package org.signal.smsexporter import android.annotation.SuppressLint import import import android.content.Intent import android.os.IBinder import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.processors.BehaviorProcessor import org.signal.core.util.Result import org.signal.core.util.Try import org.signal.core.util.logging.Log import org.signal.smsexporter.internal.mms.ExportMmsMessagesUseCase import org.signal.smsexporter.internal.mms.ExportMmsPartsUseCase import org.signal.smsexporter.internal.mms.ExportMmsRecipientsUseCase import org.signal.smsexporter.internal.mms.GetOrCreateMmsThreadIdsUseCase import org.signal.smsexporter.internal.sms.ExportSmsMessagesUseCase import import import import java.util.concurrent.Executor import java.util.concurrent.Executors /** * Exports SMS and MMS messages to the system database. */ abstract class SmsExportService : Service() { companion object { private val TAG = Log.tag( const val CLEAR_PREVIOUS_EXPORT_STATE_EXTRA = "clear_previous_export_state" /** * Progress state which can be listened to by interested components, such as fragments. */ val progressState: BehaviorProcessor = BehaviorProcessor.createDefault(SmsExportProgress.Init) fun clearProgressState() { progressState.onNext(SmsExportProgress.Init) } } override fun onBind(intent: Intent?): IBinder? { return null } private val threadCache: MutableMap, Long> = mutableMapOf() private var isStarted = false override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int { Log.d(TAG, "Got start command in SMS Export Service") startExport(intent?.getBooleanExtra(CLEAR_PREVIOUS_EXPORT_STATE_EXTRA, false) ?: false) return START_NOT_STICKY } @SuppressLint("MissingPermission") private fun startExport(clearExportState: Boolean) { if (isStarted) { Log.d(TAG, "Already running exporter.") return } Log.d(TAG, "Running export clearExportState: $clearExportState") isStarted = true updateNotification(-1, -1) progressState.onNext(SmsExportProgress.Starting) var progress = 0 var errorCount = 0 executor.execute { if (clearExportState) { clearPreviousExportState() } prepareForExport() val totalCount = getUnexportedMessageCount() getUnexportedMessages().forEach { message -> val exportState = message.exportState if (exportState.progress != SmsExportState.Progress.COMPLETED) { val successful = when (message) { is ExportableMessage.Sms<*> -> exportSms(exportState, message) is ExportableMessage.Mms<*> -> exportMms(exportState, message) is ExportableMessage.Skip<*> -> { onMessageExportSucceeded(message) true } } if (!successful) { errorCount++ } progress++ if (progress == 1 || progress.mod(100) == 0) { updateNotification(progress, totalCount) } progressState.onNext(SmsExportProgress.InProgress(progress, errorCount, totalCount)) } } onExportPassCompleted() progressState.onNext(SmsExportProgress.Done(errorCount, progress)) getExportCompleteNotification()?.let { notification -> NotificationManagerCompat.from(this).notify(, notification.notification) } Log.d(TAG, "Export complete") stopForeground(true) stopSelf() isStarted = false } } /** * The executor that this service should do its work on. */ protected open val executor: Executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() /** * Produces the notification and notification id to display for this foreground service. * The progress and total represent how many messages we've processed, and how many total * we have to process. Failures and successes are both aggregated in this progress. You can * query for "failure" state *after* we signal completion of a run. */ protected abstract fun getNotification(progress: Int, total: Int): ExportNotification /** * Produces the notification and notification id to display when the export is complete. * * Can be null if no notification is needed (e.g., the user is still in the app) */ protected abstract fun getExportCompleteNotification(): ExportNotification? /** * Called prior to starting export if the user has requested previous export state to be cleared. */ protected open fun clearPreviousExportState() = Unit /** * Called prior to starting export for any task setup that may need to occur. */ protected open fun prepareForExport() = Unit /** * Gets the total number of messages to process. This is only used for the notification and * progress events. */ protected abstract fun getUnexportedMessageCount(): Int /** * Gets an iterable of exportable messages. */ protected abstract fun getUnexportedMessages(): Iterable /** * We've started the export process for a given MMS / SMS message */ protected abstract fun onMessageExportStarted(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage) /** * We've completely succeeded exporting a given MMS / SMS message. This is only * called when all parts of the message (including recipients and attachments) have * been completely exported. */ protected abstract fun onMessageExportSucceeded(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage) /** * We've failed to completely export a given MMS / SMS message */ protected abstract fun onMessageExportFailed(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage) /** * We've written the message contents to the system database and were handed back an id. */ protected abstract fun onMessageIdCreated(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, messageId: Long) /** * We've begun trying to export a part row for an attachment for the given message */ protected abstract fun onAttachmentPartExportStarted(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, part: ExportableMessage.Mms.Part) /** * We've successfully exported the attachment part for a given message and written the * attachment file to the local filesystem. */ protected abstract fun onAttachmentPartExportSucceeded(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, part: ExportableMessage.Mms.Part) /** * We failed to export the attachment part for a given message. */ protected abstract fun