#ifdef STM32F10X_MD_VL #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef STM32L471xx #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "packet_tx_handler.h" #include "station_config.h" #include "config_data_externs.h" #include "configuration_handler.h" #include "diag/Trace.h" #include "antilib_adc.h" #include "afsk_pr.h" #include "TimerConfig.h" #include "PathConfig.h" #include "LedConfig.h" #include "io.h" #include "float_to_string.h" #include "it_handlers.h" #include "aprs/digi.h" #include "aprs/telemetry.h" #include "aprs/dac.h" #include "aprs/beacon.h" #include "ve_direct_protocol/parser.h" #include "rte_wx.h" #include "rte_pv.h" #include "rte_main.h" #include "rte_rtu.h" #include #include "drivers/dallas.h" #include "drivers/i2c.h" #include "drivers/analog_anemometer.h" #include "aprs/wx.h" #include "../system/include/modbus_rtu/rtu_serial_io.h" #include "../system/include/davis_vantage/davis.h" #include "../system/include/davis_vantage/davis_parsers.h" #include "drivers/ms5611.h" #include #include "umb_master/umb_master.h" #include "umb_master/umb_channel_pool.h" #include "umb_master/umb_0x26_status.h" #include "drivers/dallas.h" #include "KissCommunication.h" #define SOH 0x01 //#define SERIAL_TX_TEST_MODE // Niebieska dioda -> DCD // Zielona dioda -> anemometr albo TX // backup registers // 2 -> 4bit hard-faults | 4bit boot-counter // 3 -> hard fault PC LSB // 4 -> hard fault PC MSB // 5 -> hard fault LR LSB // 6 -> hard fault LR MSB #define CONFIG_FIRST_RESTORED (1) #define CONFIG_FIRST_FAIL_RESTORING (1 << 1) #define CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK (1 << 2) #define CONFIG_SECOND_RESTORED (1 << 3) #define CONFIG_SECOND_FAIL_RESTORING (1 << 4) #define CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK (1 << 5) // ----- main() --------------------------------------------------------------- // Sample pragmas to cope with warnings. Please note the related line at // the end of this function, used to pop the compiler diagnostics status. #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-declarations" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wempty-body" // used configuration structures const config_data_mode_t * main_config_data_mode = 0; const config_data_basic_t * main_config_data_basic = 0; const config_data_wx_sources_t * main_config_data_wx_sources = 0; const config_data_umb_t * main_config_data_umb = 0; const config_data_rtu_t * main_config_data_rtu = 0; // global variable incremented by the SysTick handler to measure time in miliseconds uint32_t master_time = 0; // this global variable stores numbers of ticks of idling CPU uint32_t main_idle_cpu_ticks = 0; // current cpu idle ticks uint32_t main_current_cpu_idle_ticks = 0; // approx cpu load in percents int8_t main_cpu_load = 0; // global variable used as a timer to trigger meteo sensors mesurements int32_t main_wx_sensors_pool_timer = 65500; // global variable used as a timer to trigger packet sending int32_t main_one_minute_pool_timer = 60000; // one second pool interval int32_t main_one_second_pool_timer = 1000; // two second pool interval int32_t main_two_second_pool_timer = 2000; // ten second pool interval int32_t main_ten_second_pool_timer = 10000; // serial context for UART used to KISS srl_context_t main_kiss_srl_ctx; // serial context for UART used for comm with wx sensors srl_context_t main_wx_srl_ctx; // a pointer to KISS context srl_context_t* main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr; // a pointer to wx comms context srl_context_t* main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr; // target USART1 (kiss) baudrate uint32_t main_target_kiss_baudrate; // target USART2 (wx) baudrate uint32_t main_target_wx_baudrate; // controls if the KISS modem is enabled uint8_t main_kiss_enabled = 1; // controls if DAVIS serialprotocol client is enabled by the configuration uint8_t main_davis_serial_enabled = 0; uint8_t main_modbus_rtu_master_enabled = 0; // global variables represending the AX25/APRS stack AX25Ctx main_ax25; Afsk main_afsk; AX25Call main_own_path[3]; uint8_t main_own_path_ln = 0; uint8_t main_own_aprs_msg_len; char main_own_aprs_msg[OWN_APRS_MSG_LN]; char main_string_latitude[9]; char main_string_longitude[9]; char main_symbol_f = '/'; char main_symbol_s = '#'; // global variable used to store return value from various functions volatile uint8_t retval = 100; uint16_t buffer_len = 0; // return value from UMB related functions umb_retval_t main_umb_retval = UMB_UNINITIALIZED; // result of CRC calculation uint32_t main_crc_result = 0; char after_tx_lock; unsigned