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// HPSDR - High Performance Software Defined Radio
// Hermes code.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// Polyphase decimating filter
// Based on firX8R8 by James Ahlstrom, N2ADR, (C) 2011
// Modified for use with HPSDR and DC spur removed by Phil Harman, VK6APH, (C) 2013
// This is a decimate by 8 Polyphase FIR filter. Since it decimates by 8 the output signal
// level will be 1/8 the input level. The filter coeficients are distributed between the 8
// FIR filters such that the first FIR receives coeficients 0, 7, 15... the second 1, 8, 16.. the
// third 2, 9, 17.. etc. The coeficients are calculated as per normal but there is no need to
// compensate for the sinx/x shape of the preceeding CIC filters. This is because the filter
// decimates by 8 and the droop of the CIC at 1/8th its fs/2 is neglibible.
// The filter coefficients are in the file "coefL8.txt". This is split into 8 individual
// Quartus ROM *.mif files.
// The filter coefficients are also attenuated such that the result of the multiply and accumalate
// does not exceed 24 bits.
// Note: Gain is higher than previous filter code by 6dB so reduce outside this module.
// FIR filters
// ROM init file: REQUIRED, with 256 or 512 coefficients. See below.
// Number of taps: NTAPS.
// Input bits: 18 fixed.
// Output bits: OBITS, default 24.
// Adder bits: ABITS, default 24.
// This requires eight MifFile's.
// Maximum NTAPS is 8 * (previous and current decimation) less overhead.
// Maximum NTAPS is 2048 (or less).
module firX8R8 (
input clock,
input x_avail, // new sample is available
input signed [MBITS-1:0] x_real, // x is the sample input
input signed [MBITS-1:0] x_imag,
output reg y_avail, // new output is available
output wire signed [OBITS-1:0] y_real, // y is the filtered output
output wire signed [OBITS-1:0] y_imag);
localparam ADDRBITS = 8; // Address bits for 18/36 X 256 rom/ram blocks
localparam MBITS = 18; // multiplier bits == input bits
TAPS = NTAPS / 8, // Must be even by 8
ABITS = 24, // adder bits
OBITS = 24, // output bits
NTAPS = 976; // number of filter taps, even by 8
reg [4:0] wstate; // state machine for write samples
reg [ADDRBITS-1:0] waddr; // write sample memory address
reg weA, weB, weC, weD, weE, weF, weG, weH;
reg signed [ABITS-1:0] Racc, Iacc;
wire signed [ABITS-1:0] RaccA, RaccB, RaccC, RaccD, RaccE, RaccF, RaccG, RaccH;
wire signed [ABITS-1:0] IaccA, IaccB, IaccC, IaccD, IaccE, IaccF, IaccG, IaccH;
// Output is the result of adding 8 by 24 bit results so Racc and Iacc need to be
// 24 + log2(8) = 24 + 3 = 27 bits wide to prevent DC spur.
// However, since we decimate by 8 the output will be 1/8 the input. Hence we
// use 24 bits for the Accumulators.
assign y_real = Racc[ABITS-1:0];
assign y_imag = Iacc[ABITS-1:0];
wstate = 0;
waddr = 0;
always @(posedge clock)
if (wstate == 8) wstate <= wstate + 1'd1; // used to set y_avail
if (wstate == 9) begin
wstate <= 0; // reset state machine and increment RAM write address
waddr <= waddr + 1'd1;
if (x_avail)
wstate <= wstate + 1'd1;
case (wstate)
0: begin // wait for the first x input
Racc <= RaccA; // add accumulators
Iacc <= IaccA;
1: begin // wait for the next x input
Racc <= Racc + RaccB;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccB;
2: begin
Racc <= Racc + RaccC;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccC;
3: begin
Racc <= Racc + RaccD;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccD;
4: begin
Racc <= Racc + RaccE;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccE;
5: begin
Racc <= Racc + RaccF;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccF;
6: begin
Racc <= Racc + RaccG;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccG;
7: begin // wait for the last x input
