
371 wiersze
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import org.signal.libsignal.protocol.logging.Log;
import org.signal.libsignal.protocol.util.Pair;
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.receipts.ReceiptCredentialPresentation;
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.receipts.ReceiptCredentialRequest;
import org.signal.libsignal.zkgroup.receipts.ReceiptCredentialResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.groupsv2.GroupsV2Operations;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.profiles.SignalServiceProfile;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.exceptions.NonSuccessfulResponseCodeException;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.ActiveSubscription;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.PayPalConfirmPaymentIntentResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.PayPalCreatePaymentIntentResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.PayPalCreatePaymentMethodResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.StripeClientSecret;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.SubscriberId;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.subscriptions.SubscriptionLevels;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.util.CredentialsProvider;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.EmptyResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.ServiceResponse;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.configuration.SignalServiceConfiguration;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.DonationProcessor;
import org.whispersystems.signalservice.internal.push.PushServiceSocket;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.annotations.NonNull;
* One-stop shop for Signal service calls related to donations.
public class DonationsService {
private static final String TAG = DonationsService.class.getSimpleName();
private final PushServiceSocket pushServiceSocket;
public DonationsService(
SignalServiceConfiguration configuration,
CredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
String signalAgent,
GroupsV2Operations groupsV2Operations,
boolean automaticNetworkRetry
this(new PushServiceSocket(configuration, credentialsProvider, signalAgent, groupsV2Operations.getProfileOperations(), automaticNetworkRetry));
// Visible for testing.
DonationsService(@NonNull PushServiceSocket pushServiceSocket) {
this.pushServiceSocket = pushServiceSocket;
* Allows a user to redeem a given receipt they were given after submitting a donation successfully.
* @param receiptCredentialPresentation Receipt
* @param visible Whether the badge will be visible on the user's profile immediately after redemption
* @param primary Whether the badge will be made primary immediately after redemption
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> redeemReceipt(ReceiptCredentialPresentation receiptCredentialPresentation, boolean visible, boolean primary) {
try {
pushServiceSocket.redeemDonationReceipt(receiptCredentialPresentation, visible, primary);
return ServiceResponse.forResult(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ServiceResponse.<EmptyResponse>forUnknownError(e);
* Submits price information to the server to generate a payment intent via the payment gateway.
* @param amount Price, in the minimum currency unit (e.g. cents or yen)
* @param currencyCode The currency code for the amount
* @return A ServiceResponse containing a DonationIntentResult with details given to us by the payment gateway.
public ServiceResponse<StripeClientSecret> createDonationIntentWithAmount(String amount, String currencyCode, long level) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.createStripeOneTimePaymentIntent(currencyCode, Long.parseLong(amount), level), 200));
* Given a completed payment intent and a receipt credential request produces a receipt credential response.
* Clients should always use the same ReceiptCredentialRequest with the same payment intent id. This request is repeatable so long as the two values are reused.
* @param paymentIntentId PaymentIntent ID from a boost donation intent response.
* @param receiptCredentialRequest Client-generated request token
public ServiceResponse<ReceiptCredentialResponse> submitBoostReceiptCredentialRequestSync(String paymentIntentId, ReceiptCredentialRequest receiptCredentialRequest, DonationProcessor processor) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.submitBoostReceiptCredentials(paymentIntentId, receiptCredentialRequest, processor), 200));
* @return The suggested amounts for Signal Boost
public ServiceResponse<Map<String, List<BigDecimal>>> getBoostAmounts() {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.getBoostAmounts(), 200));
* @return The badge configuration for signal boost. Expect for right now only a single level numbered 1.
public ServiceResponse<SignalServiceProfile.Badge> getBoostBadge(Locale locale) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.getBoostLevels(locale).getLevels().get(SubscriptionLevels.BOOST_LEVEL).getBadge(), 200));
* @return A specific gift badge, by level.
public ServiceResponse<SignalServiceProfile.Badge> getGiftBadge(Locale locale, long level) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.getBoostLevels(locale).getLevels().get(String.valueOf(level)).getBadge(), 200));
* @return All gift badges the server currently has available.