short rx10m = 0, tx10m = 0, digi10m = 0, digidrop10m = 0, kiss10m = 0; static void message_callback(struct AX25Msg *msg) { } int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int32_t ln = 0; uint8_t button_inhibit = 0; RCC->APB1ENR |= (RCC_APB1ENR_TIM2EN | RCC_APB1ENR_TIM3EN | RCC_APB1ENR_TIM7EN | RCC_APB1ENR_TIM4EN); RCC->APB2ENR |= (RCC_APB2ENR_IOPAEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPBEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPCEN | RCC_APB2ENR_IOPDEN | RCC_APB2ENR_AFIOEN | RCC_APB2ENR_TIM1EN); RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_CRCEN; memset(main_own_aprs_msg, 0x00, OWN_APRS_MSG_LN); NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_4); // choosing the signal source for the SysTick timer. SysTick_CLKSourceConfig(SysTick_CLKSource_HCLK); // Configuring the SysTick timer to generate interrupt 100x per second (one interrupt = 10ms) SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / SYSTICK_TICKS_PER_SECONDS); // setting an Systick interrupt priority NVIC_SetPriority(SysTick_IRQn, 5); // enable access to BKP registers RCC->APB1ENR |= (RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN | RCC_APB1ENR_BKPEN); PWR->CR |= PWR_CR_DBP; rte_main_reboot_req = 0; // read current number of boot cycles rte_main_boot_cycles = (uint8_t)(BKP->DR2 & 0xFF); // read current number of hard faults rte_main_hard_faults = (uint8_t)((BKP->DR2 & 0xFF00) >> 8); // increase boot cycles count rte_main_boot_cycles++; // erasing old value from backup registers BKP->DR2 &= (0xFFFF ^ 0xFF); // storing increased value BKP->DR2 |= rte_main_boot_cycles; // rte_main_hardfault_pc = (BKP->DR3 | (BKP->DR4 << 16)); // rte_main_hardfault_lr = (BKP->DR5 | (BKP->DR6 << 16)); BKP->DR3 = 0; BKP->DR4 = 0; BKP->DR5 = 0; BKP->DR6 = 0; // initializing variables & arrays in rte_wx rte_wx_init(); rte_rtu_init(); // calculate CRC over configuration blocks main_crc_result = configuration_handler_check_crc(); // if first section has wrong CRC and it hasn't been restored before if ((main_crc_result & 0x01) == 0 && (BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_FIRST_FAIL_RESTORING) == 0) { // restore default configuration if (configuration_handler_restore_default_first() == 0) { // if configuration has been restored successfully BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_FIRST_RESTORED; // set also CRC flag because if restoring is successfull the region has good CRC BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK; } else { // if not store the flag in the backup register to block // reinitializing once again in the consecutive restart BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_FIRST_FAIL_RESTORING; } } else { // if the combined confition is not met check failed restoring flag if ((BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_FIRST_FAIL_RESTORING) == 0) { // a CRC checksum is ok, so first configuration section can be used further BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK; } else { ; } } // if second section has wrong CRC and it hasn't been restored before if ((main_crc_result & 0x02) == 0 && (BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_SECOND_FAIL_RESTORING) == 0) { // restore default configuration if (configuration_handler_restore_default_second() == 0) { // if configuration has been restored successfully BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_SECOND_RESTORED; // set also CRC flag as if restoring is successfull the region has good CRC BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK; } else { // if not store the flag in the backup register BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_SECOND_FAIL_RESTORING; BKP->DR3 &= (0xFFFF ^ CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK); } } else { // check failed restoring flag if ((BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_SECOND_FAIL_RESTORING) == 0) { // second configuration section has good CRC and can be used further BKP->DR3 |= CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK; } else { ; } } // at this point both sections have either verified CRC or restored values to default if ((BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK) != 0 && (BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK) != 0) { // if both sections are OK check programming counters if (config_data_pgm_cntr_first > config_data_pgm_cntr_second) { // if first section has bigger programing counter use it configuration_handler_load_configuration(REGION_FIRST); } else { configuration_handler_load_configuration(REGION_SECOND); } } else