Rockit/Firmware/real_coded_rotary_switch/Rev 1.2/control/kalmanFilter.ino

21 wiersze
1.1 KiB

// This program performs a Kalman filter of the flight data. It smoothens the data and ignores transitory events.
// Q = process noise covariance
// R = measurement noise covariance. Larger R means large measurement uncertainty. Larger Q means larger estimation uncertainty. Thus increasing Q corrects more.
// Xpe0 = prior estimation of signal X at time t=0 (current state)
// Xe1 = estimation of X at time t=1 (previous state)
// Ppe0 = prior estimation of "error covariance" at t=0,
// P1 = error covariance at t=1, P0 = error covariance at t=0
// K = Kalman gain, Xe0 = estimation of signal at t=0, Z = measured signal at t=0;
float kalmanFilter(float Z){
Xpe0 = Xe1; // Assumption of prediction 1
Ppe0 = P1 + Q; // Update of prior estimation of "error covariance"
K = Ppe0/(Ppe0 + R); // Measurement update or correction of "Kalman gain"
Xe0 = Xpe0 + K * (Z - Xpe0); // Measurement update or correction of "estimated signal"
P0 = (1 - K) * Ppe0; // Measurement update or correction of "error covariance";
Xe1 = Xe0;
P1 = P0;
return Xe0;