
241 wiersze
4.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer

* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Open Whisper Systems
* Licensed according to the LICENSE file in this repository.
syntax = "proto3";
package signal;
option java_package = "org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// DEPRECATED -- only here for database migrations
message ReactionList {
option deprecated = true;
message Reaction {
string emoji = 1;
uint64 author = 2;
uint64 sentTime = 3;
uint64 receivedTime = 4;
repeated Reaction reactions = 1;
message BadgeList {
message Badge {
string id = 1;
string category = 2;
string name = 3;
string description = 4;
string imageUrl = 5;
uint64 expiration = 6;
bool visible = 7;
string imageDensity = 8;
repeated Badge badges = 1;
import "SignalService.proto";
import "DecryptedGroups.proto";
message DecryptedGroupV2Context {
signalservice.GroupContextV2 context = 1;
DecryptedGroupChange change = 2;
DecryptedGroup groupState = 3;
DecryptedGroup previousGroupState = 4;
message TemporalAuthCredentialResponse {
int64 date = 1;
bytes authCredentialResponse = 2;
message TemporalAuthCredentialResponses {
repeated TemporalAuthCredentialResponse credentialResponse = 1;
message AudioWaveFormData {
int64 durationUs = 1;
bytes waveForm = 2;
message ProfileChangeDetails {
message StringChange {
string previous = 1;
string new = 2;
StringChange profileNameChange = 1;
message BodyRangeList {
message BodyRange {
enum Style {
BOLD = 0;
message Button {
string label = 1;
string action = 2;
int32 start = 1;
int32 length = 2;
oneof associatedValue {
string mentionUuid = 3;
Style style = 4;
string link = 5;
Button button = 6;
repeated BodyRange ranges = 1;
message CryptoValue {
oneof Value {
MobileCoinValue mobileCoinValue = 1;
message MobileCoinValue {
string picoMobileCoin = 1;
message GroupCallUpdateDetails {
string eraId = 1;
string startedCallUuid = 2;
int64 startedCallTimestamp = 3;
repeated string inCallUuids = 4;
bool isCallFull = 5;
message ExpiringProfileKeyCredentialColumnData {
bytes profileKey = 1;
bytes expiringProfileKeyCredential = 2;
message DeviceLastResetTime {
message Pair {
int32 deviceId = 1;
int64 lastResetTime = 2;
repeated Pair resetTime = 1;
message Wallpaper {
message SingleColor {
int32 color = 1;
message LinearGradient {
float rotation = 1;
repeated int32 colors = 2;
repeated float positions = 3;
message File {
string uri = 1;
oneof wallpaper {
SingleColor singleColor = 1;
LinearGradient linearGradient = 2;
File file = 3;
float dimLevelInDarkTheme = 4;
message ChatColor {
message SingleColor {
int32 color = 1;
message LinearGradient {
float rotation = 1;
repeated int32 colors = 2;
repeated float positions = 3;
message File {
string uri = 1;
oneof chatColor {
SingleColor singleColor = 1;
LinearGradient linearGradient = 2;
message RecipientExtras {
bool manuallyShownAvatar = 1;
bool hideStory = 2;
int64 lastStoryView = 3;
message CustomAvatar {
message Text {
string text = 1;
string colors = 2;
message Vector {
string key = 1;
string colors = 2;
message Photo {
string uri = 1;
int64 size = 2;
oneof avatar {
Text text = 1;
Vector vector = 2;
Photo photo = 3;
message StoryTextPost {
enum Style {
BOLD = 2;
SERIF = 3;
string body = 1;
Style style = 2;
int32 textForegroundColor = 3;
int32 textBackgroundColor = 4;
ChatColor background = 5;
message GiftBadge {
enum RedemptionState {
bytes redemptionToken = 1;
RedemptionState redemptionState = 2;
message SignalStoreList {
repeated string contents = 1;