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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import org.signal.core.util.StringUtil;
import org.signal.core.util.logging.Log;
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.profiles.ExpiringProfileKeyCredential;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.R;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.badges.models.Badge;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.FallbackContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.GeneratedContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.GroupRecordContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ProfileContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.ResourceContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.SystemContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.contacts.avatars.TransparentContactPhoto;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.colors.AvatarColor;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.colors.ChatColors;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.colors.ChatColorsPalette;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable.MentionSetting;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable.RegisteredState;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable.UnidentifiedAccessMode;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable.VibrateState;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SignalDatabase;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.DistributionListId;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.ProfileAvatarFileDetails;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.RecipientRecord;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos.RecipientExtras;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.dependencies.ApplicationDependencies;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.groups.GroupId;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.keyvalue.SignalStore;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.notifications.NotificationChannels;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.phonenumbers.NumberUtil;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberFormatter;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.profiles.ProfileName;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.AvatarUtil;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.FeatureFlags;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.wallpaper.ChatWallpaper;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.PNI;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.ServiceId;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.SignalServiceAddress;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.util.OptionalUtil;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.util.Preconditions;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.util.UuidUtil;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Observable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers;
import static org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RecipientTable.InsightsBannerTier;
public class Recipient {
private static final String TAG = Log.tag(Recipient.class);
public static final Recipient UNKNOWN = new Recipient(RecipientId.UNKNOWN, RecipientDetails.forUnknown(), true);
public static final FallbackPhotoProvider DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER = new FallbackPhotoProvider();
private static final int MAX_MEMBER_NAMES = 10;
private final RecipientId id;
private final boolean resolving;
private final ServiceId serviceId;
private final PNI pni;
private final String username;
private final String e164;
private final String email;
private final GroupId groupId;
private final DistributionListId distributionListId;
private final List<RecipientId> participantIds;
private final Optional<Long> groupAvatarId;
private final boolean isSelf;
private final boolean blocked;
private final long muteUntil;
private final VibrateState messageVibrate;
private final VibrateState callVibrate;
private final Uri messageRingtone;
private final Uri callRingtone;
private final Optional<Integer> defaultSubscriptionId;
private final int expireMessages;
private final RegisteredState registered;
private final byte[] profileKey;
private final ExpiringProfileKeyCredential expiringProfileKeyCredential;
private final String groupName;
private final Uri systemContactPhoto;
private final String customLabel;
private final Uri contactUri;
private final ProfileName signalProfileName;
private final String profileAvatar;
private final ProfileAvatarFileDetails profileAvatarFileDetails;
private final boolean profileSharing;
private final long lastProfileFetch;
private final String notificationChannel;
private final UnidentifiedAccessMode unidentifiedAccessMode;
private final boolean forceSmsSelection;
private final RecipientRecord.Capabilities capabilities;
private final InsightsBannerTier insightsBannerTier;
private final byte[] storageId;
private final MentionSetting mentionSetting;
private final ChatWallpaper wallpaper;
private final ChatColors chatColors;
private final AvatarColor avatarColor;
private final String about;
private final String aboutEmoji;
private final ProfileName systemProfileName;
private final String systemContactName;
private final Optional<Extras> extras;
private final boolean hasGroupsInCommon;
private final List<Badge> badges;
private final boolean isReleaseNotesRecipient;
private final boolean needsPniSignature;
* Returns a {@link LiveRecipient}, which contains a {@link Recipient} that may or may not be
* populated with data. However, you can observe the value that's returned to be notified when the
* {@link Recipient} changes.
public static @NonNull LiveRecipient live(@NonNull RecipientId id) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "ID cannot be null.");
return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getLive(id);
* Returns a live recipient wrapped in an Observable. All work is done on the IO threadpool.
public static @NonNull Observable<Recipient> observable(@NonNull RecipientId id) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "ID cannot be null");
return Observable.<Recipient>create(emitter -> {
LiveRecipient live = live(id);
RecipientForeverObserver observer = emitter::onNext;
emitter.setCancellable(() -> {
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient}. May hit the disk, and therefore should be
* called on a background thread.
public static @NonNull Recipient resolved(@NonNull RecipientId id) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(id, "ID cannot be null.");
return live(id).resolve();
public static @NonNull List<Recipient> resolvedList(@NonNull Collection<RecipientId> ids) {
List<Recipient> recipients = new ArrayList<>(ids.size());
for (RecipientId recipientId : ids) {
return recipients;
public static @NonNull Recipient distributionList(@NonNull DistributionListId distributionListId) {
RecipientId id = SignalDatabase.recipients().getOrInsertFromDistributionListId(distributionListId);
return resolved(id);
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} and associates it with the provided username.
