Radioberry-2.x/software/firmwareloader - pigpio/loadFPGA.c

234 wiersze
4.6 KiB

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pigpio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "loadFPGA.h"
#define S_CUR 1 /* SEEK_CUR */
#define S_END 2 /* SEEK_END */
#define S_SET 0 /* SEEK_SET */
#define iPinCONF_DONE 22
#define iPinNSTATUS 26
#define oPinNCONFIG 27
#define oPinDATA 13
#define oPinDCLK 24
int rpi4;
int main (int argc, char **argv)
printf ("\n\n");
printf ("=======================================================\n") ;
printf ("=== Raspberry Pi - RadioBerry Firmware Loader ===\n") ;
printf ("=======================================================\n") ;
printf ("\n\n");
if (argc != 2)
printf("Can not execute, valid command line arguments are 'CL016' or 'CL025'\n\n");
return -1;
char filename[30];
if (strcmp(argv[1], "CL016")==0) {
strcpy(filename, "radioberry-10CL016.rbf");
} else if (strcmp(argv[1], "CL025")==0) {
strcpy(filename, "radioberry.rbf");
} else {
printf("Can not execute!. \nCommand line argument expected by program must be 'CL016' or 'CL025'\n\n");
return -1;
printf("%s will be loaded.\n\n\n", filename);
int file_id;
unsigned int rev = gpioHardwareRevision();
//A03111 hex
int rpi4 = (rev >= 10498321) ? 1 : 0;
if (rpi4) fprintf(stderr, "\nLoading radioberry firmware using a RPI-4\n\n");
gpioVersion() ;
printf ("pigpio version: %d\n\n", gpioVersion()) ;
if (gpioInitialise() < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"loading radioberry firmware : gpio could not be initialized. \n");
gpioSetMode(iPinCONF_DONE, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetMode(iPinNSTATUS, PI_INPUT);
gpioSetMode(oPinNCONFIG, PI_OUTPUT);
gpioSetMode(oPinDATA, PI_OUTPUT);
gpioSetMode(oPinDCLK, PI_OUTPUT);
/* Open programming file as READ and in BINARY */
file_id = fopen_rbf( filename, "rb" );
if ( file_id )
fprintf( stdout, "Info: Programming file: \"%s\" opened...\n", filename );
fprintf( stderr, "Error: Could not open programming file: \"%s\"\n", filename );
return -1;
/* Processing and Programming */
processFileInput( file_id );
if ( file_id )
return 0;
void processFileInput( int finputid )
int seek_position = 0; /* file pointer position */
long int file_size = 0; /* programming file size */
int one_byte = 0; /* the byte to program */
long int i = 0; /* standard counter variable */
/* Get file size */
seek_position = fseek_rbf( finputid, 0, S_END );
if ( seek_position )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: End of file could not be located!\n" );
file_size = ftell_rbf( finputid );
fprintf( stdout, "Info: Programming file size: %ld\n", file_size );
fseek_rbf( finputid, 0, S_SET );
/* Start configuration */
if (prepareLoading() == -1) return;
/* Loop through every single byte */
for ( i = 0; i < file_size; i++ )
one_byte = fgetc_rbf( finputid );
programByte( one_byte );
/* Check if loading succeeded*/
if (gpioRead(iPinNSTATUS) == 0) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error: programming failed; nstatus is low\n" );
} else if(gpioRead(iPinCONF_DONE) == 0) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error: programming failed; conf done is low\n" );
/* Initialize device */
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 1);
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 0);
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 1);
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 0);
fprintf( stdout, "Info: programming succeeded\n" );
void programByte( int one_byte )
int bit = 0;
int i = 0;
/* write from LSb to MSb */
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
bit = one_byte >> i;
bit = bit & 0x1;
gpioWrite(oPinDATA, bit);
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 1);
gpioWrite(oPinDCLK, 0);
int prepareLoading()
fprintf( stdout, "Info: prepareLoading\n" );
gpioWrite (oPinNCONFIG, 0) ;
gpioWrite (oPinDATA, 0) ;
gpioWrite (oPinDCLK, 0) ;
gpioWrite (oPinNCONFIG, 1) ;
int count = 0;
while (gpioRead(iPinNSTATUS) == 0) {
if (count >= 255) {
fprintf( stderr, "Error: prepareLoading failed\n" );
return -1;
return 0;
int fopen_rbf( char argv[], char* mode)
FILE* file_id;
file_id = fopen( argv, mode );
return (int) file_id;
int fclose_rbf( int file_id)
fclose( (FILE*) file_id);
return 0;
int fseek_rbf( int finputid, int start, int end )
int seek_position;
seek_position = fseek( (FILE*) finputid, start, end );
return seek_position;
int ftell_rbf( int finputid )
int file_size;
file_size = ftell( (FILE*) finputid );
return file_size;
int fgetc_rbf( int finputid )
int one_byte;
one_byte = fgetc( (FILE*) finputid );
return one_byte;