if ((BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK) != 0 && (BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK) == 0) { // if only first region is OK use it configuration_handler_load_configuration(REGION_FIRST); } else if ((BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_FIRST_CRC_OK) == 0 && (BKP->DR3 & CONFIG_SECOND_CRC_OK) != 0) { // if only first region is OK use it configuration_handler_load_configuration(REGION_FIRST); } else { configuration_handler_load_configuration(REGION_DEFAULT); } // disabling access to BKP registers RCC->APB1ENR &= (0xFFFFFFFF ^ (RCC_APB1ENR_PWREN | RCC_APB1ENR_BKPEN)); PWR->CR &= (0xFFFFFFFF ^ PWR_CR_DBP); // converting latitude into string memset(main_string_latitude, 0x00, sizeof(main_string_latitude)); float_to_string(main_config_data_basic->latitude, main_string_latitude, sizeof(main_string_latitude), 2, 2); // converting longitude into string memset(main_string_longitude, 0x00, sizeof(main_string_longitude)); float_to_string(main_config_data_basic->longitude, main_string_longitude, sizeof(main_string_longitude), 2, 5); switch(main_config_data_basic->symbol) { case 0: // _SYMBOL_DIGI main_symbol_f = '/'; main_symbol_s = '#'; break; case 1: // _SYMBOL_WIDE1_DIGI main_symbol_f = '1'; main_symbol_s = '#'; break; case 2: // _SYMBOL_HOUSE main_symbol_f = '/'; main_symbol_s = '-'; break; case 3: // _SYMBOL_RXIGATE main_symbol_f = 'I'; main_symbol_s = '&'; break; default: // _SYMBOL_IGATE main_symbol_f = 'R'; main_symbol_s = '&'; break; } #if defined _RANDOM_DELAY // configuring a default delay value delay_set(_DELAY_BASE, 1); #elif !defined _RANDOM_DELAY delay_set(_DELAY_BASE, 0); #endif // initalizing separated Open Collector output io_oc_init(); // initialize sensor power control and switch off supply voltage wx_pwr_init(); // call periodic handle to wait for 1 second and then switch on voltage wx_pwr_periodic_handle(); // waiting for 1 second to count number of ticks when the CPU is idle main_idle_cpu_ticks = delay_fixed_with_count(1000); // Configure I/O pins for USART1 (Kiss modem) Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,10,PUD_INPUT); // RX Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,9,AFPP_OUTPUT_2MHZ); // TX // Configure I/O pins for USART2 (wx meteo comm) Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,3,PUD_INPUT); // RX Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,2,AFPP_OUTPUT_2MHZ); // TX #if defined(PARATNC_HWREV_A) || defined(PARATNC_HWREV_B) Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,7,GPPP_OUTPUT_2MHZ); // re/te GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_7); #endif #if defined(PARATNC_HWREV_C) Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,8,GPPP_OUTPUT_2MHZ); // re/te GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_8); #endif // enabling the clock for both USARTs RCC->APB2ENR |= RCC_APB2ENR_USART1EN; RCC->APB1ENR |= RCC_APB1ENR_USART2EN; main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr = &main_kiss_srl_ctx; main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr = &main_wx_srl_ctx; main_target_kiss_baudrate = 9600u; main_target_wx_baudrate = _SERIAL_BAUDRATE; // if Victron VE-direct protocol is enabled set the baudrate to the 19200u if (main_config_data_mode->victron == 1) { main_target_kiss_baudrate = 19200u; // and disable the kiss TNC option as it shares the same port main_kiss_enabled = 0; } if (main_config_data_mode->wx_davis == 1) { // reinitialize the KISS serial port temporary to davis baudrate main_target_kiss_baudrate = DAVIS_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE; // reset RX state to allow reinitialization with changed baudrate main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state = SRL_RX_NOT_CONFIG; // reinitializing serial hardware to wake up Davis wx station srl_init(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, USART1, srl_usart1_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_1_LN, srl_usart1_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN, main_target_kiss_baudrate, 1); srl_switch_timeout(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, SRL_TIMEOUT_ENABLE, 3000); davis_init(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr); // try to wake up the davis base rte_wx_davis_station_avaliable = (davis_wake_up(DAVIS_BLOCKING_IO) == 0 ? 