public static @NonNull Recipient externalUsername(@NonNull ServiceId serviceId, @NonNull String username) {
Recipient recipient = externalPush(serviceId);
SignalDatabase.recipients().setUsername(recipient.getId(), username);
return recipient;
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a {@link SignalServiceAddress},
* creating one in the database if necessary.
public static @NonNull Recipient externalPush(@NonNull SignalServiceAddress signalServiceAddress) {
return externalPush(signalServiceAddress.getServiceId(), signalServiceAddress.getNumber().orElse(null));
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a ServiceId, creating one
* in the database if necessary.
public static @NonNull Recipient externalPush(@NonNull ServiceId serviceId) {
return externalPush(serviceId, null);
* Create a recipient with a full (ACI, PNI, E164) tuple. It is assumed that the association between the PNI and serviceId is trusted.
* That means it must be from either storage service or a PNI verification message.
public static @NonNull Recipient trustedPush(@NonNull ServiceId serviceId, @Nullable PNI pni, @Nullable String e164) {
if (ServiceId.UNKNOWN.equals(serviceId)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unknown serviceId!");
RecipientTable db = SignalDatabase.recipients();
RecipientId recipientId;
if (FeatureFlags.phoneNumberPrivacy()) {
recipientId = db.getAndPossiblyMergePnpVerified(serviceId, pni, e164);
} else {
recipientId = db.getAndPossiblyMerge(serviceId, e164);
Recipient resolved = resolved(recipientId);
if (!resolved.getId().equals(recipientId)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Resolved " + recipientId + ", but got back a recipient with " + resolved.getId());
if (!resolved.isRegistered()) {
Log.w(TAG, "External push was locally marked unregistered. Marking as registered.");
db.markRegistered(recipientId, serviceId);
return resolved;
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a ServiceId and phone number, creating one
* in the database if necessary. We want both piece of information so we're able to associate them
* both together, depending on which are available.
* In particular, while we'll eventually get the ACI of a user created via a phone number
* (through a directory sync), the only way we can store the phone number is by retrieving it from
* sent messages and whatnot. So we should store it when available.
static @NonNull Recipient externalPush(@Nullable ServiceId serviceId, @Nullable String e164) {
if (ServiceId.UNKNOWN.equals(serviceId)) {
throw new AssertionError();
RecipientTable db = SignalDatabase.recipients();
RecipientId recipientId = db.getAndPossiblyMerge(serviceId, e164);
Recipient resolved = resolved(recipientId);
if (!resolved.getId().equals(recipientId)) {
Log.w(TAG, "Resolved " + recipientId + ", but got back a recipient with " + resolved.getId());
if (!resolved.isRegistered() && serviceId != null) {
Log.w(TAG, "External push was locally marked unregistered. Marking as registered.");
db.markRegistered(recipientId, serviceId);
} else if (!resolved.isRegistered()) {
Log.w(TAG, "External push was locally marked unregistered, but we don't have an ACI, so we can't do anything.", new Throwable());
return resolved;
* A safety wrapper around {@link #external(Context, String)} for when you know you're using an
* identifier for a system contact, and therefore always want to prevent interpreting it as a
* UUID. This will crash if given a UUID.
* (This may seem strange, but apparently some devices are returning valid UUIDs for contacts)
public static @NonNull Recipient externalContact(@NonNull String identifier) {
RecipientTable db = SignalDatabase.recipients();
RecipientId id = null;
if (UuidUtil.isUuid(identifier)) {
throw new AssertionError("UUIDs are not valid system contact identifiers!");
} else if (NumberUtil.isValidEmail(identifier)) {
id = db.getOrInsertFromEmail(identifier);
} else {
id = db.getOrInsertFromE164(identifier);
return Recipient.resolved(id);
* A version of {@link #external(Context, String)} that should be used when you know the
* identifier is a groupId.
* Important: This will throw an exception if the groupId you're using could have been migrated.