Racc <= Racc + RaccH;
Iacc <= Iacc + IaccH;
// Enable each FIR in sequence
assign weA = (x_avail && wstate == 0);
assign weB = (x_avail && wstate == 1);
assign weC = (x_avail && wstate == 2);
assign weD = (x_avail && wstate == 3);
assign weE = (x_avail && wstate == 4);
assign weF = (x_avail && wstate == 5);
assign weG = (x_avail && wstate == 6);
assign weH = (x_avail && wstate == 7);
// at end of sequence indicate new data is available
assign y_avail = (wstate == 8);
fir256 #("coefL8A.mif", ABITS, TAPS) A (clock, waddr, weA, x_real, x_imag, RaccA, IaccA);
fir256 #("coefL8B.mif", ABITS, TAPS) B (clock, waddr, weB, x_real, x_imag, RaccB, IaccB);
fir256 #("coefL8C.mif", ABITS, TAPS) C (clock, waddr, weC, x_real, x_imag, RaccC, IaccC);
fir256 #("coefL8D.mif", ABITS, TAPS) D (clock, waddr, weD, x_real, x_imag, RaccD, IaccD);
fir256 #("coefL8E.mif", ABITS, TAPS) E (clock, waddr, weE, x_real, x_imag, RaccE, IaccE);
fir256 #("coefL8F.mif", ABITS, TAPS) F (clock, waddr, weF, x_real, x_imag, RaccF, IaccF);
fir256 #("coefL8G.mif", ABITS, TAPS) G (clock, waddr, weG, x_real, x_imag, RaccG, IaccG);
fir256 #("coefL8H.mif", ABITS, TAPS) H (clock, waddr, weH, x_real, x_imag, RaccH, IaccH);
// This filter waits until a new sample is written to memory at waddr. Then
// it starts by multiplying that sample by coef[0], the next prior sample
// by coef[1], (etc.) and accumulating. For R=8 decimation, coef[1] is the
// coeficient 8 prior to coef[0].
// When reading from the RAM we need to allow 3 clock pulses from presenting the
// read address until the data is available.
module fir256(
input clock,
input [ADDRBITS-1:0] waddr, // memory write address
input we, // memory write enable
input signed [MBITS-1:0] x_real, // sample to write
input signed [MBITS-1:0] x_imag,
output signed [ABITS-1:0] Raccum,
output signed [ABITS-1:0] Iaccum
localparam ADDRBITS = 8; // Address bits for 18/36 X 256 rom/ram blocks
localparam MBITS = 18; // multiplier bits == input bits
parameter MifFile = "xx.mif"; // ROM coefficients
parameter ABITS = 0; // adder bits
parameter TAPS = 0; // number of filter taps, max 2**ADDRBITS
reg [ADDRBITS-1:0] raddr, caddr; // read address for sample and coef
wire [MBITS*2-1:0] q; // I/Q sample read from memory
reg [MBITS*2-1:0] reg_q;
wire signed [MBITS-1:0] q_real, q_imag; // I/Q sample read from memory
wire signed [MBITS-1:0] coef; // coefficient read from memory
reg signed [MBITS-1:0] reg_coef;
reg signed [MBITS*2-1:0] Rmult, Imult; // multiplier result
reg signed [MBITS*2-1:0] RmultSum, ImultSum; // multiplier result
reg [ADDRBITS:0] counter; // count TAPS samples
//reg fir_step; // Pipeline register for fir
assign q_real = reg_q[MBITS*2-1:MBITS];
assign q_imag = reg_q[MBITS-1:0];
firromH #(MifFile) rom (caddr, clock, coef); // coefficient ROM 18 X 256
firram36 ram (clock, {x_real, x_imag}, raddr, waddr, we, q); // sample RAM 36 X 256; 36 bit == 18 bits I and 18 bits Q
always @(posedge clock)
if (we) // Wait until a new sample is written to memory
counter = TAPS[ADDRBITS:0] + 4; // count samples and pipeline latency (delay of 3 clocks from address being presented)
raddr = waddr; // read address -> newest sample
caddr = 1'd0; // start at coefficient zero
Raccum <= 0;
Iaccum <= 0;
Rmult <= 0;
Imult <= 0;
//fir_step <= 1'b1;
begin // main pipeline here
if (counter < (TAPS[ADDRBITS:0] + 2))
//if (fir_step)
Rmult <= q_real * reg_coef;
Raccum <= Raccum + Rmult[35:12] + Rmult[11]; // truncate 36 bits down to 24 bits to prevent DC spur
//fir_step <= 1'b0;
Imult <= q_imag * reg_coef;
Iaccum <= Iaccum + Imult[35:12] + Imult[11];
//fir_step <= 1'b1;
//if (~fir_step & (counter > 0))
if (counter > 0)
counter <= counter - 1'd1;
raddr <= raddr - 1'd1; // move to prior sample
caddr <= caddr + 1'd1; // move to next coefficient
reg_q <= q;
reg_coef <= coef;