1 : 0); // if davis weather stations is connected to SERIAL port if (rte_wx_davis_station_avaliable == 1) { // turn LCD backlight on.. davis_control_backlight(1); // wait for a while delay_fixed(1000); // and then off to let the user know that communication is working davis_control_backlight(0); // disable the KISS modem as the UART will be used for DAVIS wx station main_kiss_enabled = 0; // enable the davis serial protocol client to allow pooling callbacks to be called in main loop. // This only controls the callback it doesn't mean that the station itself is responding to // communication. It stays set to one event if Davis station main_davis_serial_enabled = 1; // trigger the rxcheck to get all counter values davis_trigger_rxcheck_packet(); } else { // if not revert back to KISS configuration main_target_kiss_baudrate = 9600u; main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state = SRL_RX_NOT_CONFIG; // initializing UART drvier srl_init(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, USART1, srl_usart1_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_1_LN, srl_usart1_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN, main_target_kiss_baudrate, 1); srl_init(main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, USART2, srl_usart2_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_2_LN, srl_usart2_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_2_LN, main_target_wx_baudrate, 1); } } else if (main_config_data_mode->wx_modbus == 1) { rtu_serial_init(&rte_rtu_pool_queue, 1, main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, main_config_data_rtu); main_target_wx_baudrate = main_config_data_rtu->slave_speed; // initialize serial ports according to RS485 network configuration for Modbus-RTU srl_init(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, USART1, srl_usart1_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_1_LN, srl_usart1_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN, main_target_kiss_baudrate, 1); srl_init(main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, USART2, srl_usart2_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_2_LN, srl_usart2_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_2_LN, main_target_wx_baudrate, main_config_data_rtu->slave_stop_bits); srl_switch_tx_delay(main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, 1); // enabling rtu master code main_modbus_rtu_master_enabled = 1; rtu_serial_start(); } else { // initializing UART drvier srl_init(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, USART1, srl_usart1_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_1_LN, srl_usart1_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN, main_target_kiss_baudrate, 1); srl_init(main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, USART2, srl_usart2_rx_buffer, RX_BUFFER_2_LN, srl_usart2_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_2_LN, main_target_wx_baudrate, 1); } #if defined(PARATNC_HWREV_A) || defined(PARATNC_HWREV_B) main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->te_pin = GPIO_Pin_7; main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->te_port = GPIOA; #endif #if defined(PARATNC_HWREV_C) main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->te_pin = GPIO_Pin_8; main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->te_port = GPIOA; #endif // initialize APRS path with zeros memset (main_own_path, 0x00, sizeof(main_own_path)); // configuring an APRS path used to transmit own packets (telemetry, wx, beacons) main_own_path_ln = ConfigPath(main_own_path, main_config_data_basic); #ifdef INTERNAL_WATCHDOG // enable write access to watchdog registers IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable); // Set watchdog prescaler IWDG_SetPrescaler(IWDG_Prescaler_128); // Set the counter value to program watchdog for about 13 seconds IWDG_SetReload(0xFFF); // enable the watchdog IWDG_Enable(); // do not disable the watchdog when the core is halted on a breakpoint DBGMCU_Config(DBGMCU_IWDG_STOP, ENABLE); // reload watchdog counter IWDG_ReloadCounter(); #endif #ifdef _METEO // initialize i2c controller i2cConfigure(); #endif // initialize GPIO pins leds are connecting to led_init(); // initialize AX25 & APRS stuff AFSK_Init(&main_afsk); ax25_init(&main_ax25, &main_afsk, 0, 0x00); DA_Init(); // initialize Watchdog output Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,12,GPPP_OUTPUT_50MHZ); // initializing the digipeater configuration digi_init(main_config_data_mode); if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 1) { dallas_init(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_11, GPIO_PinSource11, &rte_wx_dallas_average); if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { // client initialization