* If you're dealing with inbound data, you should be using
* {@link #externalPossiblyMigratedGroup(GroupId)}, or checking the database before
* calling this method.
public static @NonNull Recipient externalGroupExact(@NonNull GroupId groupId) {
return Recipient.resolved(SignalDatabase.recipients().getOrInsertFromGroupId(groupId));
* Will give you one of:
* - The recipient that matches the groupId specified exactly
* - The recipient whose V1 ID would map to the provided V2 ID
* - The recipient whose V2 ID would be derived from the provided V1 ID
* - A newly-created recipient for the provided ID if none of the above match
* Important: You could get back a recipient with a different groupId than the one you provided.
* You should be very cautious when using the groupId on the returned recipient.
public static @NonNull Recipient externalPossiblyMigratedGroup(@NonNull GroupId groupId) {
return Recipient.resolved(SignalDatabase.recipients().getOrInsertFromPossiblyMigratedGroupId(groupId));
* Returns a fully-populated {@link Recipient} based off of a string identifier, creating one in
* the database if necessary. The identifier may be a uuid, phone number, email,
* or serialized groupId.
* If the identifier is a UUID of a Signal user, prefer using
* {@link #externalPush(ServiceId, String)} or its overload, as this will let us associate
* the phone number with the recipient.
public static @NonNull Recipient external(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull String identifier) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(identifier, "Identifier cannot be null!");
RecipientTable db = SignalDatabase.recipients();
RecipientId id = null;
if (UuidUtil.isUuid(identifier)) {
ServiceId serviceId = ServiceId.parseOrThrow(identifier);
id = db.getOrInsertFromServiceId(serviceId);
} else if (GroupId.isEncodedGroup(identifier)) {
id = db.getOrInsertFromGroupId(GroupId.parseOrThrow(identifier));
} else if (NumberUtil.isValidEmail(identifier)) {
id = db.getOrInsertFromEmail(identifier);
} else {
String e164 = PhoneNumberFormatter.get(context).format(identifier);
id = db.getOrInsertFromE164(e164);
return Recipient.resolved(id);
public static @NonNull Recipient self() {
return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getSelf();
public static boolean isSelfSet() {
return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getSelfId() != null;
Recipient(@NonNull RecipientId id) { = id;
this.resolving = true;
this.serviceId = null;
this.pni = null;
this.username = null;
this.e164 = null; = null;
this.groupId = null;
this.distributionListId = null;
this.participantIds = Collections.emptyList();
this.groupAvatarId = Optional.empty();
this.isSelf = false;
this.blocked = false;
this.muteUntil = 0;
this.messageVibrate = VibrateState.DEFAULT;
this.callVibrate = VibrateState.DEFAULT;
this.messageRingtone = null;
this.callRingtone = null;
this.insightsBannerTier = InsightsBannerTier.TIER_TWO;
this.defaultSubscriptionId = Optional.empty();
this.expireMessages = 0;
this.registered = RegisteredState.UNKNOWN;
this.profileKey = null;
this.expiringProfileKeyCredential = null;
this.groupName = null;
this.systemContactPhoto = null;
this.customLabel = null;
this.contactUri = null;
this.signalProfileName = ProfileName.EMPTY;
this.profileAvatar = null;
this.profileAvatarFileDetails = ProfileAvatarFileDetails.NO_DETAILS;
this.profileSharing = false;
this.lastProfileFetch = 0;
this.notificationChannel = null;
this.unidentifiedAccessMode = UnidentifiedAccessMode.DISABLED;
this.forceSmsSelection = false;
this.capabilities = RecipientRecord.Capabilities.UNKNOWN;
this.storageId = null;
this.mentionSetting = MentionSetting.ALWAYS_NOTIFY;
this.wallpaper = null;
this.chatColors = null;
this.avatarColor = AvatarColor.UNKNOWN;
this.about = null;
this.aboutEmoji = null;
this.systemProfileName = ProfileName.EMPTY;
this.systemContactName = null;
this.extras = Optional.empty();
this.hasGroupsInCommon = false;
this.badges = Collections.emptyList();
this.isReleaseNotesRecipient = false;
this.needsPniSignature = false;
public Recipient(@NonNull RecipientId id, @NonNull RecipientDetails details, boolean resolved) { = id;
this.resolving = !resolved;
this.serviceId = details.serviceId;
this.pni = details.pni;
this.username = details.username;
