob(databaseAttachment.attachmentId)
return to jobManager