package org.signal.donations import import android.content.Context import android.content.Intent import import import import import import import import import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Completable import io.reactivex.rxjava3.schedulers.Schedulers import org.json.JSONArray import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import org.signal.core.util.logging.Log import import java.util.Locale /** * Entrypoint for Google Pay APIs * * @param activity The activity the Pay Client will attach itself to * @param gateway The payment gateway (Such as Stripe) */ class GooglePayApi( private val activity: Activity, private val gateway: Gateway, private val configuration: Configuration ) { private val paymentsClient: PaymentsClient init { val walletOptions = Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder() .setEnvironment(configuration.walletEnvironment) .build() paymentsClient = Wallet.getPaymentsClient(activity, walletOptions) } fun queryIsReadyToPay(): Completable { return Companion.queryIsReadyToPay(activity, gateway, configuration) } /** * Launches the Google Pay sheet via an Activity intent. It is up to the caller to pass * through the activity result to onActivityResult. */ fun requestPayment(price: FiatMoney, label: String, requestCode: Int) { val paymentDataRequest = getPaymentDataRequest(price, label) val request = PaymentDataRequest.fromJson(paymentDataRequest.toString()) AutoResolveHelper.resolveTask(paymentsClient.loadPaymentData(request), activity, requestCode) } /** * Checks the activity result for payment data and fires off the corresponding callback. Does nothing if * the request code is not the expected request code. */ fun onActivityResult( requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?, expectedRequestCode: Int, paymentRequestCallback: PaymentRequestCallback ) { if (requestCode != expectedRequestCode) { return } when (resultCode) { Activity.RESULT_OK -> { data?.let { intent -> PaymentData.getFromIntent(intent)?.let { paymentRequestCallback.onSuccess(it) } } ?: paymentRequestCallback.onError(GooglePayException("No data returned from Google Pay")) } Activity.RESULT_CANCELED -> paymentRequestCallback.onCancelled() AutoResolveHelper.RESULT_ERROR -> { AutoResolveHelper.getStatusFromIntent(data)?.let { Log.w(TAG, "loadPaymentData failed with error code ${it.statusCode}: ${it.statusMessage}") paymentRequestCallback.onError(GooglePayException(it.statusMessage)) } } } } private fun getPaymentDataRequest(price: FiatMoney, label: String): JSONObject { return baseRequest.apply { put("merchantInfo", merchantInfo) put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(cardPaymentMethod())) put("transactionInfo", getTransactionInfo(price, label)) // TODO Donation receipts put("emailRequired", false) put("shippingAddressRequired", false) } } private fun getTransactionInfo(price: FiatMoney, label: String): JSONObject { return JSONObject().apply { put("currencyCode", price.currency.currencyCode) put("countryCode", "US") put("totalPriceStatus", "FINAL") put("totalPrice", price.getDefaultPrecisionString(Locale.US)) put("totalPriceLabel", label) put("checkoutOption", "COMPLETE_IMMEDIATE_PURCHASE") } } private fun gatewayTokenizationSpecification(): JSONObject { return JSONObject().apply { put("type", "PAYMENT_GATEWAY") put("parameters", JSONObject(gateway.getTokenizationSpecificationParameters())) } } private fun cardPaymentMethod(): JSONObject { val cardPaymentMethod = baseCardPaymentMethod(gateway) cardPaymentMethod.put("tokenizationSpecification", gatewayTokenizationSpecification()) return cardPaymentMethod } companion object { private val TAG = Log.tag( private const val MERCHANT_NAME = "Signal" private val merchantInfo: JSONObject = JSONObject().put("merchantName", MERCHANT_NAME) private val allowedCardAuthMethods = JSONArray(listOf("PAN_ONLY", "CRYPTOGRAM_3DS")) private val baseRequest = JSONObject().apply { put("apiVersion", 2) put("apiVersionMinor", 0) } /** * Query the Google Pay API to determine whether or not the device has Google Pay available and ready. * * @return A completable which, when it completes, indicates that Google Pay is available, or when it errors, indicates it is not. */ @JvmStatic fun queryIsReadyToPay( context: Context, gateway: Gateway, configuration: Configuration ): Completable = Completable.create { emitter -> val walletOptions = Wallet.WalletOptions.Builder() .setEnvironment(configuration.walletEnvironment) .build() val paymentsClient = Wallet.getPaymentsClient(context, walletOptions) try { val request: IsReadyToPayRequest = buildIsReadyToPayRequest(gateway) val task: Task = paymentsClient.isReadyToPay(request) task.addOnCompleteListener { completedTask -> if (!emitter.isDisposed) { try { val result: Boolean = completedTask.getResult( ?: false if (result) { emitter.onComplete() } else { emitter.onError(Exception("Google Pay is not available.")) } } catch (e: ApiException) { emitter.onError(e) } } } } catch (e: JSONException) { emitter.onError(e) } }.subscribeOn( private fun buildIsReadyToPayRequest(gateway: Gateway): IsReadyToPayRequest { val isReadyToPayJson: JSONObject = baseRequest.apply { put("allowedPaymentMethods", JSONArray().put(baseCardPaymentMethod(gateway))) } return IsReadyToPayRequest.fromJson(isReadyToPayJson.toString()) } private fun baseCardPaymentMethod(gateway: Gateway): JSONObject { return JSONObject().apply { val parameters = JSONObject().apply { put("allowedAuthMethods", allowedCardAuthMethods) put("allowedCardNetworks", JSONArray(gateway.allowedCardNetworks)) put("billingAddressRequired", false) } put("type", "CARD") put("parameters", parameters) } } } /** * @param walletEnvironment From WalletConstants */ data class Configuration( val walletEnvironment: Int ) interface Gateway { fun getTokenizationSpecificationParameters(): Map val allowedCardNetworks: List } interface PaymentRequestCallback { fun onSuccess(paymentData: PaymentData) fun onError(googlePayException: GooglePayException) fun onCancelled() } class GooglePayException(message: String?) : Exception(message) }