this.e164 = details.e164; =;
this.groupId = details.groupId;
this.distributionListId = details.distributionListId;
this.participantIds = details.participantIds;
this.groupAvatarId = details.groupAvatarId;
this.isSelf = details.isSelf;
this.blocked = details.blocked;
this.muteUntil = details.mutedUntil;
this.messageVibrate = details.messageVibrateState;
this.callVibrate = details.callVibrateState;
this.messageRingtone = details.messageRingtone;
this.callRingtone = details.callRingtone;
this.insightsBannerTier = details.insightsBannerTier;
this.defaultSubscriptionId = details.defaultSubscriptionId;
this.expireMessages = details.expireMessages;
this.registered = details.registered;
this.profileKey = details.profileKey;
this.expiringProfileKeyCredential = details.expiringProfileKeyCredential;
this.groupName = details.groupName;
this.systemContactPhoto = details.systemContactPhoto;
this.customLabel = details.customLabel;
this.contactUri = details.contactUri;
this.signalProfileName = details.profileName;
this.profileAvatar = details.profileAvatar;
this.profileAvatarFileDetails = details.profileAvatarFileDetails;
this.profileSharing = details.profileSharing;
this.lastProfileFetch = details.lastProfileFetch;
this.notificationChannel = details.notificationChannel;
this.unidentifiedAccessMode = details.unidentifiedAccessMode;
this.forceSmsSelection = details.forceSmsSelection;
this.capabilities = details.capabilities;
this.storageId = details.storageId;
this.mentionSetting = details.mentionSetting;
this.wallpaper = details.wallpaper;
this.chatColors = details.chatColors;
this.avatarColor = details.avatarColor;
this.about = details.about;
this.aboutEmoji = details.aboutEmoji;
this.systemProfileName = details.systemProfileName;
this.systemContactName = details.systemContactName;
this.extras = details.extras;
this.hasGroupsInCommon = details.hasGroupsInCommon;
this.badges = details.badges;
this.isReleaseNotesRecipient = details.isReleaseChannel;
this.needsPniSignature = details.needsPniSignature;
public @NonNull RecipientId getId() {
return id;
public boolean isSelf() {
return isSelf;
public @Nullable Uri getContactUri() {
return contactUri;
public @Nullable String getGroupName(@NonNull Context context) {
if (groupId != null && Util.isEmpty(this.groupName)) {
RecipientId selfId = ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getSelfId();
List<Recipient> others =
.filter(id -> !id.equals(selfId))
Map<String, Integer> shortNameCounts = new HashMap<>();
for (Recipient participant : others) {
String shortName = participant.getShortDisplayName(context);
int count = Objects.requireNonNull(shortNameCounts.getOrDefault(shortName, 0));
shortNameCounts.put(shortName, count + 1);
List<String> names = new LinkedList<>();
for (Recipient participant : others) {
String shortName = participant.getShortDisplayName(context);
int count = Objects.requireNonNull(shortNameCounts.getOrDefault(shortName, 0));
if (count <= 1) {
} else {
if ( -> id.equals(selfId))) {
return Util.join(names, ", ");
} else if (!resolving && isMyStory()) {
return context.getString(R.string.Recipient_my_story);
} else {
return this.groupName;
public boolean hasName() {
return groupName != null;
* False iff it {@link #getDisplayName} would fall back to e164, email or unknown.
public boolean hasAUserSetDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) {
return !TextUtils.isEmpty(getGroupName(context)) ||
!TextUtils.isEmpty(systemContactName) ||
public @NonNull String getDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = getNameFromLocalData(context);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = context.getString(R.string.Recipient_unknown);
return StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
public @NonNull String getDisplayNameOrUsername(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = getNameFromLocalData(context);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(username);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(context.getString(R.string.Recipient_unknown));
return StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
public boolean hasNonUsernameDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) {
return getNameFromLocalData(context) != null;
* @return local name for user ignoring the username.
