package; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import; import; import org.signal.core.util.logging.Log; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.Recipient; import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Base64; import org.signal.core.util.SetUtil; import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.SignalServiceAddress; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public final class StorageSyncValidations { private static final String TAG = Log.tag(StorageSyncValidations.class); private StorageSyncValidations() {} public static void validate(@NonNull StorageSyncHelper.WriteOperationResult result, @NonNull SignalStorageManifest previousManifest, boolean forcePushPending, @NonNull Recipient self) { validateManifestAndInserts(result.getManifest(), result.getInserts(), self); if (result.getDeletes().size() > 0) { Set allSetEncoded = Stream.of(result.getManifest().getStorageIds()).map(StorageId::getRaw).map(Base64::encodeBytes).collect(Collectors.toSet()); for (byte[] delete : result.getDeletes()) { String encoded = Base64.encodeBytes(delete); if (allSetEncoded.contains(encoded)) { throw new DeletePresentInFullIdSetError(); } } } if (previousManifest.getVersion() == 0) { Log.i(TAG, "Previous manifest is empty, not bothering with additional validations around the diffs between the two manifests."); return; } if (result.getManifest().getVersion() != previousManifest.getVersion() + 1) { throw new IncorrectManifestVersionError(); } if (forcePushPending) { Log.i(TAG, "Force push pending, not bothering with additional validations around the diffs between the two manifests."); return; } Set previousIds = Stream.of(previousManifest.getStorageIds()).map(id -> ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getRaw())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set newIds = Stream.of(result.getManifest().getStorageIds()).map(id -> ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getRaw())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set manifestInserts = SetUtil.difference(newIds, previousIds); Set manifestDeletes = SetUtil.difference(previousIds, newIds); Set declaredInserts = Stream.of(result.getInserts()).map(r -> ByteBuffer.wrap(r.getId().getRaw())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set declaredDeletes = Stream.of(result.getDeletes()).map(ByteBuffer::wrap).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (declaredInserts.size() > manifestInserts.size()) { Log.w(TAG, "DeclaredInserts: " + declaredInserts.size() + ", ManifestInserts: " + manifestInserts.size()); throw new MoreInsertsThanExpectedError(); } if (declaredInserts.size() < manifestInserts.size()) { Log.w(TAG, "DeclaredInserts: " + declaredInserts.size() + ", ManifestInserts: " + manifestInserts.size()); throw new LessInsertsThanExpectedError(); } if (!declaredInserts.containsAll(manifestInserts)) { throw new InsertMismatchError(); } if (declaredDeletes.size() > manifestDeletes.size()) { Log.w(TAG, "DeclaredDeletes: " + declaredDeletes.size() + ", ManifestDeletes: " + manifestDeletes.size()); throw new MoreDeletesThanExpectedError(); } if (declaredDeletes.size() < manifestDeletes.size()) { Log.w(TAG, "DeclaredDeletes: " + declaredDeletes.size() + ", ManifestDeletes: " + manifestDeletes.size()); throw new LessDeletesThanExpectedError(); } if (!declaredDeletes.containsAll(manifestDeletes)) { throw new DeleteMismatchError(); } } public static void validateForcePush(@NonNull SignalStorageManifest manifest, @NonNull List inserts, @NonNull Recipient self) { validateManifestAndInserts(manifest, inserts, self); } private static void validateManifestAndInserts(@NonNull SignalStorageManifest manifest, @NonNull List inserts, @NonNull Recipient self) { Set allSet = new HashSet<>(manifest.getStorageIds()); Set insertSet = new HashSet<>(Stream.of(inserts).map(SignalStorageRecord::getId).toList()); Set rawIdSet = Stream.of(allSet).map(id -> ByteBuffer.wrap(id.getRaw())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); if (allSet.size() != manifest.getStorageIds().size()) { throw new DuplicateStorageIdError(); } if (rawIdSet.size() != allSet.size()) { throw new DuplicateRawIdError(); } if (inserts.size() > insertSet.size()) { throw new DuplicateInsertInWriteError(); } int accountCount = 0; for (StorageId id : manifest.getStorageIds()) { accountCount += id.getType() == ManifestRecord.Identifier.Type.ACCOUNT_VALUE ? 1 : 0; } if (accountCount > 1) { throw new MultipleAccountError(); } if (accountCount == 0) { throw new MissingAccountError(); } for (SignalStorageRecord insert : inserts) { if (!allSet.contains(insert.getId())) { throw new InsertNotPresentInFullIdSetError(); } if (insert.isUnknown()) { throw new UnknownInsertError(); } if (insert.getContact().isPresent()) { SignalContactRecord contact = insert.getContact().get(); if (self.requireServiceId().equals(contact.getServiceId()) || self.requirePni().equals(contact.getPni().orElse(null)) || self.requireE164().equals(contact.getNumber().orElse(""))) { throw new SelfAddedAsContactError(); } } if (insert.getAccount().isPresent() && !insert.getAccount().get().getProfileKey().isPresent()) { Log.w(TAG, "Uploading a null profile key in our AccountRecord!"); } } } private static final class DuplicateStorageIdError extends Error { } private static final class DuplicateRawIdError extends Error { } private static final class DuplicateInsertInWriteError extends Error { } private static final class InsertNotPresentInFullIdSetError extends Error { } private static final class DeletePresentInFullIdSetError extends Error { } private static final class UnknownInsertError extends Error { } private static final class MultipleAccountError extends Error { } private static final class MissingAccountError extends Error { } private static final class SelfAddedAsContactError extends Error { } private static final class IncorrectManifestVersionError extends Error { } private static final class MoreInsertsThanExpectedError extends Error { } private static final class LessInsertsThanExpectedError extends Error { } private static final class InsertMismatchError extends Error { } private static final class MoreDeletesThanExpectedError extends Error { } private static final class LessDeletesThanExpectedError extends Error { } private static final class DeleteMismatchError extends Error { } }