umb_master_init(&rte_wx_umb_context, main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, main_config_data_umb); } if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_INTERNAL_SPARKFUN_WIND) == 0) { analog_anemometer_init(_ANEMOMETER_PULSES_IN_10SEC_PER_ONE_MS_OF_WINDSPEED, 38, 100, 1); } else { analog_anemometer_init(_ANEMOMETER_PULSES_IN_10SEC_PER_ONE_MS_OF_WINDSPEED, 38, 100, 1); } } //#ifdef _DALLAS_AS_TELEM // #ifndef _DALLAS_SPLIT_PIN // dallas_init(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_6, GPIO_PinSource6, &rte_wx_dallas_average); // #else // dallas_init(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_11, GPIO_PinSource11, &rte_wx_dallas_average); // #endif //#endif // configuring interrupt priorities it_handlers_set_priorities(); if (main_config_data_mode->wx_ms5611_or_bme == 0) { ms5611_reset(&rte_wx_ms5611_qf); ms5611_read_calibration(SensorCalData, &rte_wx_ms5611_qf); ms5611_trigger_measure(0, 0); } else if (main_config_data_mode->wx_ms5611_or_bme == 1) { bme280_reset(&rte_wx_bme280_qf); bme280_setup(); bme280_read_calibration(bme280_calibration_data); } if (main_kiss_enabled == 1) { // preparing initial beacon which will be sent to host PC using KISS protocol via UART main_own_aprs_msg_len = sprintf(main_own_aprs_msg, "=%s%c%c%s%c%c %s", main_string_latitude, main_config_data_basic->n_or_s, main_symbol_f, main_string_longitude, main_config_data_basic->e_or_w, main_symbol_s, main_config_data_basic->comment); // terminating the aprs message main_own_aprs_msg[main_own_aprs_msg_len] = 0; // 'sending' the message which will only encapsulate it inside AX25 protocol (ax25_starttx is not called here) //ax25_sendVia(&main_ax25, main_own_path, (sizeof(main_own_path) / sizeof(*(main_own_path))), main_own_aprs_msg, main_own_aprs_msg_len); ln = ax25_sendVia_toBuffer(main_own_path, (sizeof(main_own_path) / sizeof(*(main_own_path))), main_own_aprs_msg, main_own_aprs_msg_len, main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_pointer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN); // SendKISSToHost function cleares the output buffer hence routine need to wait till the UART will be ready for next transmission. // Here this could be omitted because UART isn't used before but general idea while(main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_state != SRL_TX_IDLE && main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_state != SRL_TX_ERROR); // converting AX25 with beacon to KISS format //ln = SendKISSToHost(main_afsk.tx_buf + 1, main_afsk.tx_fifo.tail - main_afsk.tx_fifo.head - 4, srl_tx_buffer, TX_BUFFER_LN); // checking if KISS-framing was done correctly if (ln != KISS_TOO_LONG_FRM) { #ifdef SERIAL_TX_TEST_MODE // infinite loop for testing UART transmission for (;;) { retval = srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, 100, FEND, FEND, 0, 0, 0); #endif retval = srl_start_tx(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, ln); #ifdef SERIAL_TX_TEST_MODE while(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_tx_state != SRL_TX_IDLE); // while(srl_rx_state != SRL_RX_DONE); GPIOC->ODR = (GPIOC->ODR ^ GPIO_Pin_9); if (main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_DONE) { GPIOC->ODR = (GPIOC->ODR ^ GPIO_Pin_8); retval = 200; } } #endif } } // reinitializing AFSK and AX25 driver AFSK_Init(&main_afsk); ADCStartConfig(); DACStartConfig(); AFSK_Init(&main_afsk); ax25_init(&main_ax25, &main_afsk, 0, message_callback); if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 1) { // getting all meteo measuremenets to be sure that WX frames want be sent with zeros wx_get_all_measurements(main_config_data_wx_sources, main_config_data_mode, main_config_data_umb, main_config_data_rtu); } // start serial port i/o transaction depending on station configuration if (main_config_data_mode->victron == 1) { // initializing protocol parser ve_direct_parser_init(&rte_pv_struct, &rte_pv_average); // enabling timeout handling for serial port. This is required because VE protocol frame may vary in lenght // and serial port driver could finish reception only either on stop character or when declared number of bytes // has been received. srl_switch_timeout(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, 1, 50); // switching UART to receive mode to be ready for data from charging controller srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, VE_DIRECT_MAX_FRAME_LN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } else { // switching UART to receive mode to be ready for KISS frames from host srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, 100, FEND, FEND, 0, 0, 