private @Nullable String getNameFromLocalData(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = getGroupName(context);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = systemContactName;
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = getProfileName().toString();
if (Util.isEmpty(name) && !Util.isEmpty(e164)) {
name = PhoneNumberFormatter.prettyPrint(e164);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = email;
return name;
public @NonNull String getMentionDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = isSelf ? getProfileName().toString() : getGroupName(context);
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = isSelf ? getGroupName(context) : systemContactName;
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = isSelf ? getGroupName(context) : getProfileName().toString();
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
if (Util.isEmpty(name) && !Util.isEmpty(e164)) {
name = PhoneNumberFormatter.prettyPrint(e164);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(email);
if (Util.isEmpty(name)) {
name = StringUtil.isolateBidi(context.getString(R.string.Recipient_unknown));
return name;
public @NonNull String getShortDisplayName(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = Util.getFirstNonEmpty(getGroupName(context),
return StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
public @NonNull String getShortDisplayNameIncludingUsername(@NonNull Context context) {
String name = Util.getFirstNonEmpty(getGroupName(context),
return StringUtil.isolateBidi(name);
public @NonNull Optional<ServiceId> getServiceId() {
return Optional.ofNullable(serviceId);
public @NonNull Optional<PNI> getPni() {
return Optional.ofNullable(pni);
public @NonNull Optional<String> getUsername() {
if (FeatureFlags.usernames()) {
return Optional.ofNullable(username);
} else {
return Optional.empty();
public @NonNull Optional<String> getE164() {
return Optional.ofNullable(e164);
public @NonNull Optional<String> getEmail() {
return Optional.ofNullable(email);
public @NonNull Optional<GroupId> getGroupId() {
return Optional.ofNullable(groupId);
public @NonNull Optional<DistributionListId> getDistributionListId() {
return Optional.ofNullable(distributionListId);
public @NonNull Optional<String> getSmsAddress() {
return OptionalUtil.or(Optional.ofNullable(e164), Optional.ofNullable(email));
public @NonNull PNI requirePni() {
PNI resolved = resolving ? resolve().pni : pni;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
public @NonNull String requireE164() {
String resolved = resolving ? resolve().e164 : e164;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
public @NonNull String requireEmail() {
String resolved = resolving ? resolve().email : email;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
public @NonNull String requireSmsAddress() {
Recipient recipient = resolving ? resolve() : this;
if (recipient.getE164().isPresent()) {
return recipient.getE164().get();
} else if (recipient.getEmail().isPresent()) {
return recipient.getEmail().get();
} else {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
public boolean hasSmsAddress() {
return OptionalUtil.or(getE164(), getEmail()).isPresent();
public boolean hasE164() {
return getE164().isPresent();
public boolean hasServiceId() {
return getServiceId().isPresent();
public boolean isServiceIdOnly() {
return hasServiceId() && !hasSmsAddress();
public boolean shouldHideStory() {
public boolean hasViewedStory() {
public @NonNull GroupId requireGroupId() {
GroupId resolved = resolving ? resolve().groupId : groupId;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
public @NonNull DistributionListId requireDistributionListId() {
DistributionListId resolved = resolving ? resolve().distributionListId : distributionListId;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
* The {@link ServiceId} of the user if available, otherwise throw.
public @NonNull ServiceId requireServiceId() {
ServiceId resolved = resolving ? resolve().serviceId : serviceId;
if (resolved == null) {
throw new MissingAddressError(id);
return resolved;
* @return A single string to represent the recipient, in order of precedence:
* Group ID > ServiceId > Phone > Email
public @NonNull String requireStringId() {
Recipient resolved = resolving ? resolve() : this;
if (resolved.isGroup()) {
return resolved.requireGroupId().toString();
} else if (resolved.getServiceId().isPresent()) {
return resolved.requireServiceId().toString();
return requireSmsAddress();
public Optional<Integer> getDefaultSubscriptionId() {
return defaultSubscriptionId;
public @NonNull ProfileName getProfileName() {
return signalProfileName;
private @NonNull ProfileName getSystemProfileName() {
return systemProfileName;
public @Nullable String getProfileAvatar() {
return profileAvatar;
public @NonNull ProfileAvatarFileDetails getProfileAvatarFileDetails() {
return profileAvatarFileDetails;
public boolean isProfileSharing() {
return profileSharing;
public long getLastProfileFetchTime() {
return lastProfileFetch;
public boolean isGroup() {
return resolve().groupId != null;
private boolean isGroupInternal() {
return groupId != null;
public boolean isMmsGroup() {
GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId;
return groupId != null && groupId.isMms();
public boolean isPushGroup() {
GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId;
return groupId != null && groupId.isPush();
public boolean isPushV1Group() {
GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId;
return groupId != null && groupId.isV1();
public boolean isPushV2Group() {
GroupId groupId = resolve().groupId;
return groupId != null && groupId.isV2();
public boolean isDistributionList() {
return resolve().distributionListId != null;
public boolean isMyStory() {
return Objects.equals(resolve().distributionListId, DistributionListId.from(DistributionListId.MY_STORY_ID));
public boolean isActiveGroup() {
RecipientId selfId = Recipient.self().getId();
return Stream.of(getParticipantIds()).anyMatch(p -> p.equals(selfId));
public boolean isInactiveGroup() {
return isGroup() && !isActiveGroup();
public @NonNull List<RecipientId> getParticipantIds() {
return new ArrayList<>(participantIds);
public @NonNull Drawable getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted) {
return getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(context, inverted, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER, AvatarUtil.UNDEFINED_SIZE);
public @NonNull Drawable getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted) {
return getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(context, inverted, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER);
public @NonNull Drawable getFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted, @Nullable FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider, int targetSize) {
return getFallbackContactPhoto(Util.firstNonNull(fallbackPhotoProvider, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER), targetSize).asDrawable(context, avatarColor, inverted);
public @NonNull Drawable getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted, @Nullable FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider) {
return getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(context, inverted, fallbackPhotoProvider, AvatarUtil.UNDEFINED_SIZE);
public @NonNull Drawable getSmallFallbackContactPhotoDrawable(Context context, boolean inverted, @Nullable FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider, int targetSize) {
return getFallbackContactPhoto(Util.firstNonNull(fallbackPhotoProvider, DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER), targetSize).asSmallDrawable(context, avatarColor, inverted);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getFallbackContactPhoto() {
return getFallbackContactPhoto(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_PHOTO_PROVIDER);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getFallbackContactPhoto(@NonNull FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider) {
return getFallbackContactPhoto(fallbackPhotoProvider, AvatarUtil.UNDEFINED_SIZE);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getFallbackContactPhoto(@NonNull FallbackPhotoProvider fallbackPhotoProvider, int targetSize) {
if (isSelf) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForLocalNumber();
else if (isResolving()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForResolvingRecipient();
else if (isDistributionList()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForDistributionList();
else if (isGroupInternal()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForGroup();
else if (isGroup()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForGroup();
else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(groupName)) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithName(groupName, targetSize);
else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(systemContactName)) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithName(systemContactName, targetSize);
else if (!signalProfileName.isEmpty()) return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithName(signalProfileName.toString(), targetSize);
else return fallbackPhotoProvider.getPhotoForRecipientWithoutName();
public @Nullable ContactPhoto getContactPhoto() {
if (isSelf) return null;
else if (isGroupInternal() && groupAvatarId.isPresent()) return new GroupRecordContactPhoto(groupId, groupAvatarId.get());
else if (systemContactPhoto != null && SignalStore.settings().isPreferSystemContactPhotos()) return new SystemContactPhoto(id, systemContactPhoto, 0);
else if (profileAvatar != null && profileAvatarFileDetails.hasFile()) return new ProfileContactPhoto(this);
else if (systemContactPhoto != null) return new SystemContactPhoto(id, systemContactPhoto, 0);
else return null;
public @Nullable Uri getMessageRingtone() {
if (messageRingtone != null && messageRingtone.getScheme() != null && messageRingtone.getScheme().startsWith("file")) {
return null;
return messageRingtone;
public @Nullable Uri getCallRingtone() {
if (callRingtone != null && callRingtone.getScheme() != null && callRingtone.getScheme().startsWith("file")) {
return null;
return callRingtone;
public boolean isMuted() {
return System.currentTimeMillis() <= muteUntil;
public long getMuteUntil() {
return muteUntil;
public boolean isBlocked() {
return blocked;
public @NonNull VibrateState getMessageVibrate() {
return messageVibrate;
public @NonNull VibrateState getCallVibrate() {
return callVibrate;
public int getExpiresInSeconds() {
return expireMessages;
public boolean hasSeenFirstInviteReminder() {
return insightsBannerTier.seen(InsightsBannerTier.TIER_ONE);
public boolean hasSeenSecondInviteReminder() {
return insightsBannerTier.seen(InsightsBannerTier.TIER_TWO);
public @NonNull RegisteredState getRegistered() {
if (isPushGroup() || isDistributionList()) {
return RegisteredState.REGISTERED;
} else if (isMmsGroup()) {
return RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED;
} else {
return registered;
public boolean isRegistered() {
return getRegistered() == RegisteredState.REGISTERED;
public boolean isMaybeRegistered() {
return getRegistered() != RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED;
public boolean isUnregistered() {
return getRegistered() == RegisteredState.NOT_REGISTERED;
public @Nullable String getNotificationChannel() {
return !NotificationChannels.supported() ? null : notificationChannel;
public boolean isForceSmsSelection() {
return forceSmsSelection;
public @NonNull Capability getStoriesCapability() {
return capabilities.getStoriesCapability();
public @NonNull Capability getGiftBadgesCapability() {
return capabilities.getGiftBadgesCapability();
public @NonNull Capability getPnpCapability() {
return capabilities.getPnpCapability();
public @NonNull Capability getPaymentActivationCapability() {
return capabilities.getPaymentActivation();
public @Nullable byte[] getProfileKey() {
return profileKey;
public @Nullable ExpiringProfileKeyCredential getExpiringProfileKeyCredential() {
return expiringProfileKeyCredential;
public @Nullable byte[] getStorageServiceId() {
return storageId;
public @NonNull UnidentifiedAccessMode getUnidentifiedAccessMode() {
if (getPni().isPresent() && getPni().equals(getServiceId())) {
return UnidentifiedAccessMode.DISABLED;
} else {
return unidentifiedAccessMode;
public @Nullable ChatWallpaper getWallpaper() {
if (wallpaper != null) {
return wallpaper;
} else if (isReleaseNotes()) {
return null;
} else {
return SignalStore.wallpaper().getWallpaper();
public boolean hasOwnWallpaper() {
return wallpaper != null;
* A cheap way to check if wallpaper is set without doing any unnecessary proto parsing.
