#include #include #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui_impl_glfw.h" #include "imgui_impl_opengl3.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FileSelect fileSelect("%ROOT/recordings", "Alllll\0*.*\0Text\0*.TXT\0"); // const int FFTSizes[] = { // 65536, // 32768, // 16384, // 8192, // 4096, // 2048 // }; // const char* FFTSizesStr[] = { // "65536", // "32768", // "16384", // "8192", // "4096", // "2048" // }; // int fftSizeId = 0; int fftSize = 8192 * 8; std::thread worker; std::mutex fft_mtx; fftwf_complex *fft_in, *fft_out; fftwf_plan p; float* tempFFT; float* FFTdata; char buf[1024]; bool experimentalZoom = false; void fftHandler(dsp::complex_t* samples, int count, void* ctx) { memcpy(fft_in, samples, count * sizeof(dsp::complex_t)); fftwf_execute(p); int half = count / 2; volk_32fc_s32f_power_spectrum_32f(tempFFT, (lv_32fc_t*)fft_out, count, count); volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(FFTdata, tempFFT, 0.5f, count); memcpy(tempFFT, &FFTdata[half], half * sizeof(float)); memmove(&FFTdata[half], FFTdata, half * sizeof(float)); memcpy(FFTdata, tempFFT, half * sizeof(float)); float* fftBuf = gui::waterfall.getFFTBuffer(); if (fftBuf == NULL) { gui::waterfall.pushFFT(); return; } float last = FFTdata[0]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { last = (FFTdata[i] * 0.1f) + (last * 0.9f); fftBuf[i] = last; } gui::waterfall.pushFFT(); } watcher freq((uint64_t)90500000); watcher vfoFreq(92000000.0); float fftMin = -70.0; float fftMax = 0.0; watcher offset(0.0, true); float bw = 8000000; bool playing = false; watcher dcbias(false, false); bool showCredits = false; std::string audioStreamName = ""; std::string sourceName = ""; int menuWidth = 300; bool grabbingMenu = false; int newWidth = 300; int fftHeight = 300; bool showMenu = true; bool centerTuning = false; dsp::stream dummyStream; bool demoWindow = false; void windowInit() { LoadingScreen::show("Initializing UI"); gui::waterfall.init(); gui::waterfall.setRawFFTSize(fftSize); tempFFT = new float[fftSize]; FFTdata = new float[fftSize]; credits::init(); core::configManager.aquire(); gui::menu.order = core::configManager.conf["menuOrder"].get>(); std::string modulesDir = core::configManager.conf["modulesDirectory"]; std::string resourcesDir = core::configManager.conf["resourcesDirectory"]; core::configManager.release(); gui::menu.registerEntry("Source", sourecmenu::draw, NULL); gui::menu.registerEntry("Sinks", sinkmenu::draw, NULL); gui::menu.registerEntry("Scripting", scriptingmenu::draw, NULL); gui::menu.registerEntry("Band Plan", bandplanmenu::draw, NULL); gui::menu.registerEntry("Display", displaymenu::draw, NULL); gui::freqSelect.init(); // Set default values for waterfall in case no source init's it gui::waterfall.setBandwidth(8000000); gui::waterfall.setViewBandwidth(8000000); fft_in = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * fftSize); fft_out = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * fftSize); p = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(fftSize, fft_in, fft_out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); sigpath::signalPath.init(8000000, 20, fftSize, &dummyStream, (dsp::complex_t*)fft_in, fftHandler); sigpath::signalPath.start(); spdlog::info("Loading modules"); // Load modules from /module directory if (std::filesystem::is_directory(modulesDir)) { for (const auto & file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(modulesDir)) { std::string path = file.path().generic_string(); if (file.path().extension().generic_string() != SDRPP_MOD_EXTENTSION) { continue; } if (!file.is_regular_file()) { continue; } spdlog::info("Loading {0}", path); LoadingScreen::show("Loading " + path); core::moduleManager.loadModule(path); } } else { spdlog::warn("Module directory {0} does not exist, not loading modules from directory", modulesDir); } // Read module config core::configManager.aquire(); std::vector modules = core::configManager.conf["modules"]; std::map modList = core::configManager.conf["moduleInstances"]; core::configManager.release(); // Load additional modules specified through config for (auto const& path : modules) { spdlog::info("Loading {0}", path); LoadingScreen::show("Loading " + path); core::moduleManager.loadModule(path); } // Create module instances for (auto const& [name, module] : modList) { spdlog::info("Initializing {0} ({1})", name, module); LoadingScreen::show("Initializing " + name + " (" + module + ")"); core::moduleManager.createInstance(name, module); } // Load color maps LoadingScreen::show("Loading color maps"); spdlog::info("Loading color maps"); if (std::filesystem::is_directory(resourcesDir + "/colormaps")) { for (const auto & file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(resourcesDir + "/colormaps")) { std::string path = file.path().generic_string(); LoadingScreen::show("Loading " + path); spdlog::info("Loading {0}", path); if (file.path().extension().generic_string() != ".json") { continue; } if (!file.is_regular_file()) { continue; } colormaps::loadMap(path); } } else { spdlog::warn("Color map directory {0} does not exist, not loading modules from directory", modulesDir); } gui::waterfall.updatePalletteFromArray(colormaps::maps["Turbo"].map, colormaps::maps["Turbo"].entryCount); sourecmenu::init(); sinkmenu::init(); scriptingmenu::init(); bandplanmenu::init(); displaymenu::init(); // TODO for 0.2.5 // Add "select file" option for the file source // Have a good directory system on both linux and windows // Switch to double buffering (should fix occassional underruns) // Fix gain not updated on startup, soapysdr // TODO for 0.2.6 // Add a module add/remove/change order menu // Update UI settings LoadingScreen::show("Loading configuration"); core::configManager.aquire(); fftMin = core::configManager.conf["min"]; fftMax = core::configManager.conf["max"]; gui::waterfall.setFFTMin(fftMin); gui::waterfall.setWaterfallMin(fftMin); gui::waterfall.setFFTMax(fftMax); gui::waterfall.setWaterfallMax(fftMax); double frequency = core::configManager.conf["frequency"]; gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(frequency); gui::freqSelect.frequencyChanged = false; sigpath::sourceManager.tune(frequency); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(frequency); bw = gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(); gui::waterfall.vfoFreqChanged = false; gui::waterfall.centerFreqMoved = false; gui::waterfall.selectFirstVFO(); menuWidth = core::configManager.conf["menuWidth"]; newWidth = menuWidth; fftHeight = core::configManager.conf["fftHeight"]; gui::waterfall.setFFTHeight(fftHeight); centerTuning = core::configManager.conf["centerTuning"]; core::configManager.release(); } void setVFO(double freq) { double viewBW = gui::waterfall.getViewBandwidth(); double BW = gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(); if (gui::waterfall.selectedVFO == "") { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq); return; } ImGui::WaterfallVFO* vfo = gui::waterfall.vfos[gui::waterfall.selectedVFO]; double currentOff = vfo->centerOffset; double currentTune = gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset; double delta = freq - currentTune; double newVFO = currentOff + delta; double vfoBW = vfo->bandwidth; double vfoBottom = newVFO - (vfoBW / 2.0); double vfoTop = newVFO + (vfoBW / 2.0); double view = gui::waterfall.getViewOffset(); double viewBottom = view - (viewBW / 2.0); double viewTop = view + (viewBW / 2.0); double wholeFreq = gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency(); double bottom = -(BW / 2.0); double top = (BW / 2.0); if (centerTuning) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq); gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(0); sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, 0); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq); return; } // VFO still fints in the view if (vfoBottom > viewBottom && vfoTop < viewTop) { sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } // VFO too low for current SDR tuning if (vfoBottom < bottom) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0) - (vfoBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO too high for current SDR tuning if (vfoTop > top) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO is still without the SDR's bandwidth if (delta < 0) { double newViewOff = vfoTop - (viewBW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); double newViewBottom = newViewOff - (viewBW / 2.0); double newViewTop = newViewOff + (viewBW / 2.0); if (newViewBottom > bottom) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(newViewOff); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0) - (vfoBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); } else { double newViewOff = vfoBottom + (viewBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); double newViewBottom = newViewOff - (viewBW / 2.0); double newViewTop = newViewOff + (viewBW / 2.0); if (newViewTop < top) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(newViewOff); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); } } void drawWindow() { ImGui::Begin("Main", NULL, WINDOW_FLAGS); ImGui::WaterfallVFO* vfo = NULL; if (gui::waterfall.selectedVFO != "") { vfo = gui::waterfall.vfos[gui::waterfall.selectedVFO]; } if (vfo != NULL) { if (vfo->centerOffsetChanged) { if (centerTuning) { setVFO(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset); } gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset); gui::freqSelect.frequencyChanged = false; core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["frequency"] = gui::freqSelect.frequency; core::configManager.release(true); } } sigpath::vfoManager.updateFromWaterfall(&gui::waterfall); if (gui::waterfall.selectedVFOChanged && vfo != NULL) { gui::waterfall.selectedVFOChanged = false; gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(vfo->generalOffset + gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency()); gui::freqSelect.frequencyChanged = false; core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["frequency"] = gui::freqSelect.frequency; core::configManager.release(true); } if (gui::freqSelect.frequencyChanged) { gui::freqSelect.frequencyChanged = false; setVFO(gui::freqSelect.frequency); if (vfo != NULL) { vfo->centerOffsetChanged = false; vfo->lowerOffsetChanged = false; vfo->upperOffsetChanged = false; } core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["frequency"] = gui::freqSelect.frequency; core::configManager.release(true); } if (gui::waterfall.centerFreqMoved) { gui::waterfall.centerFreqMoved = false; sigpath::sourceManager.tune(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency()); if (vfo != NULL) { gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset); } else { gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency()); } core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["frequency"] = gui::freqSelect.frequency; core::configManager.release(true); } int _fftHeight = gui::waterfall.getFFTHeight(); if (fftHeight != _fftHeight) { fftHeight = _fftHeight; core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["fftHeight"] = fftHeight; core::configManager.release(true); } ImVec2 vMin = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin(); ImVec2 vMax = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax(); int width = vMax.x - vMin.x; int height = vMax.y - vMin.y; // To Bar ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID("sdrpp_menu_btn")); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::MENU, ImVec2(30, 30), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 5)) { showMenu = !showMenu; } ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); if (playing) { ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID("sdrpp_stop_btn")); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::STOP, ImVec2(30, 30), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 5)) { sigpath::sourceManager.stop(); playing = false; } ImGui::PopID(); } else { // TODO: Might need to check if there even is a device ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID("sdrpp_play_btn")); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::PLAY, ImVec2(30, 30), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 5)) { sigpath::sourceManager.start(); // TODO: tune in module instead sigpath::sourceManager.tune(gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency()); playing = true; } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); //ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 8); sigpath::sinkManager.showVolumeSlider(gui::waterfall.selectedVFO, "##_sdrpp_main_volume_", 248, 30, 5, true); ImGui::SameLine(); gui::freqSelect.draw(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() - 9); if (centerTuning) { ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID("sdrpp_ena_st_btn")); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::CENTER_TUNING, ImVec2(30, 30), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 5)) { centerTuning = false; core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["centerTuning"] = centerTuning; core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::PopID(); } else { // TODO: Might need to check if there even is a device ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID("sdrpp_dis_st_btn")); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::NORMAL_TUNING, ImVec2(30, 30), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 5)) { centerTuning = true; setVFO(gui::freqSelect.frequency); core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["centerTuning"] = centerTuning; core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); // Logo button ImGui::SetCursorPosX(ImGui::GetWindowSize().x - 48); ImGui::SetCursorPosY(10); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::LOGO, ImVec2(32, 32), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), 0)) { showCredits = true; } if (ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left)) { showCredits = false; } if (ImGui::IsKeyPressed(GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) { showCredits = false; } // Handle menu resize float curY = ImGui::GetCursorPosY(); ImVec2 winSize = ImGui::GetWindowSize(); ImVec2 mousePos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); bool click = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); bool down = ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); if (grabbingMenu) { newWidth = mousePos.x; newWidth = std::clamp(newWidth, 250, winSize.x - 250); ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()->AddLine(ImVec2(newWidth, curY), ImVec2(newWidth, winSize.y - 10), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive)); } if (mousePos.x >= newWidth - 2 && mousePos.x <= newWidth + 2 && mousePos.y > curY) { ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW); if (click) { grabbingMenu = true; } } else { ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow); } if(!down && grabbingMenu) { grabbingMenu = false; menuWidth = newWidth; core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["menuWidth"] = menuWidth; core::configManager.release(true); } // Left Column if (showMenu) { ImGui::Columns(3, "WindowColumns", false); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(0, menuWidth); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(1, winSize.x - menuWidth - 60); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(2, 60); ImGui::BeginChild("Left Column"); float menuColumnWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth(); gui::menu.draw(); if(ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Debug")) { ImGui::Text("Frame time: %.3f ms/frame", 1000.0 / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate); ImGui::Text("Framerate: %.1f FPS", ImGui::GetIO().Framerate); ImGui::Text("Center Frequency: %.0f Hz", gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency()); ImGui::Text("Source name: %s", sourceName.c_str()); if (ImGui::Checkbox("Test technique", &dcbias.val)) { //sigpath::signalPath.setDCBiasCorrection(dcbias.val); } ImGui::Checkbox("Show demo window", &demoWindow); ImGui::Checkbox("Experimental zoom", &experimentalZoom); fileSelect.render("##_testfile"); ImGui::Spacing(); } ImGui::EndChild(); } else { // When hiding the menu bar ImGui::Columns(3, "WindowColumns", false); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(0, 8); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(1, winSize.x - 8 - 60); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(2, 60); } // Right Column ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0, 0)); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::PopStyleVar(); ImGui::BeginChild("Waterfall"); gui::waterfall.draw(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::BeginChild("WaterfallControls"); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - (ImGui::CalcTextSize("Zoom").x / 2.0)); ImGui::Text("Zoom"); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - 10); if (ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_7_", ImVec2(20.0, 150.0), &bw, gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(), 1000.0, "", (experimentalZoom ? 2.0 : 1.0)) || ImGui::AllowScrollwheel(bw, 20, gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(), 1000.0)) { gui::waterfall.setViewBandwidth(bw); if (vfo != NULL) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(vfo->centerOffset); // center vfo on screen } } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - (ImGui::CalcTextSize("Max").x / 2.0)); ImGui::Text("Max"); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - 10); if (ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_8_", ImVec2(20.0, 150.0), &fftMax, 0.0, -100.0, "") || ImGui::AllowScrollwheel(fftMax, 20, -100, 0)) { fftMax = std::max(fftMax, fftMin + 10); core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["max"] = fftMax; core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - (ImGui::CalcTextSize("Min").x / 2.0)); ImGui::Text("Min"); ImGui::SetCursorPosX((ImGui::GetWindowSize().x / 2.0) - 10); if (ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_9_", ImVec2(20.0, 150.0), &fftMin, 0.0, -100.0, "") || ImGui::AllowScrollwheel(fftMin, 20, -100, 0)) { fftMin = std::min(fftMax - 10, fftMin); core::configManager.aquire(); core::configManager.conf["min"] = fftMin; core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::EndChild(); gui::waterfall.setFFTMin(fftMin); gui::waterfall.setFFTMax(fftMax); gui::waterfall.setWaterfallMin(fftMin); gui::waterfall.setWaterfallMax(fftMax); ImGui::End(); if (showCredits) { credits::show(); } if (demoWindow) { ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); } } void setViewBandwidthSlider(float bandwidth) { bw = bandwidth; } bool sdrIsRunning() { return playing; }