package import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Projection /** * Notes that a given item can have a gift box drawn over it. */ interface OpenableGift { /** * Returns a projection to draw a top, or null to not do so. */ fun getOpenableGiftProjection(isAnimating: Boolean): Projection? /** * Returns a unique id assosicated with this gift. */ fun getGiftId(): Long /** * Registers a callback to start the open animation */ fun setOpenGiftCallback(openGift: (OpenableGift) -> Unit) /** * Clears any callback created to start the open animation */ fun clearOpenGiftCallback() /** * Gets the appropriate sign for the animation evaluators: * * - Incoming and LTR -> Positive * - Incoming and RTL -> Negative * - Outgoing and LTR -> Negative * - Outgoing and RTL -> Positive */ fun getAnimationSign(): AnimationSign enum class AnimationSign(val sign: Float) { POSITIVE(1f), NEGATIVE(-1f); companion object { @JvmStatic fun get(isLtr: Boolean, isOutgoing: Boolean): AnimationSign { return when { isLtr && isOutgoing -> NEGATIVE isLtr -> POSITIVE isOutgoing -> POSITIVE else -> NEGATIVE } } } } }