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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation;
import android.content.Context;
import android.text.SpannableString;
import androidx.annotation.AnyThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread;
import org.signal.core.util.Conversions;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.components.mention.MentionAnnotation;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.mutiselect.Multiselect;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.conversation.mutiselect.MultiselectCollection;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.MentionUtil;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.SignalDatabase;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.Mention;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.MessageRecord;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.databaseprotos.BodyRangeList;
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.MessageRecordUtil;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
* A view level model used to pass arbitrary message related information needed
* for various presentations.
public class ConversationMessage {
@NonNull private final MessageRecord messageRecord;
@NonNull private final List<Mention> mentions;
@Nullable private final SpannableString body;
@NonNull private final MultiselectCollection multiselectCollection;
@NonNull private final MessageStyler.Result styleResult;
private final boolean hasBeenQuoted;
private ConversationMessage(@NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord) {
this(messageRecord, null, null, false);
private ConversationMessage(@NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, boolean hasBeenQuoted) {
this(messageRecord, null, null, hasBeenQuoted);
private ConversationMessage(@NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord,
@Nullable CharSequence body,
@Nullable List<Mention> mentions,
boolean hasBeenQuoted)
this.messageRecord = messageRecord;
this.hasBeenQuoted = hasBeenQuoted;
this.mentions = mentions != null ? mentions : Collections.emptyList();
if (body != null) {
this.body = SpannableString.valueOf(body);
} else if (messageRecord.hasMessageRanges()) {
this.body = SpannableString.valueOf(messageRecord.getBody());
} else {
this.body = null;
if (!this.mentions.isEmpty() && this.body != null) {
MentionAnnotation.setMentionAnnotations(this.body, this.mentions);
if (this.body != null && messageRecord.hasMessageRanges()) {
styleResult =, this.body);
} else {
styleResult = MessageStyler.Result.none();
multiselectCollection = Multiselect.getParts(this);
public @NonNull MessageRecord getMessageRecord() {
return messageRecord;
public @NonNull List<Mention> getMentions() {
return mentions;
public @NonNull MultiselectCollection getMultiselectCollection() {
return multiselectCollection;
public boolean hasBeenQuoted() {
return hasBeenQuoted;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
final ConversationMessage that = (ConversationMessage) o;
return messageRecord.equals(that.messageRecord);
public int hashCode() {
return messageRecord.hashCode();
public long getUniqueId(@NonNull MessageDigest digest) {
String unique = (messageRecord.isMms() ? "MMS::" : "SMS::") + messageRecord.getId();
byte[] bytes = digest.digest(unique.getBytes());
return Conversions.byteArrayToLong(bytes);
public @NonNull SpannableString getDisplayBody(Context context) {
return (body != null) ? body : messageRecord.getDisplayBody(context);
public boolean hasStyleLinks() {
return styleResult.getHasStyleLinks();
public @Nullable BodyRangeList.BodyRange.Button getBottomButton() {
return styleResult.getBottomButton();
public boolean isTextOnly(@NonNull Context context) {
return MessageRecordUtil.isTextOnly(messageRecord, context) &&
!hasBeenQuoted() &&
getBottomButton() == null;
* Factory providing multiple ways of creating {@link ConversationMessage}s.
public static class ConversationMessageFactory {
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord. No database or
* heavy work performed as the message is assumed to not have any mentions.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithResolvedData(@NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, boolean hasBeenQuoted) {
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, hasBeenQuoted);
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord, potentially annotated body, and
* list of actual mentions. No database or heavy work performed as the body and mentions are assumed to be
* fully updated with display names.
* @param body Contains appropriate {@link MentionAnnotation}s and is updated with actual profile names.
* @param mentions List of actual mentions (i.e., not placeholder) matching annotation ranges in body.
* @param hasBeenQuoted Whether or not the message has been quoted by another message.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithResolvedData(@NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, @Nullable CharSequence body, @Nullable List<Mention> mentions, boolean hasBeenQuoted) {
if (messageRecord.isMms() && mentions != null && !mentions.isEmpty()) {
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, body, mentions, hasBeenQuoted);
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, body, null, hasBeenQuoted);
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord and will update and modify the provided
* mentions from placeholder to actual. This method may perform database operations to resolve mentions to display names.
* @param mentions List of placeholder mentions to be used to update the body in the provided MessageRecord.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithUnresolvedData(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, @Nullable List<Mention> mentions) {
boolean hasBeenQuoted = SignalDatabase.mmsSms().isQuoted(messageRecord);
if (messageRecord.isMms() && mentions != null && !mentions.isEmpty()) {
MentionUtil.UpdatedBodyAndMentions updated = MentionUtil.updateBodyAndMentionsWithDisplayNames(context, messageRecord, mentions);
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, updated.getBody(), updated.getMentions(), hasBeenQuoted);
return createWithResolvedData(messageRecord, hasBeenQuoted);
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord, and will query for potential mentions. If mentions
* are found, the body of the provided message will be updated and modified to match actual mentions. This will perform
* database operations to query for mentions and then to resolve mentions to display names.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithUnresolvedData(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord) {
return createWithUnresolvedData(context, messageRecord, messageRecord.getDisplayBody(context));
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord and body, and will query for potential mentions. If mentions
* are found, the body of the provided message will be updated and modified to match actual mentions. This will perform
* database operations to query for mentions and then to resolve mentions to display names.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithUnresolvedData(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, @NonNull CharSequence body) {
boolean hasBeenQuoted = SignalDatabase.mmsSms().isQuoted(messageRecord);
if (messageRecord.isMms()) {
List<Mention> mentions = SignalDatabase.mentions().getMentionsForMessage(messageRecord.getId());
if (!mentions.isEmpty()) {
MentionUtil.UpdatedBodyAndMentions updated = MentionUtil.updateBodyAndMentionsWithDisplayNames(context, body, mentions);
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, updated.getBody(), updated.getMentions(), hasBeenQuoted);
return createWithResolvedData(messageRecord, body, null, hasBeenQuoted);
* Creates a {@link ConversationMessage} wrapping the provided MessageRecord and body, and will query for potential mentions. If mentions
* are found, the body of the provided message will be updated and modified to match actual mentions. This will perform
* database operations to query for mentions and then to resolve mentions to display names.
public static @NonNull ConversationMessage createWithUnresolvedData(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull MessageRecord messageRecord, @NonNull CharSequence body, boolean hasBeenQuoted) {
if (messageRecord.isMms()) {
List<Mention> mentions = SignalDatabase.mentions().getMentionsForMessage(messageRecord.getId());
if (!mentions.isEmpty()) {
MentionUtil.UpdatedBodyAndMentions updated = MentionUtil.updateBodyAndMentionsWithDisplayNames(context, body, mentions);
return new ConversationMessage(messageRecord, updated.getBody(), updated.getMentions(), hasBeenQuoted);
return createWithResolvedData(messageRecord, body, null, hasBeenQuoted);