import import import ext { autoResConfig = this.&autoResConfig } def allStringsResourceFiles(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class, options = ['']) Closure c) { file('src/main/res').eachFileRecurse(FileType.FILES) { f -> if ( == 'strings.xml') { c(f) } } } /** * Discovers supported languages listed as under the res/values- directory. */ def autoResConfig() { def files = [] allStringsResourceFiles { f -> files.add( } ['en'] + files.collect { f -> f =~ /^values-([a-z]{2,3}(-r[A-Z]{2})?)$/ } .findAll { matcher -> matcher.find() } .collect { matcher -> } .sort() } task pullTranslations(type: Exec) { group 'Translate' description 'Pull translations, requires transifex client and api key.' commandLine 'tx', 'pull', '-a', '--minimum-perc=80', '--force' } task replaceEllipsis { group 'Translate' description 'Process strings for ellipsis characters.' doLast { allStringsResourceFiles { f -> def before = f.text def after = f.text.replace('...', '…') if (before != after) { f.text = after"$$") } } } mustRunAfter pullTranslations } task cleanApostropheErrors { group 'Translate' description 'Fix transifex apostrophe string errors.' doLast { allStringsResourceFiles { f -> def before = f.text def after = before.replaceAll(/([^\\=08])(')/, '$1\\\\\'') if (before != after) { f.text = after"$$") } } } mustRunAfter replaceEllipsis } task excludeNonTranslatables { group 'Translate' description 'Remove strings that are marked "translatable"="false" or are ExtraTranslations.' doLast { def englishFile = file('src/main/res/values/strings.xml') def english = new XmlParser().parse(englishFile) def nonTranslatable = english .findAll { it['@translatable'] == 'false' } .collect { it['@name'] } .toSet() def all = english.collect { it['@name'] }.toSet() def translatable = all - nonTranslatable def inMultiline = false def endBlockName = "" allStringsResourceFiles { f -> if (f != englishFile) { def newLines = f.readLines() .collect { line -> if (!inMultiline) { def singleLineMatcher = line =~ /name="([^"]*)".*<\// if (singleLineMatcher.find()) { def name = if (!line.contains('excludeNonTranslatables') && !translatable.contains(name)) { return " " } } else { def multilineStartMatcher = line =~ /<(.*) .?name="([^"]*)".*/ if (multilineStartMatcher.find()) { endBlockName = def name = if (!line.contains('excludeNonTranslatables') && !translatable.contains(name)) { inMultiline = true; return " " } } return line } f.write(newLines.join("\n") + "\n") } } } mustRunAfter cleanApostropheErrors } task postTranslateQa { group 'Translate' description 'Runs QA to check validity of updated strings, and ensure presence of any new languages in internal lists.' dependsOn ':qa' mustRunAfter excludeNonTranslatables } task translate { group 'Translate' description 'Pull translations and post-process for ellipsis, apostrophes and non-translatables.' dependsOn pullTranslations, replaceEllipsis, cleanApostropheErrors, excludeNonTranslatables, postTranslateQa }