The serial implementation of the arduino is not optimal. In the subfolders Sanguino and arduino are faster implementations of these. Copy the files to the proper places of your arduino installations to replace the existing ones. You find them at Arduino Pre 1.0 version: ------------------------ /hardware/arduino/cores/arduino Arduino 1.0+ version: --------------------- /hardware/arduino/cores/arduino The input buffer length is 64 bytes with this version. Make sure to reduce the buffer length in Repetier-Host or you will get overflows with unwanted results! Arduino 1.0.3 changed the handling a bit to allows setting stop bits/parity/data-bits. If you mind losing this functionality, dont copy the files! Sanguino pre 1.0 version: ------------------------- /hardware/Sanguino/cores/arduino Sanguino 1.0+ version: ---------------------- /hardware/Sanguino/cores/arduino Make sure to copy the Arduino.h which is needed to compile on Arduino 1.0. Replace the original boards.txt with the boards.txt so uploading files works. gen7 pre 1.0 version: --------------------- /hardware/Gen7/cores/arduino gen7 1.0+ version: ------------------ /hardware/Gen7/cores/arduino Make sure to copy the Arduino.h which is needed to compile on Arduino 1.0. Replace the original boards.txt with the boards.txt so uploading files works. ============================ The versions are the Arduino IDE versions not the board versions! The wiring files are fully compatible with the original files. Only the slow modulo operator % is replaced by a fast "and" operation.