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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.colors.ui.custom
import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.colors.ChatColors
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.SingleLiveEvent
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.livedata.Store
import java.util.EnumMap
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
class CustomChatColorCreatorViewModel(
private val maxSliderValue: Int,
private val chatColorsId: ChatColors.Id,
private val recipientId: RecipientId?,
private val repository: CustomChatColorCreatorRepository
) : ViewModel() {
private val store = Store<CustomChatColorCreatorState>(getInitialState())
private val internalEvents = SingleLiveEvent<Event>()
val state: LiveData<CustomChatColorCreatorState> = store.stateLiveData
val events: LiveData<Event> = internalEvents
init {
repository.getWallpaper(recipientId) { wallpaper ->
store.update { it.copy(wallpaper = wallpaper) }
if (chatColorsId is ChatColors.Id.Custom) {
repository.loadColors(chatColorsId) {
val colors: IntArray = it.getColors()
val topColor: Int = colors.first()
val bottomColor: Int = colors.last()
val topHsl = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f, 0f)
val bottomHsl = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f, 0f)
ColorUtils.colorToHSL(topColor, topHsl)
ColorUtils.colorToHSL(bottomColor, bottomHsl)
val topHue: Float = topHsl[0]
val topSaturation: Float = topHsl[1]
val bottomHue: Float = bottomHsl[0]
val bottomSaturation: Float = bottomHsl[1]
val topEdge = ColorSlidersState(
huePosition = ((topHue / 360f) * maxSliderValue).roundToInt(),
saturationPosition = (topSaturation * maxSliderValue).roundToInt()
val bottomEdge = ColorSlidersState(
huePosition = ((bottomHue / 360f) * maxSliderValue).roundToInt(),
saturationPosition = (bottomSaturation * maxSliderValue).roundToInt()
store.update { state ->
degrees = it.getDegrees(),
loading = false,
sliderStates = EnumMap(
CustomChatColorEdge.TOP to topEdge,
CustomChatColorEdge.BOTTOM to bottomEdge
fun setHueProgress(progress: Int) {
store.update { state ->
sliderStates = state.sliderStates.apply {
val oldData: ColorSlidersState = requireNotNull(get(state.selectedEdge))
put(state.selectedEdge, oldData.copy(huePosition = progress))
fun setSaturationProgress(progress: Int) {
store.update { state ->
sliderStates = state.sliderStates.apply {
val oldData: ColorSlidersState = requireNotNull(get(state.selectedEdge))
put(state.selectedEdge, oldData.copy(saturationPosition = progress))
fun setDegrees(degrees: Float) {
store.update { it.copy(degrees = degrees) }
fun setSelectedEdge(selectedEdge: CustomChatColorEdge) {
store.update { it.copy(selectedEdge = selectedEdge) }
fun startSave(chatColors: ChatColors) {
if (chatColorsId is ChatColors.Id.Custom) {
repository.getUsageCount(chatColorsId) {
if (it > 0) {
internalEvents.postValue(Event.Warn(it, chatColors))
} else {
} else {
fun saveNow(chatColors: ChatColors, onSaved: (ChatColors) -> Unit) {
repository.setChatColors(chatColors.withId(chatColorsId), onSaved)
private fun getInitialState() = CustomChatColorCreatorState(
loading = chatColorsId is ChatColors.Id.Custom,
wallpaper = null,
sliderStates = EnumMap(
CustomChatColorEdge.TOP to ColorSlidersState(maxSliderValue / 2, maxSliderValue / 2),
CustomChatColorEdge.BOTTOM to ColorSlidersState(maxSliderValue / 2, maxSliderValue / 2)
selectedEdge = CustomChatColorEdge.BOTTOM,
degrees = 180f
class Factory(
private val maxSliderValue: Int,
private val chatColorsId: ChatColors.Id,
private val recipientId: RecipientId?,
private val chatColorCreatorRepository: CustomChatColorCreatorRepository
) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
return requireNotNull(modelClass.cast(CustomChatColorCreatorViewModel(maxSliderValue, chatColorsId, recipientId, chatColorCreatorRepository)))
sealed class Event {
class Warn(val usageCount: Int, val chatColors: ChatColors) : Event()
class SaveNow(val chatColors: ChatColors) : Event()