public ServiceResponse<Map<Long, SignalServiceProfile.Badge>> getGiftBadges(Locale locale) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
Map<String, SubscriptionLevels.Level> levels = pushServiceSocket.getBoostLevels(locale).getLevels();
Map<Long, SignalServiceProfile.Badge> badges = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, SubscriptionLevels.Level> levelEntry : levels.entrySet()) {
if (!Objects.equals(levelEntry.getKey(), SubscriptionLevels.BOOST_LEVEL)) {
try {
badges.put(Long.parseLong(levelEntry.getKey()), levelEntry.getValue().getBadge());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Could not parse gift badge for level entry " + levelEntry.getKey(), e);
return new Pair<>(badges, 200);
* Returns the amounts for the gift badge.
public ServiceResponse<Map<String, BigDecimal>> getGiftAmount() {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.getGiftAmount(), 200));
* Returns the subscription levels that are available for the client to choose from along with currencies and current prices
public ServiceResponse<SubscriptionLevels> getSubscriptionLevels(Locale locale) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> new Pair<>(pushServiceSocket.getSubscriptionLevels(locale), 200));
* Updates the current subscription to the given level and currency. The idempotency key should be a randomly generated 16-byte value that's
* url-safe-base64-encoded by the client for each user-operation. That is, if the user is updating from level 500 to level 1000 and the client has to retry
* the request, the idempotency key should remain the same. However, if the user updates from level 500 to level 1000, then updates from level 1000 to
* level 500, then updates from level 500 to level 1000 again all three of these operations should have separate idempotency keys. Think of this value as an
* indicator of user-intention. It should be the same for retries, but any new user-intention to update the subscription should produce a unique value.
* @param subscriberId The subscriber ID for the user changing their subscription level
* @param level The new level to subscribe to
* @param currencyCode The currencyCode the user is using for payment
* @param idempotencyKey url-safe-base64-encoded random 16-byte value (see description)
* @param mutex A mutex to lock on to avoid a situation where this subscription update happens *as* we are trying to get a credential receipt.
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> updateSubscriptionLevel(SubscriberId subscriberId,
String level,
String currencyCode,
String idempotencyKey,
Object mutex
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
synchronized (mutex) {
pushServiceSocket.updateSubscriptionLevel(subscriberId.serialize(), level, currencyCode, idempotencyKey);
return new Pair<>(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200);
* Synchronously returns information about the current subscription if one exists.
public ServiceResponse<ActiveSubscription> getSubscription(SubscriberId subscriberId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
ActiveSubscription response = pushServiceSocket.getSubscription(subscriberId.serialize());
return new Pair<>(response, 200);
* Creates a subscriber record on the signal server and stripe. Can be called idempotently as-is. After receiving 200 from this endpoint,
* clients should save subscriberId locally and to storage service for the account. If you get a 403 from this endpoint and you did not
* use an account authenticated connection, then the subscriberId has been corrupted in some way.
* <p>
* Clients MUST periodically hit this endpoint to update the access time on the subscription record. Recommend trying to call it approximately
* every 3 days. Not accessing this endpoint for an extended period of time will result in the subscription being canceled.
* @param subscriberId The subscriber ID for the user polling their subscription
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> putSubscription(SubscriberId subscriberId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
return new Pair<>(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200);
* Cancels any current subscription at the end of the current subscription period.
* @param subscriberId The subscriber ID for the user cancelling their subscription
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> cancelSubscription(SubscriberId subscriberId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
return new Pair<>(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200);
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> setDefaultStripePaymentMethod(SubscriberId subscriberId, String paymentMethodId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
pushServiceSocket.setDefaultStripeSubscriptionPaymentMethod(subscriberId.serialize(), paymentMethodId);
return new Pair<>(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200);
* @param subscriberId The subscriber ID to create a payment method for.