0); } io_oc_output_low(); GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_8 | GPIO_Pin_9); // configuting system timers TimerConfig(); if (main_config_data_basic-> beacon_at_bootup == 1) beacon_send_own(); // initialize UMB transaction if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { umb_0x26_status_request(&rte_wx_umb, &rte_wx_umb_context, main_config_data_umb); } #ifdef INTERNAL_WATCHDOG // reload watchdog counter IWDG_ReloadCounter(); #endif #ifdef EXTERNAL_WATCHDOG Configure_GPIO(GPIOA,12,GPPP_OUTPUT_2MHZ); // external watchdog GPIOA->ODR ^= GPIO_Pin_12; // Flip the watchdog pin #endif // Infinite loop while (1) { // incrementing current cpu ticks main_current_cpu_idle_ticks++; if (rte_main_reboot_req == 1) { NVIC_SystemReset(); } else { ; } // read the state of a button input if (GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_0)) { // if modem is not busy on transmitting something and the button is not // inhibited if (main_afsk.sending == false && button_inhibit == 0) { // wait for radio channel to be released while(main_ax25.dcd == true); if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 0) { beacon_send_own(); } else { srl_wait_for_tx_completion(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr); SendWXFrameToBuffer(rte_wx_average_windspeed, rte_wx_max_windspeed, rte_wx_average_winddirection, rte_wx_temperature_average_external_valid, rte_wx_pressure_valid, rte_wx_humidity, main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_pointer, TX_BUFFER_1_LN, &ln); if (main_kiss_enabled == 1) { srl_start_tx(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, ln); } } } button_inhibit = 1; } else { button_inhibit = 0; } // if new packet has been received from radio channel if(ax25_new_msg_rx_flag == 1) { memset(main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_pointer, 0x00, main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_ln); if (main_kiss_enabled == 1) { // convert message to kiss format and send it to host srl_start_tx(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, SendKISSToHost(ax25_rxed_frame.raw_data, (ax25_rxed_frame.raw_msg_len - 2), main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_pointer, main_kiss_srl_ctx.srl_tx_buf_ln)); } main_ax25.dcd = false; #ifndef _MUTE_OWN #ifdef _DIGI //digi_check_with_viscous(&ax25_rxed_frame); // check if this packet needs to be repeated (digipeated) and do it if it is necessary digi_process(&ax25_rxed_frame, main_config_data_basic, main_config_data_mode); #endif #endif ax25_new_msg_rx_flag = 0; rx10m++; } // if Victron VE.direct client is enabled if (main_config_data_mode->victron == 1) { // if new KISS message has been received from the host if (main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_DONE || main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_ERROR) { // cutting received string to Checksum, everything after will be skipped ve_direct_cut_to_checksum(srl_get_rx_buffer(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), TX_BUFFER_1_LN, &buffer_len); // checking if this frame is ok ve_direct_validate_checksum(srl_get_rx_buffer(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), buffer_len, &retval); if (retval == 1) { // parsing data from input serial buffer to retval = ve_direct_parse_to_raw_struct(srl_get_rx_buffer(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), buffer_len, &rte_pv_struct); if (retval == 0) { ve_direct_add_to_average(&rte_pv_struct, &rte_pv_average); ve_direct_get_averages(&rte_pv_average, &rte_pv_battery_current, &rte_pv_battery_voltage, &rte_pv_cell_voltage, &rte_pv_load_current); ve_direct_set_sys_voltage(&rte_pv_struct, &rte_pv_sys_voltage); ve_direct_store_errors(&rte_pv_struct, &rte_pv_last_error); rte_pv_messages_count++; } } else { rte_pv_corrupted_messages_count++; } //memset(srl_get_rx_buffer(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), 0x00, TX_BUFFER_1_LN); srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, VE_DIRECT_MAX_FRAME_LN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } else if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { // if some UMB data have been received if (main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_DONE) { umb_pooling_handler(&rte_wx_umb_context, REASON_RECEIVE_IDLE, master_time, main_config_data_umb); } // if there were an error during receiving frame from host, restart rxing once again if (main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_ERROR) { umb_pooling_handler(&rte_wx_umb_context, REASON_RECEIVE_ERROR, master_time, main_config_data_umb); } if (main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_tx_state == SRL_TX_IDLE) { umb_pooling_handler(&rte_wx_umb_context, REASON_TRANSMIT_IDLE, master_time, main_config_data_umb); } } else { // if new KISS message has been received from the host if (main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_DONE && main_kiss_enabled == 1) { // parse incoming data and then transmit on radio freq short res = ParseReceivedKISS(srl_get_rx_buffer(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), srl_get_num_bytes_rxed(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr), &main_ax25, &main_afsk); if (res == 0) kiss10m++; // increase kiss messages counter // restart KISS receiving to be ready for next frame srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, 120, FEND, FEND, 0, 0, 0); } // if there were an error during receiving frame from host, restart rxing once again if (main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_state == SRL_RX_ERROR && main_kiss_enabled == 1) { srl_receive_data(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr, 120, FEND, FEND, 0, 0, 0); } } // if Davis wx station is enabled and it is alive if (main_davis_serial_enabled == 1) { // pool the Davis wx station driver for LOOP packet davis_loop_packet_pooler(&rte_wx_davis_loop_packet_avaliable); davis_rxcheck_packet_pooler(); } // if modbus rtu master is enabled if (main_modbus_rtu_master_enabled == 1) { rtu_serial_pool(); } // get all meteo measuremenets each 65 seconds. some values may not be // downloaded from sensors if _METEO and/or _DALLAS_AS_TELEM aren't defined if (main_wx_sensors_pool_timer < 10) { if (main_modbus_rtu_master_enabled == 1) { rtu_serial_start(); } if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 1) { wx_get_all_measurements(main_config_data_wx_sources, main_config_data_mode, main_config_data_umb, main_config_data_rtu); } if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { // umb_0x26_status_request(&rte_wx_umb, &rte_wx_umb_context, main_config_data_umb); } if (main_davis_serial_enabled == 1) { davis_trigger_rxcheck_packet(); } if (rte_main_trigger_modbus_status == 1 && main_modbus_rtu_master_enabled == 1) { rtu_serial_get_status_string(&rte_rtu_pool_queue, main_wx_srl_ctx_ptr, main_own_aprs_msg, OWN_APRS_MSG_LN, &main_own_aprs_msg_len); ax25_sendVia(&main_ax25, main_own_path, main_own_path_ln, main_own_aprs_msg, main_own_aprs_msg_len); afsk_txStart(&main_afsk); rte_main_trigger_modbus_status = 0; } main_wx_sensors_pool_timer = 65500; } if (main_one_minute_pool_timer < 10) { #ifndef _MUTE_OWN packet_tx_handler(main_config_data_basic, main_config_data_mode); #endif main_one_minute_pool_timer = 60000; } if (main_one_second_pool_timer < 10) { //digi_pool_viscous(); if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 1) { analog_anemometer_direction_handler(); } main_one_second_pool_timer = 1000; } else if (main_one_second_pool_timer < -10) { if ((main_config_data_mode->wx & WX_ENABLED) == 1) { analog_anemometer_direction_reset(); } main_one_second_pool_timer = 1000; } if (main_two_second_pool_timer < 10) { wx_check_force_i2c_reset(); wx_pwr_periodic_handle(); #ifdef INTERNAL_WATCHDOG IWDG_ReloadCounter(); #endif main_two_second_pool_timer = 2000; } if (main_ten_second_pool_timer < 10) { if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { umb_channel_pool(&rte_wx_umb, &rte_wx_umb_context, main_config_data_umb); } if (main_config_data_mode->wx_umb == 1) { rte_wx_umb_qf = umb_get_current_qf(&rte_wx_umb_context, master_time); } wx_pool_anemometer(main_config_data_wx_sources, main_config_data_mode, main_config_data_umb, main_config_data_rtu); if (main_davis_serial_enabled == 1) { // if previous LOOP packet is ready for processing if (rte_wx_davis_loop_packet_avaliable == 1) { davis_parsers_loop(main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_buf_pointer, main_kiss_srl_ctx_ptr->srl_rx_buf_ln, &rte_wx_davis_loop_content); } // trigger consecutive LOOP packet davis_trigger_loop_packet(); } main_ten_second_pool_timer = 10000; } } // Infinite loop, never return. } uint16_t main_get_adc_sample(void) { return (uint16_t) ADC1->DR; } void main_service_cpu_load_ticks(void) { uint32_t cpu_ticks_load = 0; // the biggest this result will be the biggest load the CPU is handling cpu_ticks_load = main_idle_cpu_ticks - main_current_cpu_idle_ticks; // calculate the cpu load main_cpu_load = (int8_t) ((cpu_ticks_load * 100) / main_idle_cpu_ticks); // reset the tick counter back to zero; main_current_cpu_idle_ticks = 0; } #pragma GCC diagnostic pop // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------