public boolean hasWallpaper() {
return wallpaper != null || SignalStore.wallpaper().hasWallpaperSet();
public boolean hasOwnChatColors() {
return chatColors != null;
public @NonNull ChatColors getChatColors() {
if (chatColors != null && !(chatColors.getId() instanceof ChatColors.Id.Auto)) {
return chatColors;
} if (chatColors != null) {
return getAutoChatColor();
} else {
ChatColors global = SignalStore.chatColorsValues().getChatColors();
if (global != null && !(global.getId() instanceof ChatColors.Id.Auto)) {
return global;
} else {
return getAutoChatColor();
private @NonNull ChatColors getAutoChatColor() {
if (getWallpaper() != null) {
return getWallpaper().getAutoChatColors();
} else {
return ChatColorsPalette.Bubbles.getDefault().withId(ChatColors.Id.Auto.INSTANCE);
public @NonNull AvatarColor getAvatarColor() {
return avatarColor;
public boolean isSystemContact() {
return contactUri != null;
public @Nullable String getAbout() {
return about;
public @Nullable String getAboutEmoji() {
return aboutEmoji;
public @NonNull List<Badge> getBadges() {
return badges;
public @Nullable Badge getFeaturedBadge() {
if (getBadges().isEmpty()) {
return null;
} else {
return getBadges().get(0);
public @Nullable String getCombinedAboutAndEmoji() {
if (!Util.isEmpty(aboutEmoji)) {
if (!Util.isEmpty(about)) {
return aboutEmoji + " " + about;
} else {
return aboutEmoji;
} else if (!Util.isEmpty(about)) {
return about;
} else {
return null;
public boolean shouldBlurAvatar() {
boolean showOverride = false;
if (extras.isPresent()) {
showOverride = extras.get().manuallyShownAvatar();
return !showOverride && !isSelf() && !isProfileSharing() && !isSystemContact() && !hasGroupsInCommon && isRegistered();
public boolean hasGroupsInCommon() {
return hasGroupsInCommon;
* If this recipient is missing crucial data, this will return a populated copy. Otherwise it
* returns itself.
public @NonNull Recipient resolve() {
if (resolving) {
return live().resolve();
} else {
return this;
public boolean isResolving() {
return resolving;
* Forces retrieving a fresh copy of the recipient, regardless of its state.