* @return Client secret for a SetupIntent. It should not be used with the PaymentIntent stripe APIs
* but instead with the SetupIntent stripe APIs.
public ServiceResponse<StripeClientSecret> createStripeSubscriptionPaymentMethod(SubscriberId subscriberId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
StripeClientSecret clientSecret = pushServiceSocket.createStripeSubscriptionPaymentMethod(subscriberId.serialize());
return new Pair<>(clientSecret, 200);
* Creates a PayPal one-time payment and returns the approval URL
* Response Codes
* 200 — success
* 400 — request error
* 409 — level requires a valid currency/amount combination that does not match
* @param locale User locale for proper language presentation
* @param currencyCode 3 letter currency code of the desired currency
* @param amount Stringified minimum precision amount
* @param level The badge level to purchase
* @param returnUrl The 'return' url after a successful login and confirmation
* @param cancelUrl The 'cancel' url for a cancelled confirmation
* @return Wrapped response with either an error code or a payment id and approval URL
public ServiceResponse<PayPalCreatePaymentIntentResponse> createPayPalOneTimePaymentIntent(Locale locale,
String currencyCode,
String amount,
long level,
String returnUrl,
String cancelUrl)
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
PayPalCreatePaymentIntentResponse response = pushServiceSocket.createPayPalOneTimePaymentIntent(
currencyCode.toUpperCase(Locale.US), // Chris Eager to make this case insensitive in the next build
return new Pair<>(response, 200);
* Confirms a PayPal one-time payment and returns the paymentId for receipt credentials
* Response Codes
* 200 — success
* 400 — request error
* 409 — level requires a valid currency/amount combination that does not match
* @param currency 3 letter currency code of the desired currency
* @param amount Stringified minimum precision amount
* @param level The badge level to purchase
* @param payerId Passed as a URL parameter back to returnUrl
* @param paymentId Passed as a URL parameter back to returnUrl
* @param paymentToken Passed as a URL parameter back to returnUrl
* @return Wrapped response with either an error code or a payment id
public ServiceResponse<PayPalConfirmPaymentIntentResponse> confirmPayPalOneTimePaymentIntent(String currency,
String amount,
long level,
String payerId,
String paymentId,
String paymentToken)
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
PayPalConfirmPaymentIntentResponse response = pushServiceSocket.confirmPayPalOneTimePaymentIntent(currency, amount, level, payerId, paymentId, paymentToken);
return new Pair<>(response, 200);
* Sets up a payment method via PayPal for recurring charges.
* Response Codes
* 200 — success
* 403 — subscriberId password mismatches OR account authentication is present
* 404 — subscriberId is not found or malformed
* @param locale User locale
* @param subscriberId User subscriber id
* @param returnUrl A success URL
* @param cancelUrl A cancel URL
* @return A response with an approval url and token
public ServiceResponse<PayPalCreatePaymentMethodResponse> createPayPalPaymentMethod(Locale locale,
SubscriberId subscriberId,
String returnUrl,
String cancelUrl) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
PayPalCreatePaymentMethodResponse response = pushServiceSocket.createPayPalPaymentMethod(locale, subscriberId.serialize(), returnUrl, cancelUrl);
return new Pair<>(response, 200);
* Sets the given payment method as the default in PayPal
* Response Codes
* 200 — success
* 403 — subscriberId password mismatches OR account authentication is present
* 404 — subscriberId is not found or malformed
* 409 — subscriber record is missing customer ID - must call POST /v1/subscription/{subscriberId}/create_payment_method first
* @param subscriberId User subscriber id
* @param paymentMethodId Payment method id to make default
public ServiceResponse<EmptyResponse> setDefaultPayPalPaymentMethod(SubscriberId subscriberId, String paymentMethodId) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
pushServiceSocket.setDefaultPaypalSubscriptionPaymentMethod(subscriberId.serialize(), paymentMethodId);
return new Pair<>(EmptyResponse.INSTANCE, 200);
public ServiceResponse<ReceiptCredentialResponse> submitReceiptCredentialRequestSync(SubscriberId subscriberId, ReceiptCredentialRequest receiptCredentialRequest) {
return wrapInServiceResponse(() -> {
ReceiptCredentialResponse response = pushServiceSocket.submitReceiptCredentials(subscriberId.serialize(), receiptCredentialRequest);
return new Pair<>(response, 200);
private <T> ServiceResponse<T> wrapInServiceResponse(Producer<T> producer) {
try {
Pair<T, Integer> responseAndCode = producer.produce();
return ServiceResponse.forResult(responseAndCode.first(), responseAndCode.second(), null);
} catch (NonSuccessfulResponseCodeException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Bad response code from server.", e);
return ServiceResponse.forApplicationError(e, e.getCode(), e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "An unknown error occurred.", e);
return ServiceResponse.forUnknownError(e);
private interface Producer<T> {
Pair<T, Integer> produce() throws IOException;