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package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.keyvalue
import org.json.JSONObject
import org.signal.core.util.StringSerializer
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.model.DistributionListId
import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.groups.GroupId
internal class StoryValues(store: KeyValueStore) : SignalStoreValues(store) {
companion object {
* User option to completely disable stories
private const val MANUAL_FEATURE_DISABLE = "stories.disable"
private const val LAST_FONT_VERSION_CHECK = "stories.last.font.version.check"
* Used to check whether we should display certain dialogs.
private const val USER_HAS_ADDED_TO_A_STORY = ""
* Rolling window of latest two private or group stories a user has sent to.
private const val LATEST_STORY_SENDS = "latest.story.sends"
* Whether or not the user has see the "Navigation education" view
private const val USER_HAS_SEEN_FIRST_NAV_VIEW = "stories.user.has.seen.first.navigation.view"
* Whether or not the onboarding story has been downloaded.
private const val HAS_DOWNLOADED_ONBOARDING_STORY = "stories.has.downloaded.onboarding"
* Marks whether the user has opened and viewed the onboarding story
private const val USER_HAS_VIEWED_ONBOARDING_STORY = "stories.user.has.seen.onboarding"
* Marks whether the user has seen the onboarding story in the stories landing page
private const val USER_HAS_READ_ONBOARDING_STORY = ""
* Whether or not the user will send and receive viewed receipts for stories
private const val STORY_VIEWED_RECEIPTS = "stories.viewed.receipts"
* Whether or not the user has seen the group story education sheet
override fun onFirstEverAppLaunch() {
viewedReceiptsEnabled = true
override fun getKeysToIncludeInBackup(): MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(
var isFeatureDisabled: Boolean by booleanValue(MANUAL_FEATURE_DISABLE, false)
var lastFontVersionCheck: Long by longValue(LAST_FONT_VERSION_CHECK, 0)
var userHasBeenNotifiedAboutStories: Boolean by booleanValue(USER_HAS_ADDED_TO_A_STORY, false)
var userHasSeenFirstNavView: Boolean by booleanValue(USER_HAS_SEEN_FIRST_NAV_VIEW, false)
var hasDownloadedOnboardingStory: Boolean by booleanValue(HAS_DOWNLOADED_ONBOARDING_STORY, false)
var userHasViewedOnboardingStory: Boolean by booleanValue(USER_HAS_VIEWED_ONBOARDING_STORY, false)
var userHasReadOnboardingStory: Boolean by booleanValue(USER_HAS_READ_ONBOARDING_STORY, false)
var viewedReceiptsEnabled: Boolean by booleanValue(STORY_VIEWED_RECEIPTS, false)
var userHasSeenGroupStoryEducationSheet: Boolean by booleanValue(USER_HAS_SEEN_GROUP_STORY_EDUCATION_SHEET, false)
fun isViewedReceiptsStateSet(): Boolean {
return store.containsKey(STORY_VIEWED_RECEIPTS)
fun hasUserOnboardingStoryReadBeenSet(): Boolean {
return store.containsKey(USER_HAS_READ_ONBOARDING_STORY)
fun setLatestStorySend(storySend: StorySend) {
synchronized(this) {
val storySends: List<StorySend> = getList(LATEST_STORY_SENDS, StorySendSerializer)
val newStorySends: List<StorySend> = listOf(storySend) + storySends.take(1)
putList(LATEST_STORY_SENDS, newStorySends, StorySendSerializer)
fun getLatestActiveStorySendTimestamps(activeCutoffTimestamp: Long): List<StorySend> {
val storySends: List<StorySend> = getList(LATEST_STORY_SENDS, StorySendSerializer)
return storySends.filter { it.timestamp >= activeCutoffTimestamp }
private object StorySendSerializer : StringSerializer<StorySend> {
override fun serialize(data: StorySend): String {
return JSONObject()
.put("timestamp", data.timestamp)
.put("groupId", if (data.identifier is StorySend.Identifier.Group) data.identifier.groupId.toString() else null)
.put("distributionListId", if (data.identifier is StorySend.Identifier.DistributionList) data.identifier.distributionListId.serialize() else null)
override fun deserialize(data: String): StorySend {
val jsonData = JSONObject(data)
val timestamp = jsonData.getLong("timestamp")
val identifier = if (jsonData.has("groupId")) {
val group = jsonData.getString("groupId")
} else {
val distributionListId = jsonData.getString("distributionListId")
return StorySend(timestamp, identifier)