public @NonNull Recipient fresh() {
return live().resolve();
public @NonNull LiveRecipient live() {
return ApplicationDependencies.getRecipientCache().getLive(id);
public @NonNull MentionSetting getMentionSetting() {
return mentionSetting;
public boolean isReleaseNotes() {
return isReleaseNotesRecipient;
public boolean showVerified() {
return isReleaseNotesRecipient || isSelf;
public boolean needsPniSignature() {
return FeatureFlags.phoneNumberPrivacy() && needsPniSignature;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Recipient recipient = (Recipient) o;
return id.equals(;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(id);
public enum Capability {
private final int value;
Capability(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int serialize() {
return value;
public boolean isSupported() {
return this == SUPPORTED;
public static Capability deserialize(int value) {
switch (value) {
case 0: return UNKNOWN;
case 1: return SUPPORTED;
case 2: return NOT_SUPPORTED;
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public static Capability fromBoolean(boolean supported) {
return supported ? SUPPORTED : NOT_SUPPORTED;
public static final class Extras {
private final RecipientExtras recipientExtras;
public static @Nullable Extras from(@Nullable RecipientExtras recipientExtras) {
if (recipientExtras != null) {
return new Extras(recipientExtras);
} else {
return null;
private Extras(@NonNull RecipientExtras extras) {
this.recipientExtras = extras;
public boolean manuallyShownAvatar() {
return recipientExtras.getManuallyShownAvatar();
public boolean hideStory() {
return recipientExtras.getHideStory();
public boolean hasViewedStory() {
return recipientExtras.getLastStoryView() > 0L;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
final Extras that = (Extras) o;
return manuallyShownAvatar() == that.manuallyShownAvatar() && hideStory() == that.hideStory() && hasViewedStory() == that.hasViewedStory();
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(manuallyShownAvatar(), hideStory(), hasViewedStory());
public boolean hasSameContent(@NonNull Recipient other) {
return Objects.equals(id, &&
resolving == other.resolving &&
isSelf == other.isSelf &&
blocked == other.blocked &&
muteUntil == other.muteUntil &&
expireMessages == other.expireMessages &&
Objects.equals(profileAvatarFileDetails, other.profileAvatarFileDetails) &&
profileSharing == other.profileSharing &&
lastProfileFetch == other.lastProfileFetch &&
forceSmsSelection == other.forceSmsSelection &&
Objects.equals(serviceId, other.serviceId) &&
Objects.equals(username, other.username) &&
Objects.equals(e164, other.e164) &&
Objects.equals(email, &&
Objects.equals(groupId, other.groupId) &&
Objects.equals(participantIds, other.participantIds) &&
Objects.equals(groupAvatarId, other.groupAvatarId) &&
messageVibrate == other.messageVibrate &&
callVibrate == other.callVibrate &&
Objects.equals(messageRingtone, other.messageRingtone) &&
Objects.equals(callRingtone, other.callRingtone) &&
Objects.equals(defaultSubscriptionId, other.defaultSubscriptionId) &&
registered == other.registered &&
Arrays.equals(profileKey, other.profileKey) &&
Objects.equals(expiringProfileKeyCredential, other.expiringProfileKeyCredential) &&
Objects.equals(groupName, other.groupName) &&
Objects.equals(systemContactPhoto, other.systemContactPhoto) &&
Objects.equals(customLabel, other.customLabel) &&
Objects.equals(contactUri, other.contactUri) &&
Objects.equals(signalProfileName, other.signalProfileName) &&
Objects.equals(systemProfileName, other.systemProfileName) &&
Objects.equals(profileAvatar, other.profileAvatar) &&
Objects.equals(notificationChannel, other.notificationChannel) &&
unidentifiedAccessMode == other.unidentifiedAccessMode &&
insightsBannerTier == other.insightsBannerTier &&
Arrays.equals(storageId, other.storageId) &&
mentionSetting == other.mentionSetting &&
Objects.equals(wallpaper, other.wallpaper) &&
Objects.equals(chatColors, other.chatColors) &&
Objects.equals(avatarColor, other.avatarColor) &&
Objects.equals(about, other.about) &&
Objects.equals(aboutEmoji, other.aboutEmoji) &&
Objects.equals(extras, other.extras) &&
hasGroupsInCommon == other.hasGroupsInCommon &&
Objects.equals(badges, other.badges);
private static boolean allContentsAreTheSame(@NonNull List<Recipient> a, @NonNull List<Recipient> b) {
if (a.size() != b.size()) {
return false;
for (int i = 0, len = a.size(); i < len; i++) {
if (!a.get(i).hasSameContent(b.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public static class FallbackPhotoProvider {
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForLocalNumber() {
return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_note_34, R.drawable.ic_note_24);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForResolvingRecipient() {
return new TransparentContactPhoto();
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForGroup() {
return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_group_outline_34, R.drawable.ic_group_outline_20, R.drawable.ic_group_outline_48);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForRecipientWithName(String name, int targetSize) {
return new GeneratedContactPhoto(name, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_40, targetSize);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForRecipientWithoutName() {
return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_40, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_20, R.drawable.ic_profile_outline_48);
public @NonNull FallbackContactPhoto getPhotoForDistributionList() {
return new ResourceContactPhoto(R.drawable.symbol_stories_24, R.drawable.symbol_stories_24, R.drawable.symbol_stories_24);
private static class MissingAddressError extends AssertionError {
MissingAddressError(@NonNull RecipientId recipientId) {
super("Missing address for " + recipientId.serialize());