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package org.signal.imageeditor.core;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import org.signal.imageeditor.core.model.EditorElement;
import org.signal.imageeditor.core.model.ThumbRenderer;
class ThumbDragEditSession extends ElementEditSession {
private final PointF oppositeControlPoint = new PointF();
private final float[] oppositeControlPointOnControlParent = new float[2];
private final float[] oppositeControlPointOnElement = new float[2];
private final ThumbRenderer.ControlPoint controlPoint;
@NonNull private final Matrix thumbContainerRelativeMatrix;
private ThumbDragEditSession(@NonNull EditorElement selected,
@NonNull ThumbRenderer.ControlPoint controlPoint,
@NonNull Matrix inverseMatrix,
@NonNull Matrix thumbContainerRelativeMatrix)
super(selected, inverseMatrix);
this.controlPoint = controlPoint;
this.thumbContainerRelativeMatrix = thumbContainerRelativeMatrix;
static EditSession startDrag(@NonNull EditorElement selected,
@NonNull Matrix inverseViewModelMatrix,
@NonNull Matrix thumbContainerRelativeMatrix,
@NonNull ThumbRenderer.ControlPoint controlPoint,
@NonNull PointF point)
if (!selected.getFlags().isEditable()) return null;
ElementEditSession elementDragEditSession = new ThumbDragEditSession(selected, controlPoint, inverseViewModelMatrix, thumbContainerRelativeMatrix);
elementDragEditSession.setScreenStartPoint(0, point);
elementDragEditSession.setScreenEndPoint(0, point);
return elementDragEditSession;
public void movePoint(int p, @NonNull PointF point) {
setScreenEndPoint(p, point);
Matrix editorMatrix = selected.getEditorMatrix();
// Think of this process as a pinch to zoom/rotate, one finger being on the control point being manipulated, and the other on its opposite.
// Even if the opposite thumb doesn't exist on the tree, the position it would be at gives the virtual second finger position for the pinch.
// The opposite control point needs an additional mapping to put it in to the same coordinate system as the dragged thumb
oppositeControlPointOnControlParent[0] = controlPoint.opposite().getX();
oppositeControlPointOnControlParent[1] = controlPoint.opposite().getY();
thumbContainerRelativeMatrix.mapPoints(oppositeControlPointOnElement, oppositeControlPointOnControlParent);
float x = oppositeControlPointOnElement[0];
float y = oppositeControlPointOnElement[1];
oppositeControlPoint.set(x, y);
float dx = endPointElement[0].x - startPointElement[0].x;
float dy = endPointElement[0].y - startPointElement[0].y;
float xEnd = controlPoint.getX() + dx;
float yEnd = controlPoint.getY() + dy;
if (controlPoint.isScaleAndRotateThumb()) {
float scale = findScale(oppositeControlPoint, startPointElement[0], endPointElement[0]);
editorMatrix.postTranslate(-oppositeControlPoint.x, -oppositeControlPoint.y);
editorMatrix.postScale(scale, scale);
double angle = angle(endPointElement[0], oppositeControlPoint) - angle(startPointElement[0], oppositeControlPoint);
rotate(editorMatrix, angle);
editorMatrix.postTranslate(oppositeControlPoint.x, oppositeControlPoint.y);
} else {
// 8 point controls, where edges scale in just one dimension and corners scale in both, optionally fixed aspect ratio
boolean aspectLocked = selected.getFlags().isAspectLocked() && !controlPoint.isCenter();
float defaultScale = aspectLocked ? 2 : 1;
float scaleX = controlPoint.isVerticalCenter() ? defaultScale : (xEnd - x) / (controlPoint.getX() - x);
float scaleY = controlPoint.isHorizontalCenter() ? defaultScale : (yEnd - y) / (controlPoint.getY() - y);
scale(editorMatrix, aspectLocked, scaleX, scaleY, controlPoint.opposite());
private static void scale(Matrix editorMatrix, boolean aspectLocked, float scaleX, float scaleY, @NonNull ThumbRenderer.ControlPoint around) {
float x = around.getX();
float y = around.getY();
editorMatrix.postTranslate(-x, -y);
if (aspectLocked) {
float minScale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
editorMatrix.postScale(minScale, minScale);
} else {
editorMatrix.postScale(scaleX, scaleY);
editorMatrix.postTranslate(x, y);
private static void rotate(Matrix editorMatrix, double angle) {
editorMatrix.postRotate((float) Math.toDegrees(angle));
private static double angle(@NonNull PointF a, @NonNull PointF b) {
return Math.atan2(a.y - b.y, a.x - b.x);
public EditSession newPoint(@NonNull Matrix newInverse, @NonNull PointF point, int p) {
return null;
public EditSession removePoint(@NonNull Matrix newInverse, int p) {
return null;
* Find relative distance between an old and new Point relative to an anchor.
* <p>
* <pre>
* |to - anchor| / |from - anchor|
* </pre>
* @param anchor Fixed point.
* @param from Starting point.
* @param to Ending point.
* @return Scale required to scale a line anchor->from to reach the to point from anchor.
private static float findScale(@NonNull PointF anchor, @NonNull PointF from, @NonNull PointF to) {
float originalD2 = getDistanceSquared(from, anchor);
float newD2 = getDistanceSquared(to, anchor);
return (float) Math.sqrt(newD2 / originalD2);
* Distance between two points squared.
private static float getDistanceSquared(@NonNull PointF a, @NonNull PointF b) {
float dx = a.x - b.x;
float dy = a.y - b.y;
return dx * dx + dy * dy;