package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database import android.content.Context import android.database.Cursor import androidx.core.content.contentValuesOf import org.signal.core.util.delete import org.signal.core.util.logging.Log import org.signal.core.util.readToList import org.signal.core.util.requireLong import import org.signal.core.util.withinTransaction import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RemappedRecordTables.SharedColumns.ID import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RemappedRecordTables.SharedColumns.NEW_ID import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database.RemappedRecordTables.SharedColumns.OLD_ID import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId import java.util.HashMap /** * The backing datastore for [RemappedRecords]. See that class for more details. */ class RemappedRecordTables internal constructor(context: Context?, databaseHelper: SignalDatabase?) : DatabaseTable(context, databaseHelper) { companion object { val TAG = Log.tag( val CREATE_TABLE = arrayOf(Recipients.CREATE_TABLE, Threads.CREATE_TABLE) } private object SharedColumns { const val ID = "_id" const val OLD_ID = "old_id" const val NEW_ID = "new_id" } private object Recipients { const val TABLE_NAME = "remapped_recipients" const val CREATE_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE $TABLE_NAME ( $ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, $OLD_ID INTEGER UNIQUE, $NEW_ID INTEGER ) """ } private object Threads { const val TABLE_NAME = "remapped_threads" const val CREATE_TABLE = """ CREATE TABLE $TABLE_NAME ( $ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, $OLD_ID INTEGER UNIQUE, $NEW_ID INTEGER ) """ } fun getAllRecipientMappings(): Map { clearInvalidRecipientMappings() val recipientMap: MutableMap = HashMap() readableDatabase.withinTransaction { db -> val mappings = getAllMappings(db, Recipients.TABLE_NAME) for (mapping in mappings) { val oldId = RecipientId.from(mapping.oldId) val newId = RecipientId.from(mapping.newId) recipientMap[oldId] = newId } } return recipientMap } fun getAllThreadMappings(): Map { clearInvalidThreadMappings() val threadMap: MutableMap = HashMap() readableDatabase.withinTransaction { db -> val mappings = getAllMappings(db, Threads.TABLE_NAME) for (mapping in mappings) { threadMap[mapping.oldId] = mapping.newId } } return threadMap } fun addRecipientMapping(oldId: RecipientId, newId: RecipientId) { addMapping(Recipients.TABLE_NAME, Mapping(oldId.toLong(), newId.toLong())) } fun addThreadMapping(oldId: Long, newId: Long) { addMapping(Threads.TABLE_NAME, Mapping(oldId, newId)) } fun getAllRecipients(): Cursor { clearInvalidRecipientMappings() return readableDatabase .select() .from(Recipients.TABLE_NAME) .run() } fun getAllThreads(): Cursor { clearInvalidThreadMappings() return readableDatabase .select() .from(Threads.TABLE_NAME) .run() } private fun getAllMappings(db: SQLiteDatabase, table: String): List { return .from(table) .run() .readToList { cursor -> Mapping( oldId = cursor.requireLong(OLD_ID), newId = cursor.requireLong(NEW_ID) ) } } private fun addMapping(table: String, mapping: Mapping) { val values = contentValuesOf( OLD_ID to mapping.oldId, NEW_ID to mapping.newId ) databaseHelper.signalWritableDatabase.insert(table, null, values) } /** * The old_id should never exist -- this class is intended to remap from IDs that were deleted. */ private fun clearInvalidRecipientMappings() { val count = writableDatabase .delete(Recipients.TABLE_NAME) .where("$OLD_ID IN (SELECT ${RecipientTable.ID} FROM ${RecipientTable.TABLE_NAME})") .run() if (count > 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Deleted $count invalid recipient mappings!", true) } } /** * The old_id should never exist -- this class is intended to remap from IDs that were deleted. */ private fun clearInvalidThreadMappings() { val count = writableDatabase .delete(Threads.TABLE_NAME) .where("$OLD_ID IN (SELECT ${ThreadTable.ID} FROM ${ThreadTable.TABLE_NAME})") .run() if (count > 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Deleted $count invalid thread mappings!", true) } } private class Mapping(val oldId: Long, val newId: Long) }