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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversationlist
import android.view.View
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
* When an item is removed, the gap is held by the items below the space being translated down, OR the items above the space being translated up, OR both.
* Then the items are animated to close the gap.
* So what we want to do is find that gap and fill it with color to give the illusion of the archived row being covered up.
* We want to be careful to only draw this for removals due to archiving, and we also don't want to screw up interactions with the pinned chat headers.
class ConversationListArchiveItemDecoration(val background: Drawable) : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {
private var archiveTriggered: Boolean = false
private var archiveAnimationStarted: Boolean = false
override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas, parent: RecyclerView, state: RecyclerView.State) {
if (!archiveTriggered) {
if (parent.isAnimating) {
archiveAnimationStarted = true
} else if (archiveAnimationStarted) {
archiveTriggered = false
archiveAnimationStarted = false
val childCount = parent.layoutManager?.childCount ?: 0
var lastViewComingDown: View? = null
var firstViewComingUp: View? = null
for (i in 0 until childCount) {
val child: View? = parent.layoutManager?.getChildAt(i)
val childHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder? = if (child != null) parent.getChildViewHolder(child) else null
if (child != null && childHolder != null) {
if (child.translationY < 0) {
lastViewComingDown = child
} else if (child.translationY > 0 && firstViewComingUp == null) {
firstViewComingUp = child
var top = 0
var bottom = 0
if (lastViewComingDown != null && firstViewComingUp != null) {
top = lastViewComingDown.bottom + lastViewComingDown.translationY.toInt()
bottom = + firstViewComingUp.translationY.toInt()
} else if (lastViewComingDown != null) {
top = lastViewComingDown.bottom + lastViewComingDown.translationY.toInt()
bottom = lastViewComingDown.bottom
} else if (firstViewComingUp != null) {
top =
bottom = + firstViewComingUp.translationY.toInt()
val gapHeight = bottom - top
val singleItemHeight = when {
firstViewComingUp != null -> firstViewComingUp.height
lastViewComingDown != null -> lastViewComingDown.height
else -> 0
// A bit unscientific, but this gives us the behavior we want around archiving things in the pinned chat section
if (gapHeight > singleItemHeight * 2) {
archiveTriggered = false
archiveAnimationStarted = false
background.setBounds(0, top, parent.width, bottom)
fun onArchiveStarted() {
archiveTriggered = true