onAttachmentPartExportFailed(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, part: ExportableMessage.Mms.Part) /** * We've begun trying to export a recipient addr for a given message */ protected abstract fun onRecipientExportStarted(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, recipient: String) /** * We've successfully exported a recipient addr for a given message */ protected abstract fun onRecipientExportSucceeded(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, recipient: String) /** * We've failed to export a recipient addr for a given message */ protected abstract fun onRecipientExportFailed(exportableMessage: ExportableMessage, recipient: String) /** * Gets the input stream for the given attachment, so that it might be written out to disk. */ protected abstract fun getInputStream(part: ExportableMessage.Mms.Part): InputStream /** * Called when an export pass completes. It is up to the implementation to determine whether * there are still messages to export. This is where the system could initiate a multiple-pass * system to ensure all messages are exported, though an approach like this can have data races * and other pitfalls. */ protected abstract fun onExportPassCompleted() private fun updateNotification(progress: Int, total: Int) { val exportNotification = getNotification(progress, total) startForeground(, exportNotification.notification) } private fun exportSms(smsExportState: SmsExportState, sms: ExportableMessage.Sms<*>): Boolean { onMessageExportStarted(sms) val mayAlreadyExist = smsExportState.progress == SmsExportState.Progress.STARTED return ExportSmsMessagesUseCase.execute(this, sms, mayAlreadyExist).either(onSuccess = { onMessageExportSucceeded(sms) true }, onFailure = { onMessageExportFailed(sms) false }) } private fun exportMms(smsExportState: SmsExportState, mms: ExportableMessage.Mms<*>): Boolean { onMessageExportStarted(mms) val threadIdOutput: GetOrCreateMmsThreadIdsUseCase.Output? = getThreadId(mms) val exportMmsOutput: ExportMmsMessagesUseCase.Output? = threadIdOutput?.let { exportMms(smsExportState, it) } val exportMmsPartsOutput: List? = exportMmsOutput?.let { exportMmsParts(smsExportState, it) } val writeMmsPartsOutput: List>? = exportMmsPartsOutput?.filterNotNull()?.map { writeAttachmentToDisk(smsExportState, it) } val exportMmsRecipients: List? = exportMmsOutput?.let { exportMmsRecipients(smsExportState, it) } return if (threadIdOutput != null && exportMmsOutput != null && exportMmsPartsOutput != null && !exportMmsPartsOutput.contains(null) && writeMmsPartsOutput != null && writeMmsPartsOutput.all { it is Result.Success || (it is Result.Failure && (it.failure.cause ?: it.failure) is FileNotFoundException) } && exportMmsRecipients != null && !exportMmsRecipients.contains(null) ) { onMessageExportSucceeded(mms) true } else { onMessageExportFailed(mms) false } } private fun getThreadId(mms: ExportableMessage.Mms<*>): GetOrCreateMmsThreadIdsUseCase.Output? { return GetOrCreateMmsThreadIdsUseCase.execute(this, mms, threadCache).either( onSuccess = { output -> output }, onFailure = { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get thread id for export", it) null } ) } private fun exportMms(smsExportState: SmsExportState, threadIdOutput: GetOrCreateMmsThreadIdsUseCase.Output): ExportMmsMessagesUseCase.Output? { return ExportMmsMessagesUseCase.execute(this, threadIdOutput, smsExportState.progress == SmsExportState.Progress.STARTED).either( onSuccess = { onMessageIdCreated(it.mms, it.messageId) it }, onFailure = { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to export MMS into system database", it) null } ) } private fun exportMmsParts(smsExportState: SmsExportState, exportMmsOutput: ExportMmsMessagesUseCase.Output): List { val attachments = return if (attachments.isEmpty()) { emptyList() } else { attachments.filterNot { it.contentId in smsExportState.completedAttachments }.map { attachment -> onAttachmentPartExportStarted(exportMmsOutput.mms, attachment) ExportMmsPartsUseCase.execute(this, attachment, exportMmsOutput, smsExportState.startedAttachments.contains(attachment.contentId)).either( onSuccess = { it }, onFailure = { onAttachmentPartExportFailed(exportMmsOutput.mms, attachment) Log.d(TAG, "Could not export MMS Part", it) null } ) } } } private fun exportMmsRecipients(smsExportState: SmsExportState, exportMmsOutput: ExportMmsMessagesUseCase.Output): List { val recipients = { it }.toSet() return if (recipients.isEmpty()) { emptyList() } else { recipients.filterNot { it in smsExportState.completedRecipients }.map { recipient -> onRecipientExportStarted(exportMmsOutput.mms, recipient) ExportMmsRecipientsUseCase.execute(this, exportMmsOutput.messageId, recipient, exportMmsOutput.mms.sender.toString(), smsExportState.startedRecipients.contains(recipient)).either( onSuccess = { onRecipientExportSucceeded(exportMmsOutput.mms, recipient) }, onFailure = { onRecipientExportFailed(exportMmsOutput.mms, recipient) Log.w(TAG, "Failed to export MMS Recipient", it) null } ) } } } private fun writeAttachmentToDisk(smsExportState: SmsExportState, output: ExportMmsPartsUseCase.Output): Try { if (output.part.contentId in smsExportState.completedAttachments) { return Try.success(Unit) } if (output.part is ExportableMessage.Mms.Part.Text) { onAttachmentPartExportSucceeded(output.message, output.part) return Try.success(Unit) } return try { contentResolver.openOutputStream(output.uri)!!.use { out -> getInputStream(output.part).use { it.copyTo(out) } } onAttachmentPartExportSucceeded(output.message, output.part) Try.success(Unit) } catch (e: Exception) { if (e is EOFException) { Log.d(TAG, "Unrecoverable failure to write attachment to disk, marking as successful and moving on", e) onAttachmentPartExportSucceeded(output.message, output.part) Try.success(Unit) } else { Log.d(TAG, "Failed to write attachment to disk.", e) Try.failure(e) } } } data class ExportNotification( val id: Int, val notification: Notification ) }