package org.thoughtcrime.securesms.database import androidx.core.content.contentValuesOf import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4 import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Rule import org.junit.Test import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.recipients.RecipientId import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.testing.SignalDatabaseRule import org.thoughtcrime.securesms.util.Util import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.ACI import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.PNI import org.whispersystems.signalservice.api.push.ServiceId import java.lang.AssertionError import java.lang.IllegalStateException import java.util.UUID @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4::class) class RecipientTableTest_processPnpTupleToChangeSet { @Rule @JvmField val databaseRule = SignalDatabaseRule(deleteAllThreadsOnEachRun = false) private lateinit var db: RecipientTable @Before fun setup() { db = SignalDatabase.recipients } @Test fun noMatch_e164Only() { val changeSet = db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(E164_A, null, null, pniVerified = false) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpInsert(E164_A, null, null) ), changeSet ) } @Test fun noMatch_e164AndPni() { val changeSet = db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(E164_A, PNI_A, null, pniVerified = false) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpInsert(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ), changeSet ) } @Test fun noMatch_aciOnly() { val changeSet = db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(null, null, ACI_A, pniVerified = false) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpInsert(null, null, ACI_A) ), changeSet ) } @Test(expected = IllegalStateException::class) fun noMatch_noData() { db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(null, null, null, pniVerified = false) } @Test fun noMatch_allFields() { val changeSet = db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A, pniVerified = false) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpInsert(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ), changeSet ) } @Test fun fullMatch() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId( ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyE164Matches() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, null, null), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A), PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyE164Matches_pniChanges_noAciProvided_existingPniSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, PNI_B, null, pniSession = true), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyE164Matches_pniChanges_noAciProvided_noPniSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, PNI_B, null), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun e164AndPniMatches_noExistingSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun e164AndPniMatches_existingPniSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, null, pniSession = true), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun e164AndAciMatches() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_A, null, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyPniMatches_noExistingSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(null, PNI_A, null), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyPniMatches_existingPniSession() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(null, PNI_A, null, pniSession = true), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyPniMatches_existingPniSession_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null, pniSession = true), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.SetAci(, ACI_A), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId =, oldE164 = E164_B, newE164 = E164_A ), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun pniAndAciMatches() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(null, PNI_A, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun pniAndAciMatches_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_B, PNI_A, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId =, oldE164 = E164_B, newE164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyAciMatches() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(null, null, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun onlyAciMatches_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( Input(E164_B, null, ACI_A), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(, operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.SetE164(, E164_A), PnpOperation.SetPni(, PNI_A), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId =, oldE164 = E164_B, newE164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164Only_pniOnly_aciOnly() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, null, null), Input(null, PNI_A, null), Input(null, null, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.thirdId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.firstId, secondaryId = result.secondId ), PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.thirdId, secondaryId = result.firstId ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164Only_pniOnly_noAciProvided() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, null, null), Input(null, PNI_A, null) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.firstId, secondaryId = result.secondId ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164Only_pniOnly_aciProvidedButNoAciRecord() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, null, null), Input(null, PNI_A, null) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.firstId, secondaryId = result.secondId ), PnpOperation.SetAci( recipientId = result.firstId, aci = ACI_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164Only_pniAndE164_noAciProvided() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, null, null), Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.secondId), PnpOperation.SetPni( recipientId = result.firstId, pni = PNI_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_pniOnly_noAciProvided() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_B, null), Input(null, PNI_A, null) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.firstId), PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.firstId, secondaryId = result.secondId ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_e164AndPni_noAciProvided_noSessions() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_B, null), Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.secondId), PnpOperation.SetPni(result.firstId, PNI_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_e164AndPni_noAciProvided_sessionsExist() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_B, null, pniSession = true), Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null, pniSession = true) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, null) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.firstId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.secondId), PnpOperation.SetPni(result.firstId, PNI_A), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(result.secondId, E164_A), PnpOperation.SessionSwitchoverInsert(result.firstId, E164_A) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_aciOnly() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Input(null, null, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.secondId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.secondId, secondaryId = result.firstId ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_aciOnly_e164RecordHasSeparateE164() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null), Input(null, null, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.secondId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.firstId), PnpOperation.SetPni( recipientId = result.secondId, pni = PNI_A ), PnpOperation.SetE164( recipientId = result.secondId, e164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_aciOnly_e164RecordHasSeparateE164_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_B, PNI_A, null), Input(E164_C, null, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.secondId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.firstId), PnpOperation.SetPni( recipientId = result.secondId, pni = PNI_A ), PnpOperation.SetE164( recipientId = result.secondId, e164 = E164_A ), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId = result.secondId, oldE164 = E164_C, newE164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_e164AndPniAndAci_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Input(E164_B, PNI_B, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.secondId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemovePni(result.secondId), PnpOperation.RemoveE164(result.secondId), PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.secondId, secondaryId = result.firstId ), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId = result.secondId, oldE164 = E164_B, newE164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } @Test fun merge_e164AndPni_e164Aci_changeNumber() { val result = applyAndAssert( listOf( Input(E164_A, PNI_A, null), Input(E164_B, null, ACI_A) ), Update(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A), Output(E164_A, PNI_A, ACI_A) ) assertEquals( PnpChangeSet( id = PnpIdResolver.PnpNoopId(result.secondId), operations = linkedSetOf( PnpOperation.RemoveE164(result.secondId), PnpOperation.Merge( primaryId = result.secondId, secondaryId = result.firstId ), PnpOperation.ChangeNumberInsert( recipientId = result.secondId, oldE164 = E164_B, newE164 = E164_A ) ) ), result.changeSet ) } private fun insert(e164: String?, pni: PNI?, aci: ACI?): RecipientId { val id: Long = SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.insert( RecipientTable.TABLE_NAME, null, contentValuesOf( RecipientTable.PHONE to e164, RecipientTable.SERVICE_ID to (aci ?: pni)?.toString(), RecipientTable.PNI_COLUMN to pni?.toString(), RecipientTable.REGISTERED to ) ) return RecipientId.from(id) } private fun insertMockSessionFor(account: ServiceId, address: ServiceId) { SignalDatabase.rawDatabase.insert( SessionTable.TABLE_NAME, null, contentValuesOf( SessionTable.ACCOUNT_ID to account.toString(), SessionTable.ADDRESS to address.toString(), SessionTable.DEVICE to 1, SessionTable.RECORD to Util.getSecretBytes(32) ) ) } data class Input(val e164: String?, val pni: PNI?, val aci: ACI?, val pniSession: Boolean = false, val aciSession: Boolean = false) data class Update(val e164: String?, val pni: PNI?, val aci: ACI?, val pniVerified: Boolean = false) data class Output(val e164: String?, val pni: PNI?, val aci: ACI?) data class PnpMatchResult(val ids: List, val changeSet: PnpChangeSet) { val id get() = if (ids.size == 1) { ids[0] } else { throw IllegalStateException("There are multiple IDs, but you assumed 1!") } val firstId get() = ids[0] val secondId get() = ids[1] val thirdId get() = ids[2] } private fun applyAndAssert(input: Input, update: Update, output: Output): PnpMatchResult { return applyAndAssert(listOf(input), update, output) } /** * Helper method that will call insert your recipients, call [RecipientTable.processPnpTupleToChangeSet] with your params, * and then verify your output matches what you expect. * * It results the inserted ID's and changeset for additional verification. * * But basically this is here to make the tests more readable. It gives you a clear list of: * - input * - update * - output * * that you can spot check easily. * * Important: The output will only include records that contain fields from the input. That means * for: * * Input: E164_B, PNI_A, null * Update: E164_A, PNI_A, null * * You will get: * Output: E164_A, PNI_A, null * * Even though there was an update that will also result in the row (E164_B, null, null) */ private fun applyAndAssert(input: List, update: Update, output: Output): PnpMatchResult { val ids = { insert(it.e164, it.pni, it.aci) } input .filter { it.pniSession } .forEach { insertMockSessionFor(databaseRule.localAci, it.pni!!) } input .filter { it.aciSession } .forEach { insertMockSessionFor(databaseRule.localAci, it.aci!!) } val byE164 = update.e164?.let { db.getByE164(it).orElse(null) } val byPniSid = update.pni?.let { db.getByServiceId(it).orElse(null) } val byAciSid = update.aci?.let { db.getByServiceId(it).orElse(null) } val data = PnpDataSet( e164 = update.e164, pni = update.pni, aci = update.aci, byE164 = byE164, byPniSid = byPniSid, byPniOnly = update.pni?.let { db.getByPni(it).orElse(null) }, byAciSid = byAciSid, e164Record = byE164?.let { db.getRecord(it) }, pniSidRecord = byPniSid?.let { db.getRecord(it) }, aciSidRecord = byAciSid?.let { db.getRecord(it) } ) val changeSet = db.processPnpTupleToChangeSet(update.e164, update.pni, update.aci, pniVerified = update.pniVerified) val finalData = data.perform(changeSet.operations) val finalRecords = setOfNotNull(finalData.e164Record, finalData.pniSidRecord, finalData.aciSidRecord) assertEquals("There's still multiple records in the resulting record set! $finalRecords", 1, finalRecords.size) finalRecords.firstOrNull { record -> record.e164 == output.e164 && record.pni == output.pni && record.serviceId == (output.aci ?: output.pni) } ?: throw AssertionError("Expected output was not found in the result set! Expected: $output") return PnpMatchResult( ids = ids, changeSet = changeSet ) } companion object { val ACI_A = ACI.from(UUID.fromString("3436efbe-5a76-47fa-a98a-7e72c948a82e")) val ACI_B = ACI.from(UUID.fromString("8de7f691-0b60-4a68-9cd9-ed2f8453f9ed")) val PNI_A = PNI.from(UUID.fromString("154b8d92-c960-4f6c-8385-671ad2ffb999")) val PNI_B = PNI.from(UUID.fromString("ba92b1fb-cd55-40bf-adda-c35a85375533")) const val E164_A = "+12221234567" const val E164_B = "+13331234567" const val E164_C = "+14441234567" } }